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do you work out?


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On the milk tip, I would advise anyone on the west coast to reconsider drinking lots of milk. Studies have shown that pretty much all of the west coast produce has been contaminated with radiation from Fukashima, and that the highest concentration seems to be in dairy, as the cows eat the produce, and the result is that the particles are more densely concentrated in dairy products.


Of course the produce is tainted as well, so basically we are all going to get cancer later... but it might be wise to try and minimize sources of elevated radiation. I love how no news orgs are talking about this by the way. (or the fact that the fuel rods are still exposed and a 6.0 earthquake could cause the cooling waters to leak out, and have the fuel rods explode into the atmosphere, as they are not covered or secured, and it will basically blanket the earth with levels of radiation we have never seen before. but hey, let's run another news segment on Snooki, and pretend Fukashima never happened)




On a more upbeat note, I love eggs. I eat them almost everyday for breakfast.


Also, has anyone heard of spirulina? Apparently it's a superfood, a complete protein, and a human could live off of only it and water. Allegedly.

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jesus christ guys, i am incredibly out of shape.



Ended up playing basketball with some co workers for two hours, and I was fucking exhausted after the first 30 minutes (game of 21). Im probably gonna be ridiculously sore tomorrow, but im gonna have a big meal...I hope I didn't push myself too hard, but Im damn proud of myself for hanging in there that long with people much younger and healthier than me.


Basketball has to be one of the most intense activities you could do (maybe?)


Goddamn Im probably going to eat, shower, fart, and collapse.

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I pulled something on my right foot so havent been able to do running, jumping around like I have been. So I switched to biking but its just not the same. I hope my foot heals soon. I dont want to have to go to a doctor.

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i find dogs to be the most worrisome part about being a jogger. Had a pit bull run up to me OUT OF NOWHERE (alone) in the park the other day. Turned out to be a nice dog, but still..

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i find dogs to be the most worrisome part about being a jogger. Had a pit bull run up to me OUT OF NOWHERE (alone) in the park the other day. Turned out to be a nice dog, but still..


Yeah, pitties have a bad reputation so that would be scary! Not sure if it's going to lick you to death or rip your nutsack off (since they tend to be at the general crotch level...).



I'm just getting back into working out now. The last two weeks have been super intense at school and work, I've only had about 45 minutes to spare a day for food and to shit.


Back to p90x and doing a quick purge/cleanse of the system. Chicken and fish for two weeks straight, borderline ketogenic diet for the two weeks. I'm not sure if thats safe or whatever but I get amazing results with it and feel great after the two weeks my body stays in overdrive.

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Smetty - if you want to do cardio, try doing this sort of exercise.

45 seconds of situps/crunches (good form) then 15 seconds rest

45 seconds of front plank, 15 seconds rest

45 seconds of side plank, 15 seconds rest

45 seconds of side plank (other side), 15 seconds rest

45 seconds of leg raises, 15 seconds rest

your reward is 45 seconds of aquaman at the end. Aquaman is just lying on your front, raise your left arm/right leg, then right arm/left leg - it works your lower back.


When that gets easy, add the following in front of those exercises: 3x400m sprint full out. 1 minute rest in between the sets.

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jesus...that sounds way too complicated for a newbie like me.


im trying to build up to a complete workout so I can get used to putting away time and getting into the right mindset...I have a feeling a lot of you have been at this in some form for a while...its hard for me to get into "the zone", gotta concentrate and get pumped up.


but I can say with great enthusiasm that despite the absolutely exhausting workout playing bball, I was able to complete a 10 hour shift starting at the ass crack of dawn with tons and tons of energy....my legs are still pretty damn sore but man I forgot how much energy you have after getting into an exercise routine.


Going to take my second exhaustion test for the pushups in two days...hopefully ill see a significant improvement!

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I started my P90X again and am definitely out of shape and it has made me aware of that fact. Right now I take Jack3d preworkout, Force Factor, Force Factor Glutamine pills, Multivitamin, Vitamin E, a probiotic supplement, and Omega 3 pill. Also, BCAA for recovery by USPLabs and a generic Whey Protein when needed.

