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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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But at the same time.. sorry to hear that that's embarrassing and shitty. Is it something in the preworkout sup that bugs you?







and no, this never happens, it was probably not giving enough time for the full meal to digest.

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I'm surprised that people don't do things to those cameras, i mean at least project your road rage in a useful direction you erks. Don't hit random people that cut you off with a tyre iron, take out that speed camera with the tyre iron. All will applaud, well except for the arsetrolls that go slow in the fast lane, they will be tut tutting, and then hypocritically picking up their phones whilst driving to dial the peez.

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I'm surprised that people don't do things to those cameras, i mean at least project your road rage in a useful direction you erks. Don't hit random people that cut you off with a tyre iron, take out that speed camera with the tyre iron. All will applaud, well except for the arsetrolls that go slow in the fast lane, they will be tut tutting, and then hypocritically picking up their phones whilst driving to dial the peez.

This one was mobile so they would have had the fuzz in them.... So it would be all kinds of worse if i went smashing it up :D

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This probably don't belong in this thread, but..


I just learned that my teacher, probably one of the nicest people I've ever meet, was the husband to the woman who was stabbed down, outside her job at the jobcentre she worked at, in my local town.


This is seriously depressing.

Edited by Ceerial
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Got a parking ticket for being on the side of the street in the day plow route because the city declared a "Snow Emergency", we got about 13 inches of snow and freezing rain overnight... I was parked on the "day plow" side after coming home from work at like 10:30 pm last night and not wanting to park on the night side knowing they'd be plowing at night, I didn't move my car today because I couldn't until the road was more plowed and the snow had melted in the sun a bit. I went out and tried twice this morning... Now I have to wait a week, until they get the citation into their own damn system just to contest it.



I'm SO sick of this winter... :trashbear:

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seriously, have they put a limit on the number of vids you can add to your favourites list on YT or something? I can't add anything new. really annoying.

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This probably don't belong in this thread, but..


I just learned that my teacher, probably one of the nicest people I've ever meet, was the husband to the woman who was stabbed down, outside her job at the jobcentre she worked at, in my local town.


This is seriously depressing.


awful. did they catch the fuckers?

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Ugh, had joint bachelor/ bachelorette party tonight. A reminder why I don't drink so much anymore. Reason: have to be the responsible one. Basically the 10 or so whiskeys I consumed tonight meant I couldn't prevent the gf from somehow barfing in the kitchen of a fine downtown establishment.


Oh god. This is why I can't have nice alcoholism.


On the plus side, the complete mortification makes for a good sober-up remedy. Also helping: approx two liters of water in the last hour.


Ardbeg is a hell of a drug


A hell of a drug.


They were all fucking doubles too.


Tomorrow will suck so much.

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sweetwater just sent me their first piece of spam mail, they still haven't shipped the volcas i ordered two weeks ago


maybe wait 'til you ship the items before spamming me please?

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This probably don't belong in this thread, but..


I just learned that my teacher, probably one of the nicest people I've ever meet, was the husband to the woman who was stabbed down, outside her job at the jobcentre she worked at, in my local town.


This is seriously depressing.


awful. did they catch the fuckers?



Yes, they caught him in a different city.


He was an mentally ill man who probably should have been locked up at an institution to begin with.


This world is so fucked up sometimes.

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yeah... :cerious:


Sorry, Ceerial.



(On the actually stupid and not tragic and awful problems front, I don't ever want to be as drunk as I was on Saturday ever again. My fiancee might have had a public puking incident, but she handled the recovery phase pretty well. I still felt like my short term memory was fucked up 24 hours later. Yikes. I am told by everyone else that it was fun and that I had fun. I hope I didn't say anything mean or stupid to people because I don't like being an asshole IRL but I think I'm probably a huge asshole when I'm drunk, and I haven't been significantly, memory fucked drunk for a good decade. Also I'm sorry I apparently called Jesus a cunt in that other thread. Sorry, Jesus.


I'm glad my fiancee forgives me for any stupidity.)

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Persistent clairvoyance messes up the mind sometimes. I'm lost in the moment, staring, feeling into the future, fucks up the perception of time. Blessing and curse (*no weed).

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You're a clairvoyant? Or you just feel like you're stuck in your own imaginary futures?


I wouldn't say I'm clairvoyant to the point where I can control it, it happens. As I'm getting older, I'm more aware of when it happened, afterwards, so can distinguish imagination / daydreaming from a clear vision. It can look stupid to other people though, when you're staring into the abyss in their presence, awake, but asleep-like. Even more stupid when writing about such things on watmm (lel).

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That's pretty baller dude. You should develop it, and keep a secret journal about it so that when it's an accepted part of science people will be like "hey this guy totally figured it out early". Maybe you will even help lead people into more of their natural abilities.

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I had two insane extreme mood swings today. one I can sort of pre-empt and handle somewhat more easily, but two within just 2 hrs of each other? fuck. I feel utterly exhausted. I hate being angry.

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I had two insane extreme mood swings today. one I can sort of pre-empt and handle somewhat more easily, but two within just 2 hrs of each other? fuck. I feel utterly exhausted. I hate being angry.


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My chocolate mousse hadn't been prepared properly at manufacturing and was runny instead of being a pot filled with yumalicious bubbles of chocolatey joy. displeased.


Food expectations being ruined makes for cranky times. *hugs*



I'm exporting an h264 from DNxHD video because Pro Tools just decided to not want to play back DNxHD video properly - always giving me "I can't get to the drive fast enough" errors. This is on a documentary project that was done months ago where the broadcaster wanted all the music redone. Then I get the music and there's a percussion track that's completely off sync to the rest of the tracks, not making any lick of sense. Which isn't surprising since every single score I get from this person has been fucked in some way or another - either giving me 6 tracks with absolutely no audio (how did they not notice that??) or with a bunch of stuff missing and other nonsensical stuff added. I'm just muting the track and mixing it as is.

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My chocolate mousse hadn't been prepared properly at manufacturing and was runny instead of being a pot filled with yumalicious bubbles of chocolatey joy. displeased.

Food expectations being ruined makes for cranky times. *hugs*


Thanks bra. /sniffles

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