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tuesday night drunk thread.


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That's mighty kind of you to say, sirch. And definitely what I'd want to be doing if life didn't keep intervening in the most mind-numbing ways possible. Stupid life.


:waits for Fred to leave the room, drinks heavily:

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all kinds of kindness up in this biatch


Fred, if you aren't staying sober I'm going to make an alcoholic spectacle of myself now

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all kinds of kindness up in this biatch


Fred, if you aren't staying sober I'm going to make an alcoholic spectacle of myself now


baph, you're funny. you should write something, you shit head. :) seriously.

i know you've called me out on loads of shit on here before, and it was funny.

but you're 1 of the most funniest mother fuckers watmm'ers got goin, motherfucker!!!!!!!

seriously you should write something, mate. or just keep gettin wasted and chatting shite on watmm.

up to you........ xxxxxxx


lol, thanks. My job keeps sapping my attention span so much that all I can manage is an unstructured mess of watmm posts. Maybe someday I'll get the hang of this life shit. Possibly the drinking isn't helping, but... nah, the drinking is helping!

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Glenfiddich is actually one of the best Scotch whiskeys you can get.

along with Glenmorangie, Miss money Penny......... :emotawesomepm9:


Stephen saying "nothing fancy"... well, i don't know what's fancy then............




your avatar is fancy lol

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i end up here every night. is the week made up entirely of tuesdays?


Is the year just one big long tuesday night drunk? Will i, ever in my life, surpass tuesdays and be given the sweet release of, at the very least, a wednesday? i'm trapped!

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i've had a few beers every night this week so far. i think it's going to take away from my indulgence on red wine with friday night pizza.


although this friday i have some cousins coming in from chicago, so i'm pretty sure we will be ripped up on my porch and my wife will be yelling at me that i am going to wake the baby. then i will throw a bottle at her and have it shatter on the wall next to her leaving a puddle of wine dripping down the freshly painted white wall.

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Guest EleminoP

I had a few rum and cokes in the hot tub and the next thing I knew it I was jumping over creeks in the woods looking for aliens and I found a big stick in my car the next morning.

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I had a few rum and cokes in the hot tub and the next thing I knew it I was jumping over creeks in the woods looking for aliens and I found a big stick in my car the next morning.

would be cooler if after you found the stick, it had some weird substance on it leading you to find a half-beaten alien in your trunk.


this is a great premise for a movie.

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im going to tie a good gin buzz on tonight, it has been such a crappy week of work and it has been so nice out. i am thinking of a nice hendricks martini with a few cucumber slices on the back patio with a cigar, looking at the trees and woods in the back of my house.

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