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Guest Gary C

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Guest Papillon

Just got to Trevor. Wow.




Anyone else in love with this man?


How far into the game are you (hours)? I haven't seen Trevor yet but I've been screwing around and killing a lot of time just driving and doing side missions, the sky diving parachute thing off the cable bar car is so ace, i couldn't believe how well done the graphics are. Also in case you didn't already know you can launch cars on to the frieght train.

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Has anyone driven down into the underground systems? I was trying to flee the cops on a mission and drove down into the reservoirs and eventually into the underground, the way it connects with the train and subway system I seriously got lost, the map is pretty much useless while you're underground too. After a while since I couldn't find my way out and to my goal it said I abandoned the mission.... The scope of this map and the little details and efforts put into it continue to amaze me.

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well, its definitely not as big as san andreas, no idea where that chat came from. initial opinion, exactly like the other GTA's, honed to perfection. played for a few hours last night but got abit bored.

really enjoying the in-car chat on missions though, flows as naturally as a film.


I watched 2 hrs of youtube gameplay footage last night (lol, pathetic I know) and I was surprised how bored I felt. The game world looks beautiful, but I guess I'm just getting old. It seemed like the same old "jack car, change hairstyle, pimp ride, chat with NPCs, drive somewhere, accidentally kill some pedestrians, yada yada yada".



I have the same concerns. I played Read Dead Redemption for awhile, too, and it got incredibly boring after awhile. Rinse-n-repeat the same type of so-called "sandbox" missions ad nauseum. Maybe I should rent GTAV first.

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yeah I so agree with that notion on Red Dead Redemption.

That was actually the last time I played a console game.


We played it in a fucking cinema.


But it was very boring. Like all the missions were, ride somewhere, shoot the dudes. Look behind you, shoot the dudes.

Oh what's that, a woman in distress? Maybe this one time it's not another ambush where you get to shoot the dudes? No, it is. Just shoot the dudes.


The story, characters etc. were simply not good enough to care about either.

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