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Guest underscore

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Couldn't get into it until I saw this episode.

Dad dicks.

Hilarious writing all through that episode.


I kind of wish that the show was a bit more realistic, and that the three main characters were fucked up losers versus the whole universe of people being pretty off. Suffers from "Gentleman Broncos" syndrome to those who saw that film. Needs more normal people to ground it.

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i think the problem with this show for me, is that they really arent funny people. some of the writing is great, and the situations they land themselves in are absurd and interesting, but yeah. their mannerisms and demeanour really arent that funny, they just seem like duuuuuuuuude dickhead american kids ala all sort of shitty college movies and shit.


loius ck, on the other hand, could tell a reasonably plain tale and still have me giggling just from the way he phrases things and his facial expressions. he is just a genuine pleasure to listen to.

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i really want to like this show, but i've watched a couple episodes high and sober and not laughed once. Maybe my sense of humor is dying

me too... i dunno, i keep watching parks, office, idiot abroad and this show fails to deliver the same amount of lols...


i would try to make a convincing case you just have low brow taste in comedy (parks/american office), but i won't spend the effort. If you've already said you also dig 30 rock, my case has already been made for me, thank you.


haha lol so douchey but i agree

good dog :duckhunt:
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Guest Mirezzi

I made it 6 minutes into the first episode. It really doesn't matter where it was headed because I wasn't the least bit interested. Like watered down Apatow / Superbad zzzz.


..or worse...American Pie.

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if the movie American Pie had a 30 minute scene of characters setting up a make shift slaughter house in their kitchen i think i'd actually sit through it. But yeah instead of fucking apple pies, Workaholics prefers quasi necrophilic teabags to dead old ladies set to rap music, its much more my style i think


sorry if this has already been posted


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