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Guest Fishtank

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Guest Z_B_Z

im not sure if this administration is extremely out of touch, or just incredibly savvy with pr. the sad reality of the fact is that americans care more about basketball than they do about..most other things..

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

im not sure if this administration is extremely out of touch, or just incredibly savvy with pr. the sad reality of the fact is that americans care more about basketball than they do about..most other things..


yes, and everything should always be 100% serious all of the time (ever).. :whistling:

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Guest Z_B_Z

im not sure if this administration is extremely out of touch, or just incredibly savvy with pr. the sad reality of the fact is that americans care more about basketball than they do about..most other things..


yes, and everything should always be 100% serious all of the time (ever).. :whistling:


yeah thats not what i was saying.

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Guest El_Chemso

Can't imagine Gordon or Cameron doing anything like this with out looking like an utter tool. Obama is just a cool dude I think.

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did you guys catch the little nods to the aid efforts before he went into the brackets? This bracketology took what, 10 minutes? Then it was back to the grind when he was done.

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guess I'll reopen a can of worms, but why is Obama destroying America? From a distance, seems to me he's been an adequate, middle-of-the-road presence so far. Did he fuck up with the health care issue, bailouts, or some other issues? Perhaps, I'm not in a position to say - but seemingly not nearly on a scale as the things Bush did.

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well did you watch the press conference he had on japan today or not?


I'm guessing you didn't...


i saw it, but don't you think his responses have been awfully late or delayed? His first statements about japan were shockingly weak


so far Obama is the worst president at seeming generically 'presidential' that i've ever seen in my lifetime. I'm very surprised that he isn't able to channel any of that commandeering vibe in his actual presidency that he was during his campaign


edit: and no i'm not even talking about his abominable human rights records, his refusal to close gitmo, his refusal to reverse any of the civil liberties encroaching policies set out by bush or anything of that nature, im talking strictly froma generic american proud of your president point of view, and from that view Obama is doing a fucking bad job. As stupid/retarded as george bush was he at least knew how to play the 'act like a confident president' game much better than Obama imo

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but seemingly not nearly on a scale as the things Bush did.


it's like the south park episode comparing a turd sandwich to a douche. While true that Dick Cheney and his 'crazies' caused more damage that is immediately detectable than Obama (so far)


what the Obama administration has allowed/codified is in some ways more long term damaging and dangerous for us than what Bush did. His damage was very easily seen and felt everywhere. Obama's damage is much more insidious, actually making a lot of the previous damage bush did seem 'normal'.



people who railed against Bush but make excuses for Obama, i'm waiting for you to populate the thread and try to explain how he's doing great things for the country


*puts on boxing gloves*


to set a few ground rules, factually false statements should be avoided like


-Obama got us out of Iraq

(we actually still have 50,000 troops there, people still dying from warfare, just less american soldiers)


-Obama gave us all cheap and in some cases healthcare

(you actually now get fined if you don't buy into a private healthcare plan, the bill 2 days within it's passing made the stocks rise substantially for the 3 major health insurance companies)

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Guest Z_B_Z

guess I'll reopen a can of worms, but why is Obama destroying America? From a distance, seems to me he's been an adequate, middle-of-the-road presence so far. Did he fuck up with the health care issue, bailouts, or some other issues? Perhaps, I'm not in a position to say - but seemingly not nearly on a scale as the things Bush did.


you cant change the direction of a country and curtail right wing extremism with an "adequate, middle-of-the-road presence." weak health care bill, frequent kowtowing to an increasingly inflexible and irrational republican party, lame, half assed troop withdrawals, sanctioned torture of bradley manning..

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The Healthcare bill is a foot in the door. The Obama Administration doesn't want America to forever use this system. They want to improve it and make it more like other nations.


I don't have a problem with Obama. Seriously, what were you expecting when he got elected, a Left-Wing takeover? He's a Democrat. Moderate Liberals.



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Guest Z_B_Z

not all democrats are moderate, but yeah, most of them are. this is why the bill was weak (im sorry but we need more than that, and now) and this is why the republicans are able to get more of their agenda passed. theyre more extreme.

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not all democrats are moderate, but yeah, most of them are. this is why the bill was weak (im sorry but we need more than that, and now) and this is why the republicans are able to get more of their agenda passed. theyre more extreme.

I'd like to have the bill now as well, but that just couldn't happen. Nobody agrees on it, so it got watered down. From what I've heard Obama say, and from the original draft of the bill, I would think he wants a better more extreme health care bill.


In conclusion, I do not blame Obama for much that has happened, I mostly blame congress. I feel like he's been on best behavior for these 1st 4 years, I am eager to see if he does anything awesome his next (hopefully) 4 years.


And Yea, democrats had filibuster for christ sake, and they still couldn't get shit done their way. Republicans are a hell of a lot more uniform.

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As stupid/retarded as george bush was he at least knew how to play the 'act like a confident president' game much better than Obama imo

So would you rather have a retard lying to you saying that everything is "mission complete" or a guy that says "I don't know what the fuck is going on and I'm not going to pretend that I do."?

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