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do you work out?


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

This is really awesome. I've researched fitness and nutrition quite a lot the last 6 years and this might be the most seemingly intelligent discussion I've seen on the matter. (This is not talking about Paleolithic eating for the most part. It's mostly about DNA, biology, high intensity exercise and pretty much fucking tactically destroys a lot of dumb bro science that's still being shoved down everyone's throats)


I've read quite a bit about most of the stuff he's talking about but this cracka puts down on the table quite well.


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This is really awesome. I've researched fitness and nutrition quite a lot the last 6 years and this might be the most seemingly intelligent discussion I've seen on the matter. (This is not talking about Paleolithic eating for the most part. It's mostly about DNA, biology, high intensity exercise and pretty much fucking tactically destroys a lot of dumb bro science that's still being shoved down everyone's throats)


I've read quite a bit about most of the stuff he's talking about but this cracka puts down on the table quite well.



im gonna check this out, thanks.


Still seeing development, though its slowing down a bit. Increased my caloric intake, and most of it is healthier, natural proteins...and its delicious too..my metabolism seems to be through the roof because Im eating a ridiculous amount of food a day and it burns away like nothing happened.


I think I realized Im going to need to lift soon though...don't think there was much muscle on me to tone. And I fucking hate lifting.

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I think I realized Im going to need to lift soon though...don't think there was much muscle on me to tone. And I fucking hate lifting.


Lifting is awesome once you get your body used to it

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I really believe in and understand most of everything he talks about in that presentation. But, a lot of people want to burn fat, burn calories, increase metabolism etc., lose bad weight, get healthy and working out with intensely nearly every day is not a bad way to do that. That's the only parts I don't really believe about most High Intensity Interval Training promoters and other people at the presentation including the guy in the video I posted.


I do not want to increase my muscle mass or my strength really, that's not my goal, so that's where I can't seem to agree with their advice of only doing muscle training for all your exercise at most twice a week. I can understand how that's enough as maintenance, to retain muscle mass, even increase strength but I do not think that makes sense as a goal to primarily lose a lot of fat and get really lean.


When I'm at my goals I will probably try to figure out how to do the safest HIIT muscle training twice a week without joining a gym, as that should be enough to keep muscle mass and not gain weight if your diet doesn't go to shit. Makes sense that there is less possibility for injury in less frequent non skill based guided weight lifting and is good to do late in life.



EDIT:So yeah I'm about to do a bunch of core workouts and do hardcore interval sprints at the track. I destroyed my arms last night, I'm proud to say, takes a lot of effort to get a major burn defeated muscles in my upper body anymore.

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i think you need to try different stuff out. what works for some people doesn't always work for you or me. A lot of guys say to only lift weights. do dead lifts and the fat will burn off and you'll get a six pack. Cause muscle burns more calories, etc..but it doesn't work for me. I have to do cardio or i would get a gut with my additional muscles. Plus, what do you enjoy? If you don't like it you wont likely do it for very long

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i think you need to try different stuff out. what works for some people doesn't always work for you or me. A lot of guys say to only lift weights. do dead lifts and the fat will burn off and you'll get a six pack. Cause muscle burns more calories, etc..but it doesn't work for me. I have to do cardio or i would get a gut with my additional muscles. Plus, what do you enjoy? If you don't like it you wont likely do it for very long


i like doing cardio now, thats for sure...by the time i get to my 45 minutes i sorta want to keep going...but i know thats not a good idea.


i love doing the "football workout"....the less equipment I use for exercise, the better. it just seems like there are a shitload of rules and arguments on how to be fit, it gets very confusing.

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i think you need to try different stuff out. what works for some people doesn't always work for you or me. A lot of guys say to only lift weights. do dead lifts and the fat will burn off and you'll get a six pack. Cause muscle burns more calories, etc..but it doesn't work for me. I have to do cardio or i would get a gut with my additional muscles. Plus, what do you enjoy? If you don't like it you wont likely do it for very long


i like doing cardio now, thats for sure...by the time i get to my 45 minutes i sorta want to keep going...but i know thats not a good idea.


i love doing the "football workout"....the less equipment I use for exercise, the better. it just seems like there are a shitload of rules and arguments on how to be fit, it gets very confusing.

