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yeah after getting lost, cursed and raped a hundred times in those sewers, you finally get to the gaping dragon, then you beat the crap out of him in one time, that was awesome, i love this game

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yeah after getting lost, cursed and raped a hundred times in those sewers, you finally get to the gaping dragon, then you beat the crap out of him in one time, that was awesome, i love this game


Yeah I got cursed last night for the 1st time.... Fuck THAT.

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So I found Laurentius in The Depths, and now he's back at Firelink Shrine, but when I talk to him, I don't seem to have the option to upgrade my pyromancy. Do I have to do something 1st?

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Yeah man I sliced off the tail. Noticed that's a bit of a trend with boss fights!


I only gave it two goes but once the glitch happened I fucked the game off for a bit. Will be creaming it (and my pants) again this weekend.

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So I found Laurentius in The Depths, and now he's back at Firelink Shrine, but when I talk to him, I don't seem to have the option to upgrade my pyromancy. Do I have to do something 1st?


Have you gotten him to at least sell you pyromancy? You might just have to talk to him again and answer his question differently. If you tried everything and it's glitched (which is possible), you'll have to wait until you get to Blighttown to talk to Quelana.


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BLIGHTOWN. Really, what bothered me the most was the feeling that I'd be trapped there forever.... Then I finally got out via the valley of the drakes (haven't gone for the spider lady yet), I go back to firelink to find the fire put out and the fire keeper dead. FUCK. I was just going to upgrade my estus to +3 as well. I know I can re kindle it later but damnit what a pain in the ass.

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Bamco starts their live E3 stream in about an hour. I hope they show some new footage. I'm really curious how the new matchmaking system is going to work. It's such a pain in the ass to meet with friends for duels and co-op sometimes. >.<

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homg i'm gonna buy the dlc, sumbody freeze me until its winter


Well, during the pathetic live stream, I did hear the rep say the DLC is coming this fall. I hope this wasn't an error, as waiting until December is straight up dookie.

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I started a new game on Monday, feeling confident in my knowledge of the game and how to properly fight bosses and all that.


In 7 hours I covered the same amount of play that I did in 60 hours of my original game. However some bosses took much longer (gaping dragon I'm looking at you) due to not being as built up stat wise. I'm playing a much zippier character in this one though and just leveling up my simple hand axe. Great stuff.


It's brill fighting the gape, incessant seepage and whatnot and not getting hit once. Once you have your head around the bosses they're easy as fuck.

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homg i'm gonna buy the dlc, sumbody freeze me until its winter


Well, during the pathetic live stream, I did hear the rep say the DLC is coming this fall. I hope this wasn't an error, as waiting until December is straight up dookie.


The PC game (with the DLC included) comes out in August, so I would expect the DLC to come out in October, on the anniversary of the previous game's release.

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From Software says they are having a hard time porting Dark Souls to the PC, so instead of the PC version being superior to the console versions, it's safe to expect more of a straight port, including the framerate issues that plagued the console versions.


Well, that sucks. I was going to try the PC version...



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I just started playing. Around lvl 18 or so.. I had a serious time with the Burg. Not sure why... lost 15k souls doing some stupid shit on my way back to Taurus Demon. Almost cried.


Any how, in the Parish now, just got to the bonfire near Andre the smith. This game is definitely more challenging than Demon's Souls so far. I started as a pyromancer...but it more or less stopped there. Started going for a melee/faith build. I read up a bit on making a spellsword, and it was recommended to start as a pyromancer, since they start with relatively balanced stats for melee (unlike sorc). Part of the way through the Burg, I remembered how much I liked the faith stuff in Dem-Souls though. Not sure if I am making a wise decision, but whatever.

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I just started playing. Around lvl 18 or so.. I had a serious time with the Burg. Not sure why... lost 15k souls doing some stupid shit on my way back to Taurus Demon. Almost cried.


Any how, in the Parish now, just got to the bonfire near Andre the smith. This game is definitely more challenging than Demon's Souls so far. I started as a pyromancer...but it more or less stopped there. Started going for a melee/faith build. I read up a bit on making a spellsword, and it was recommended to start as a pyromancer, since they start with relatively balanced stats for melee (unlike sorc). Part of the way through the Burg, I remembered how much I liked the faith stuff in Dem-Souls though. Not sure if I am making a wise decision, but whatever.


Just wanted to mention a few things ... if they are obvious, please ignore this.


Your starting class has nothing to do with your end class. The reason why people pick pyromancer first is the same reason people chose royal in demon's souls - you get a strong as fuck spell right off the bat that is basically imba vs the first few bosses. So you can totally start a pyromancer, but end up as a strength based melee char in the long run.


