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Guest Helper ET

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why arent you in mumu et



Why is ET's presence so important in your Mumu listening sessions?

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why arent you in mumu et



Why is ET's presence so important in your Mumu listening sessions?


Cause they're from the same little city in Alberta.

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post some of your music already, ET


remember so very long ago when you liked my music. i've located some special things on the outskirts of my previous awareness. i'm speaking in blatant code. new formats have become possible. i feel as though an alignment is taking place at this very moment. it could be very small but, but still.



don't read into this post.

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Guest Helper ET

why arent you in mumu etwtf


dude sorry, im trying to get rid of my fish, and the chick at the bar near my house has been leading me on for like 3 days. no time for mumu unfortunately. its ok, rixxx and bambi are at bloc anyway. thats half of our club




how new are you here? id look underneath your username, but i dont have time (seriously, im in the reply page now). ive long since stoppit using punctuation. it is a waste of time, easier to type out, and proper grammar is incredibly difficult to use with perfection, so why bother at all, and all the idiots who like to attack other people with a fault, dont even have a complete understanding of it themselves. i always ensure that my posts are grammatically correct enough to read easily, so youre just being a dink for posting "we're". wow, a quotation mark, im a retard. is punctuation even under the same category as grammar? i dont know, nor do i have time to find out. the ones who like to post like you did, think they are brilliantly clever, but im sorry, youre making an ass out of yourself more than you are impressing people. not an attack!!! lets be friends dude (naw)


why arent you in mumu et
mumu in Germany is a word for vagina




why arent you in mumu etwtf
Why is ET's presence so important in your Mumu listening sessions?


youre not in the club, you have no idea (oh shit i just broke the first 2 rules of the club)


ET will never be in mumu lol


you just dont get it man, do you? i am human (not alien) (or am i?)


why arent you in mumu etwtf
Why is ET's presence so important in your Mumu listening sessions?
Cause they're from the same little city in Alberta.


not only is that not true, were not even in the same province. nice try though...another failed attempt by chengay



post some of your music already, ETremember so very long ago when you liked my music. i've located some special things on the outskirts of my previous awareness. i'm speaking in blatant code. new formats have become possible. i feel as though an alignment is taking place at this very moment. it could be very small but, but still.don't read into this post.


oh i remember. in fact i remember quite well. and when you said "liked my music", that insinuates that i dont like it anymore. allow me to tell you, that i think, sunny day highways "hello", is one of my favorite albums of all time, and i would take that so far as to say, that i think its one of the greatest albums ever written. dont listen to these fools man, theyve been bashing the shit out of you lately. youre awesome. dont leave, and keep your chin up


He doesn't have time to learn the basics of spelling!! Give him a break. [said in a friendly and warm manner]


ya, who has the time these days, who has the time?

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