Don't limit yourself. get a good program involving lifting 3 days a week and doing cardio on off days with 1 day of rest - you will be in the best shape of your life


sounds like you have the idea for nutrition though

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this guy has a great youtube channel, offers a lot of helpful exercises that don't require machines. at most a set of dumbbells and a bench for most of the stuff. ive applied a lot of his at-home workouts since all i have is dumbbells and a barbell. started doing the 3 minute ab workout a few weeks (i added an additional one minute plank exercise), and it has made me significantly more cut since then.


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Guest underscore

did my first day of lifting. jesus christ.


you'll be constantly reminded of this tomorrow, every time you move.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I miss getting massively sore from working out, it's sofa king hard to get sore anymore, but I'm getting close to my goals, so I can deal.

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man, still getting the soreness, started working tons on my lower back and it FEELS GREAT


I fucked up this week though...got really drunk for the first time in probably a year...i was way too hungover to run...and im sure ive packed on some calories from that night...best get to it now that Ive recovered.

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some machine in the gym...it hurts like a mofo but feels fantastic when you are finished. I usually hate machines but this one is just perfect.


when I go in tomorrow ill remember the name of it and pass it along!

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I'm going to start biking beginning monday (this time for real, i feel way more motivated than before). Gonna wake up at 5 or 6 in the morning and bike around the block for half an hour.


Is biking around the block a good cardio excercise?

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Depends on how big a block that is. But, yeah for real, it's true.... you wanna build muscle? You wanna increase your anaerobic capacity? Fucking get intense. You only progress at any real efficiency if you push yourself, you should be sweating and breathing hard, or else you were being a pussy. That's true. How good of a progression to think you have on your body if you aren't even feeling like what you have done was even remotely difficult? Get mean! Listen to some heavy shit! Do what you gotta do, get into it. You will enjoy the endorphins, you will enjoy knowing that you are actually pushing your envelope. Don't be a pussy.

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Depends on how big a block that is. But, yeah for real, it's true.... you wanna build muscle? You wanna increase your anaerobic capacity? Fucking get intense. You only progress at any real efficiency if you push yourself, you should be sweating and breathing hard, or else you were being a pussy. That's true. How good of a progression to think you have on your body if you aren't even feeling like what you have done was even remotely difficult? Get mean! Listen to some heavy shit! Do what you gotta do, get into it. You will enjoy the endorphins, you will enjoy knowing that you are actually pushing your envelope. Don't be a pussy.


Lol I hate to say it but this is exactly the mindset you want when working out. Pain is gain (well, the proper pain anyway)...then you can rest easy for the rest of the day knowing you did what you did.


I do the treadmill on a steep incline at a slow jog (my heart rate is sometimes unusually high when i run fast and i don't want to chance it)...the incline more than makes up for it..and you will end up having legs like a fucking horse.


btw the machine i use on my lower back is just called a back extension. it feels amazing when you finish if you push yourself hard enough.



I have a weird question...I always seem to have trouble doing bicep exercises like curls. why? why is this the only one i have so much trouble with? My arms hurt more at the joint than at the bicep..which is an instant sign that im either lifting too much or my form isn't right...so then i lower the weight and get the same result...then i shift position and get the same result. its driving me insane. My triceps and chest are starting to tighten up nicely tho!


As for the abs, slow and steady progress...my ability to do crunches and planks are increasing very very slowly...with very very slow change in appearance...i think the cardio is helping to burn off the fat but it would appear that I still have a good bit o' fat to go.

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I don't have a pool. jumping rope is pretty much the opposite of what I need to do. I'm too young to be crippled by a bad back. it's really fucking depressing.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Jump rope is pretty much plyometrics, more than 10 minutes of plyometrics and my fucking knee is like, quit this shit dawg. Um dude, I dunno what the impact you are being cautious of, but honestly I think the best cardio I get is hitting my heavy bag. I love to run, I love to sprint, I probably shouldn't because of my knee and I know that I don't need to because I get better cardio with listening to some mean metal and go ballistic throwing shit at my heavy bag. I will probably give up running in a few years and hitting punching bags will be the cardio I choose till I check out.


Oh yea, your back problem. If your back is bad enough it might be really difficult but, you probably would benefit greatly from doing core work outs (which will in turn make your back much stronger) I'm sure you've heard this but I dunno

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