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Guest Gary C

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why wouldn't you wait for the pc version .. it's going to look powers of ten polygons better.


I wonder if the PC version will be released before a ps4 port (or streaming port via gaikai)

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It's really disappointing how linear and tightly scripted pretty much all these missions are. They don't make us of the sandbox potential of the game at all. There have also been a few times I thought it was ridiculous you couldn't switch between the characters. Like when you're racing the 3 supercars and are locked in the one you picked at the beginning.


Multiplayer patch is out for PS3 btw.


UPDATE 7: Rockstar has said the GTA Online patch is live for PS3. It's working to have it released for Xbox 360 "as soon as possible today".

Here's the latest list of updates:

  • For PlayStation 3 users, a PlayStation Network server issue was detected that was limiting the amount of possible concurrent users. This was preventing most players from accessing GTA Online altogether and as of this morning, that problem was resolved.
  • There is an issue that is preventing some players from getting through the first tutorial mission across both platforms. Many players have been able to get through this with repeated retries, and we are working on unblocking this for everyone as soon as possible.
  • This morning, we experienced some instability across the GTA Online services which is affecting even people who have progressed beyond the tutorial mission. We are identifying these issues now and are working to restore stability for users as soon as possible.
  • For the time being and until we have been able to get everybody access to GTA Online and things are running smoothly, we have disabled the option of purchasable GTA$ cash packs. Players can however keep on earning GTA$ by pulling off Jobs and other profitable gameplay activities rather than purchasing cash packs.

Since they disabled cash packs you can probably still lose progress.

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I recommend taking a gram or two of psilocybin for best results. Also, online is awesome and extremely fun. I wish there was more content though. There needs to be more available mods for the vehicles. Losing a level 32 character due to cloud sync issues is pretty disappointing as well.

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is there a sandbox online mode? where you can just go and fuck shit up with a bunch of other players doing the same thing? if there isn't seems pretty pointless (unless you like doing those weird boring missions with other friends)

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You get dropped into sandbox by default. I had a lot of fun hunting people in sandbox last weekend. Too bad matchmaking is still buggy and almost everyone loses their characters. I also got dropped back to single player a few times. But multiplayer seems ambitious and a lot of fun.

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It should have local voice chat only and some sort of way to make calls to people and groups of people instead of letting everybody on your shard talk to eachother. It takes me out of the game when someone's screaming in my ear from the other side of the map. I don't mind them screaming when I run them over though...


This game brings out the worst in me. :diablo:

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Yeah dude the voice chat should be a proximity based system. It is retarded of them to do it as a global chat. I don't even see how they see any kind of upside to that. The people who are partied up are going to be in private chat anyway.


i love this game but how the hell do you turn down the volume of the other players online


On xbox hit the middle button, scroll right to preferences, select voice, turn down incoming.



this morning I ended up starting a new character after I lost my last one. I got lucky and was able to do races with another player and then replayed the 9k coke mission many times. I ended up making about 200k, purchasing a 10 car garage, and modding my sports car a lot.


The randomness of the online is really entertaining. I just hope they continue to add elements that encourage interesting interactions.


Oh and the soundtrack has really grown on me.

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Guest Gary C

Played Online for the first time last night. Utterly hilarious, even without a headset.


I came second in the intro race and teamed up with the winner to complete the first few missions at a pace. Sharing drives, shooting the other members of our gang. Then I went nuts and blocked the players in a shop doorway with a car and baited the police to the area. I ran out of pistol ammo pretty quickly and spent the rest of my time chasing down the other players and then running off to hide in the hills. Utter chaos.


WATM(M) tribe needs to get together so I'm encouraged to play fair. And is the clan colour scheme and shirt final?

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Guest Gary C

As long as your gamertag is linked to the Rockstar social site, I think you're in. When I started creating my character for Online, the WATM* badge was already at the top. I don't think anyone was online at the same time, but I guess it puts your crew in direct contact straight away.


I didn't tinker around enough last night (just went for a maniac session), but I could see that I had friends online although no obvious function to mention or meet them. I guess there's a server/room switching option to be able actually meet up with friends.


*Why is it not WATMM, btw?

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As long as your gamertag is linked to the Rockstar social site, I think you're in. When I started creating my character for Online, the WATM* badge was already at the top. I don't think anyone was online at the same time, but I guess it puts your crew in direct contact straight away.


I didn't tinker around enough last night (just went for a maniac session), but I could see that I had friends online although no obvious function to mention or meet them. I guess there's a server/room switching option to be able actually meet up with friends.


*Why is it not WATMM, btw?

4 letter tag?

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Guest Gary C

So is it Music or Makers? I'm not sure I can be a functioning limb with such existential doubt hanging over the whole thing.

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Guest Gravity

I'm gonna hold out on the online for a little longer. Let's let these creases get uncreased.


This. I beat the game a few days ago and I'm dying to go online, but I'm not going to risk my save getting fucked up or losing a high-level character. Just gonna wait.


I'll just finish up the strangers & freaks missions + mess around with cheats. Speaking of cheats, why is the invincibility cheat only 5 minutes long? Argh.

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Guest bitroast

I've been playing it online since Saturday on and off, and quite honestly it's working really solidly for me. In fact, I would like to rant about just how amazing GTA:O really is. It adds a whole 'nother level of depth to the game. Adding real, online people to the GTA City makes it a lot more alive and real. Bumping into other characters and not knowing if they'll be happy to join you and do stupid stuff together, or (like 99% of the people I encountered) will turn guns on you start trying to kill you. It's just, a completely different gameplay style to GTA V. And it adds a lot to the online sandbox world that is the GTA universe. It's quite good to see it has finally been implemented well.

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I've been playing it online since Saturday on and off, and quite honestly it's working really solidly for me. In fact, I would like to rant about just how amazing GTA:O really is. It adds a whole 'nother level of depth to the game. Adding real, online people to the GTA City makes it a lot more alive and real. Bumping into other characters and not knowing if they'll be happy to join you and do stupid stuff together, or (like 99% of the people I encountered) will turn guns on you start trying to kill you. It's just, a completely different gameplay style to GTA V. And it adds a lot to the online sandbox world that is the GTA universe. It's quite good to see it has finally been implemented well.


IMO DayZ captures the best of this experience you are describing and while GTAO scratches that itch pretty damn well I think ultimately DayZ will provide a more immersive and rewarding experience in the long run. That is really if rockstar don't put more development dollars into GTAO. It needs some work and a lot of content to work in the long term I think.

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Guest Gravity

About GTA:O...


The singleplayer glitches only screw up that one save file, right? I guess I could just duplicate my save and screw around online that way. Don't really feel like losing so many hours of work.

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