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movies and snacks poll



42 members have voted

  1. 1. do you prefer to watch movies while eating snacks ?

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I find snacks distracting, strangely enough.

i might have disagreed with you several years ago, but more and more i'm realizing i feel the exact same way. then again, i'm slowly realizing i don't care about food much in general.

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I don't care either way, where's my option.


I must say though that most movies aren't engrossing enough that the eating of snacks would disturb you. Other people eating their snacks, in the theatre on the other hand. GOD DAMNIT !! KILL THEM ALL !!

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Guest disparaissant

I don't care either way, where's my option.


I must say though that most movies aren't engrossing enough that the eating of snacks would disturb you. Other people eating their snacks, in the theatre on the other hand. GOD DAMNIT !! KILL THEM ALL !!

this pretty much.


everyone i've gone to movies with in the last year or so has been absolutely enraging re: watching movies and eating snacks. GONNA GET A GIANT BAG OF SOMETHING AND CRINKLE IT and maybe my standards are too high and i am forever alone

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Not really. It doesn't take genius to realise that there are loud bits and soft bits in films. Take your shit out of the packets when the volume is peaking, and everybody's happy.


Unfortunately, most people aren't genius' and even if they were, they still wouldn't give a fuck (Or be distracted from eating during the noisy bits). This is why the theatre chains need to redesign the packaging for some items. Or have dispensers for crisps and the like, as people eating out of bowls is less noisy.

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i guess this thread could have had a theater and home option. i watch movies at home more and i can make all the noise i want...

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Cereal, Haagen-Dazs, or Kimchi noodle soup with two eggs cracked into it. Those are my three most common movie snacks at home. The only time I ever have chips or pop corn is when other people are around for it. And yeah, I find I do impulsively need to eat something at least at some point during the watching of any movie, unless it's in the theatre.

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