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br3aking porn


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We live in a culture that constantly curses. They use the phrase "Oh My God" like the phrase "I love you". Totally, cool to just say without meaning.


So it's no wonder older Christians have picked up on it. Just really sad.


Basically, we've been attacked by Satan and his forces working overtime to desensitize us to what is right and wrong. And he's doing a good job.


innernette :emotawesomepm9:

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Can you be 'freed' from homosexuality?

by HeGreaterILess » Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:14 am


I think that Tim's probably right.


For some, perhaps the temptation never goes away, but the more time you spend resisting temptation, the easier it can become to resist.


however, statistically a lot of lesbians end up switching to opposite-sex attraction after around 6 years.


so who knows you could be closer to being 'freed' than you think.






come on rog, she can make some nice cash doing girl on girl pron before her lesbianism wears off and she has to get a regular job.

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Guest disparaissant

i thought this was a sequel to breakin' and breakin' 2: electric boogaloo but also with porn.

consider me disappointed.

wanna see turbo pleasing himself with a broom on a ceiling.

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Let's put it this way--I don't think that fighting against porn and masturbation is completely beyond the pale and something to make fun of: religious influence or not. I think that if you don't stand your ground on some things...I don't give a fuck about God or what religion tells you...there will be trouble because life will move too fast and you won't realize something was bad for you until its already done some degree of damage. Just sayin'



porn is like alcohol its really bad for you but for some reason its completely legal... yet another fucked up thing in scoiety that will eventually contribute to the downfall of humanity

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what so just because I think porn is bad that automatically makes me a hate activist? maybe you need some personal introspection yourself, or maybe some help from a fellow Christian such as myself.


its not max hardcore its Fred Phelps who this person apparently thinks is on the same level as anyone who thinks porn is bad. not my fault you like to jerk off to midgets

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Porn isn't bad at all as far as Ron Jeremy and Jenna Jameson go. They and other Porn Stars love their job. They also go to great lengths to avoid STDs (although Herpes is unavoidable).


When porn strays away from the Porn Stars and the Porn Guilds, yea, it is a pretty bad/scummy business.

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although there are a number of lols within..


when you actually properly think about porn its pretty horrific. wanking to what are most likely abused, drug-addicted hopeless woman having sex for a couple of hundred dollars. its easy to look at it superficially and just see the act, rather than actually think about the reality.

The older I get, the more I feel this way. Make no mistake, I wank at will to all varieties of YouPorn and RedTube but that seems to make it worse because I'm not even paying for their work. I notice that I have to shuffle through more and more videos because I get sick of the 15 dicks-one chick, throatfucking, gagging, spitting on junk, unnecessary roughness and forced anal--which is so sickeningly obvious when there's so little lube and the dick is collapsing against how tight and un-ready the girl is.



I have to disagree with you all there. I'm sure that stuff is out there, but imo you have to look for it. In my day to day pron travels i NEVER come across "violent" or "forced" pron. Even if the title isn't a dead give away (they almost always are), you can tell the tone of the pron by whether or not the actress has mascara running down her face in the thumbnail. Just don't click the shit if it seems "off". I don't get off on shit like that either, but geeze, MOST of the porn out there that I've seen DOES NOT depict actresses who are obviously drug addicted or "hopeless", and for the record, you don't have to be desperate to star in porn, and to say that most porn actresses are abused and drug addicted just isn't true anymore.


what so just because I think porn is bad that automatically makes me a hate activist?


No, you're just a fuckin idiot.


Also, amateur prons ftw. 0$ involved and more honest product.

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prey tell, how am I a "fuckin" idiot and not just normal one?


everyone is entitled to their opinions, just because they may conflict with yours, does not equate to them being "fuckin" idiots. then again im probably just asting my time.



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prey tell, how am I a "fuckin" idiot and not just normal one?


everyone is entitled to their opinions, just because they may conflict with yours, does not equate to them being "fuckin" idiots. then again im probably just asting my time.




I don't believe the "opinons" you type are the way you really feel regarding this matter.

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what so just because I think porn is bad that automatically makes me a hate activist? maybe you need some personal introspection yourself, or maybe some help from a fellow Christian such as myself.


its not max hardcore its Fred Phelps who this person apparently thinks is on the same level as anyone who thinks porn is bad. not my fault you like to jerk off to midgets


lol the picture in response to your downfall of humanity comment, not your views on porn, which I could give a shit about.

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Guest ezkerraldean

lol christians


lol the picture in response to your downfall of humanity comment, not your views on porn, which I couldn't give a shit about.




not a very productive post i know. sorry wattum lol

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not my fault you like to jerk off to midgets


no it's not. it's not your business either. so he likes a little porn, not a big deal.


puns intended.

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