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Mastodon - The Hunter


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Reading some of the YouTube comments for Curl of the Burl, it's true that it sounds quite Ozzy/Black Sabbath, QOTSA, and Corrosion of Conformity. Not that that's a bad thing by any means...you can still hear Mastodon.

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Reading some of the YouTube comments for Curl of the Burl, it's true that it sounds quite Ozzy/Black Sabbath, QOTSA, and Corrosion of Conformity. Not that that's a bad thing by any means...you can still hear Mastodon.


i thought that about crack the skye too. especially the czar.



i might have to get this on vinyl if only for that sleeve


they usually do very good special editions.

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That's by far the catchiest Mastodon song to date, and also one of the goofiest possible catch phrases to use for a hook/title. Definitely hearing a QOTSA vibe in there, and Corrosion of Conformity oddly enough despite not actually being familiar with them at all... I just remember hearing one of their songs in the 90s and that's what sprang to mind when i heard this. I'm liking the subtle Queen-ish background vox on the chorus. This is a bit of a surprising new direction for them.

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I just realized the song it reminded me of is "Clean my Wounds" by CoC, which has the same melody as the refrain in this song, but it's in the verse and with a slightly different rhythm. It's weird that I was reminded of that song before I actually remembered how it went...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

it's definitely not terrible. it feels pretty scattered and almost like a collection of b-sides or someone doing their best mastodon impersonation. there are a few good songs but overall a let down compared to all their other albums.

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I'm a new convert to Mastodon and I think this album is fucking killer. And I had just recently watched that episode of Intervention that the lyrics of "Curl of the Burl" are about.



He delusionally thinks that collecting burl (a tumorous growth on trees) will fund his ridiculously expensive meth addiction.


"This is burl country dude, I'm telling you."

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I've played it twice, a bit underwhelmed also. The production seems a little lacking, it doesn't seem as technical and well-played as past releases, yet isn't raw or all that aggressive either. Obviously 2 listens is not enough for me to form a valid opinion yet, but those are initial reactions and I'll play it again...maybe after what I'm listening to now is done.

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