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Smetty - none of those are complicated exercises. Don't make excuses

Also your natural sources of protein and vitamins are far better than getting it from pills.

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Smetty - none of those are complicated exercises. Don't make excuses

Also your natural sources of protein and vitamins are far better than getting it from pills.


lol, no excuses here..Im just going with the one plan that actually yielded results in my life.

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Just trying to help: but running long distance while trying gain muscle mass wont work. Sorry for the "making excuses" comment.

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Just trying to help: but running long distance while trying gain muscle mass wont work. Sorry for the "making excuses" comment.


Running is really unnecessary unless you are trying to be extremely skinny without much muscle. For instance, if you were a runway model it might be a good routine to just run. They don't need any muscle at all and running basically burns all your fat and all your muscle away.


In my experience the best way to exercise is doing high intensity lifting exercises with 5/5 cadences and about 1 minute break in between for about an hour. If you want to build muscle this is the best way to exercise. Usually once you get your metabolism "right" then you can eat basically anything you want. I just stay away from sugar and processed foods and don't really gain weight even if I'm not exercising. Also, cut down the alcohol and only drink liquor/wine when you drink. Get enough sleep and you are good to go.


Another good idea is to live by this rule. "Make sure you sweat once a day"

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I wish I would have started this quasi Paleo eating style a long while back.But I guess it's good that I build so much muscle before losing this fat because it's hard to gain muscle while you lose and easier to lose fat when you have a good amount of muscle. Unless I've ate a shit load of veggies I barely fart with this diet, which believe you me, is very strange for me. My body fat is melting off. My hunger control is twenty times better with ketosis constantly metabolizing fat for energy. I'm stoked, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be eating like this the rest of my life.

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I started my P90X again and am definitely out of shape and it has made me aware of that fact. Right now I take Jack3d preworkout, Force Factor, Force Factor Glutamine pills, Multivitamin, Vitamin E, a probiotic supplement, and Omega 3 pill. Also, BCAA for recovery by USPLabs and a generic Whey Protein when needed.


Christ, how on earth do you afford all of that?


If it works for you then great, but I feel you're throwing your money away a bit on all of that supplementation. I use a whey powder and creatine, and that's it. Everything else i get from my diet.

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Well I think all the non-workout related stuff was around 100 bucks total and it will probably last me for two months and all the workout stuff I try to get on sale when I can but even regular price it would only be around 150-160 bucks.

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45 seconds of cock in the vagina (good form) then 15 seconds rest

45 seconds of cock in boobs, 15 seconds rest

45 seconds of cock in side belly flab, 15 seconds rest

45 seconds of cock in side belly flab (other side), 15 seconds rest

45 seconds of cock in mouth, 15 seconds rest

your reward is 45 seconds of aquaman at the end. I won't tell you what aquaman is yet.

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I got a heart beat monitor and realized that the problem is indeed burning too much during cardio....today I burned up half of my breakfast!


So im gonna drastically shorten it to a strict 25-30 min. period instead of 45.


Still getting tons of energy though, and slowly starting to see definition in the chestal area.

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I got a heart beat monitor and realized that the problem is indeed burning too much during cardio....today I burned up half of my breakfast!


So im gonna drastically shorten it to a strict 25-30 min. period instead of 45.


Still getting tons of energy though, and slowly starting to see definition in the chestal area.


How long are you working out?

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

This is a good way to encourage your lady friends to work out


"It sounds like a pornographic fitness flick: women, sweaty from physical exertion, climaxing at the gym. But researchers at Indiana University say it really happens — independent of sex or fantasies. They’ve even got a name for it: “coregasm,” named thusly because abdominal exercises tend to spark the sensation."

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I did over 60 pushups today before I even started feeling the burn....and the crunches are improving as well.


Goddamn I forgot how much you can see yourself improve in the early phases of working out....gonna add some of those exercises chen was talking about next round.

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