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facebook gets boring


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how do you date girls on FB? I find people are really freaked out when you message them on FB. I feel like im stalking them. Which i am I guess.

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

i'm always making lame ass wise guy status updates when i'm drunk on facebook about love and truth and consciousness and i feel so good about it and then i wake up the next morning and i'm like why the fuck did i say something like that on facebook?


i used to do that, way back in the day, on livejournal, probably friendster, and also probably myspace. thank god for becoming wiser with age, if not slowing down on the drinking very much :beer:

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Guest dese manz hatin

how do you date girls on FB? I find people are really freaked out when you message them on FB. I feel like im stalking them. Which i am I guess.

yeah i don't really understand that either. on other networks (before facebook was catching on here in germany) i used to get messaged by lame little girls all the time. on facebook not even one stranger has sent me a message yet (and i haven't either)... luckily, but i wonder what's the reason behind that?

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i deactivated my account yesterday and am feeling good!


And the best thing is, you can log back in any time if you want to stalk people. Thanks Facebook!

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i deactivated too. yeah, it does feel good. the conversations on FB were playing in my head and I was always trying to think of something witty to say. Then of course delete the comment 5 seconds later.


Its a bad site for people that embarrass easily. Its nice that no one knows what Im up to. Even though I know Im pissing my old college friends off. Absence makes the heart grow fonder

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Guest Enter a new display name

To me, Facebook is about wasting a lot of time and having too much social expectations. I should disable my account but I would instantly become a hermit, considering I have no cellphone anymore. 6zfWq.gif

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To me, WATMM is about wasting a lot of time and having too much social expectations. I should disable my account but I would instantly become a hermit, considering I have no cellphone anymore. 6zfWq.gif





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Guest dese manz hatin

I didn't have a cell phone for seven months last year, and that was before I joined facebook.


Looking back, how the fuck have I survived that without losing all my friends

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Looks like facebook has copied google+. They now allow you to tailor whom you are letting view your status updates. It's hardly as simple as circles, but it's a start.


edit: actually you can't just add people whom you would like to view the post. So whatever. It's lame.

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facebook is pretty good i reckon. i have a stream of about 600-700 people, i dont feel like i actually need to be friends with them to enjoy their chatter, and they are all people ive known at one point in my life.



also me and my friends have quite alot of fun fraping each other whenever we get the chance, you have to be subtle about it, the best one was convincing about 50 people on a guys account that he had been a convicted rapist when younger. that cropped up some amazing chat. i recently got done with everyone being told that i managed to get back into college for this year, for two weeks people have been coming up and congratulating me, every single time i have to let them down and tell them im actually still a bum.

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Yeah... I have a friend who is always sharing what I post whenever I post an update on an album or what's going on with the label. I never share what he's doing and he asked me to about a month ago when he made a new video. Because I can't support something I don't like.


A friend asked me to support his new band by 'liking' it and posting updates about their shit. I told him I wouldn't do it because 1, I have never heard his band (And quite frankly don't want to, his last few have just been indie hipster rock shite), and 2, he won't even listen to mine because it has no vocals/lyrics/guitars/skinny jeans, and has actually trashed my music without ever hearing it. He got quite upset and said I wasn't being a very good friend. I shrugged and told him I won't support music I don't like, no matter who made it. He got even more upset and called me a shallow idiot. :derp:

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how do you date girls on FB? I find people are really freaked out when you message them on FB. I feel like im stalking them. Which i am I guess.

Ask a mutual friend (one you know well that can vouch for you, works really well if the mutual friend is a gal) to hook the two of you up. It's worked for me a few times.


I fucking hate the "dude-bro-brah like my band and ill like yours!" It isn't even about the music, wtf?

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Yeah... I have a friend who is always sharing what I post whenever I post an update on an album or what's going on with the label. I never share what he's doing and he asked me to about a month ago when he made a new video. Because I can't support something I don't like.


A friend asked me to support his new band by 'liking' it and posting updates about their shit. I told him I wouldn't do it because 1, I have never heard his band (And quite frankly don't want to, his last few have just been indie hipster rock shite), and 2, he won't even listen to mine because it has no vocals/lyrics/guitars/skinny jeans, and has actually trashed my music without ever hearing it. He got quite upset and said I wasn't being a very good friend. I shrugged and told him I won't support music I don't like, no matter who made it. He got even more upset and called me a shallow idiot. :derp:



Well lay it on him about being douchy towards your music. Go on the offensive, be a man. Then tell him to fuck off or stop being such a pussy.




Yes, yet another of life's problems solved by the great master, deleeta.

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I like to read updates from old friends from school, and I follow major tv shows and movie pages, etc. That's about it. I check the site maybe twice a week though and it's by no means a necessity, but it's just another way of communicating with people long gone and a good spot for updates from media people.

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how do you date girls on FB? I find people are really freaked out when you message them on FB. I feel like im stalking them. Which i am I guess.

Ask a mutual friend (one you know well that can vouch for you, works really well if the mutual friend is a gal) to hook the two of you up. It's worked for me a few times.


I fucking hate the "dude-bro-brah like my band and ill like yours!" It isn't even about the music, wtf?


thanks. good technique now i just have to get friends never mind mutual ones

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Yeah... I have a friend who is always sharing what I post whenever I post an update on an album or what's going on with the label. I never share what he's doing and he asked me to about a month ago when he made a new video. Because I can't support something I don't like.


A friend asked me to support his new band by 'liking' it and posting updates about their shit. I told him I wouldn't do it because 1, I have never heard his band (And quite frankly don't want to, his last few have just been indie hipster rock shite), and 2, he won't even listen to mine because it has no vocals/lyrics/guitars/skinny jeans, and has actually trashed my music without ever hearing it. He got quite upset and said I wasn't being a very good friend. I shrugged and told him I won't support music I don't like, no matter who made it. He got even more upset and called me a shallow idiot. :derp:



Well lay it on him about being douchy towards your music. Go on the offensive, be a man. Then tell him to fuck off or stop being such a pussy.




Yes, yet another of life's problems solved by the great master, deleeta.


I've called him out on his douche-ness before. Ends with him trashing me further, looking even more like an ass, and me laughing at his unfounded, closed-minded opinion. To each his own. If he wants to dislike (my) music without listening to it because it has no lyrics, so be it. It's his loss, not mine.

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I went round a friends place today and mentioned that i was wanting to sell my old fridge. He stated that he didn't need to replace his. But that i should just ask on facebook if anyone needs a fridge.


I lold inside.


I have next to no one on facebook, at least living in this city.


hrmm, the rest of this post is first world problems.

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I just read that two 20 yo guys who created a facebook event for rioting in London (which nobody attended, save for the police who were monitoring) got four years in prison, how fucking crazy is that? I don't understand how having your conversations with friends being recorded 24/7 by the government isn't scary to most people.

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I just read that two 20 yo guys who created a facebook event for rioting in London (which nobody attended, save for the police who were monitoring) got four years in prison, how fucking crazy is that? I don't understand how having your conversations with friends being recorded 24/7 by the government isn't scary to most people.

posted on an internet forum.


best reseal that tinfoil hat and go back underground.

welcome to the internet.

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