Speaking of the long run, your best bet is to throw points in vitality, endurance, and then either Strength, dexterity, intelligence, or faith. I'd ignore the other stats for now, especially resistance which is completely useless. My last char I specced into vit, end, dex, and faith. Ultimately, you are going to find a weapon you really like, and only meet the minimum requirements for it. It should also be noted a very popular spec is to just max out vitality and endurance, 16 strength and 14 dex, and basically only rely on elemental weapons like "lightning rapiers" because their damage is not effected by stats.


You should google the "drake sword" and get that as soon as possible, since it will help you while you figure out what spec you want.


Speaking of faith, it gets ridiculously overpowered, but you have to wait till you can get the spells "Dark Moon Blade", "Sunlight Blade", and "Wrath of God" ... which are all pretty end game spells. Sunlight Spear requires you to finish the game once. The heal spell is nice, but once you start kindling bonfires, you're flasks should be more then enough. There are also some nice items out there like the black eye ring which gives you health every time you kill something.


I will say that I've beaten the game with the following specs: strength/pyro, full intelligence, and dex/faith ... and out of all those I felt that the full intelligence build was the most stressfree and overpowered. I think the dex/faith was the most fun. Strength builds are very very slow, and often enemies hit you while you are still winding up your attack.

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Some of that stuff you mentioned was already packed away in my brain from Demon's Souls + having a pretty good knowledge of rpg stats etc. BUT, the one I was curious about was Attunement. I read quite a bit stating that you should bolster this stat. I am aware that it has to do with your spell slots. Should I really not worry about it at all?


Also, is it worth going faith for a first play through? I looked at the spell list and some of the spells looked pretty dope...also there is the Homeward spell, which seems really handy (the similar spell in Dem-Souls was a fucking life saver), but if is a bit boring, I might hold off.

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Some of that stuff you mentioned was already packed away in my brain from Demon's Souls + having a pretty good knowledge of rpg stats etc. BUT, the one I was curious about was Attunement. I read quite a bit stating that you should bolster this stat. I am aware that it has to do with your spell slots. Should I really not worry about it at all?


Also, is it worth going faith for a first play through? I looked at the spell list and some of the spells looked pretty dope...also there is the Homeward spell, which seems really handy (the similar spell in Dem-Souls was a fucking life saver), but if is a bit boring, I might hold off.

In my opinion, you should never really need more attunment then enough to rock 3 slots, unless you going a pure caster build. Also its something you can slowly spec into as you need it. Its really preference. My Faith char had 3 slots.


Faith would be great for a first playthrough, just make sure you pick up either Strength or Dex also. They both have thier pluses and minuses, one of the best faith weapons in the game - Grant - requires 50 strength. On the flip side, if you rock dex, you can get multiple hits in on a boss with a buffed weapon. Its all preference. I'd say dex is slightly better for both PVP and PVE but its debatable.



oh, if i want to stack fireballs and have 10 instead of 5, do I have to buy the spell again?


also...is magic all use based now, or is the sorc magic dependent on int like in Demons Souls?


Yes you'd have to buy 2 of the spells and put them in 2 attunement slots. People do this late game by stack tons of Wrath of Gods, and they become the most deadly but cheapest bastards in the game :)


Magic is use based now, no such thing as mana anymore. However your int will affect how hard your spells hit for.

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ok thx! will keep all of that in mind.



Also, I was having a dick of a time with the Gargoyles. I was using just a battle axe at first, and died like 20 times. I went and did some grinding, got the Drake Sword and leveled up my strength to 16, and took out the Gargoyles in one try. I got the Gargoyle axe in the process as well. What a weird weapon.

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ok thx! will keep all of that in mind.



Also, I was having a dick of a time with the Gargoyles. I was using just a battle axe at first, and died like 20 times. I went and did some grinding, got the Drake Sword and leveled up my strength to 16, and took out the Gargoyles in one try. I got the Gargoyle axe in the process as well. What a weird weapon.


Awesome dude! yeah the Drake Sword makes things a lot easier. Keep it until you find the lightning spear in Sen's Fortress!


I think you can defeat the Gargoyles with an axe, it just takes some patience and understanding of the boss. For one, it takes a while to realize that its far better to stick as close to bosses as possible. When you are close they are forced to use a different move set then when you are far away. As long as you can keep your shield up until you are safe to refill your endurance, you should be able to circle strafe around the enemy and strategically hit the boss once or twice when they try to attack you and miss. Dark Souls is definitly a game about waiting for the enemy to do something before you act.


Another good thing to use on bosses like that are the fire bombs you can buy from the undead burg (and the fire spells for that matter). Any projectiles help, including the strong attack on the drake sword (R2 or RT will send a wave of wind that can hit both gargoyles at once). Crossbows (if you use str) and bows (if you use dex) can also be used without having to zoom in, especially when they breathe fire.


And thirdly, don't be shy to summon some help. People like me will set our summon signs down infront of the boss room. There are multiple positive reasons to summon people. Especially if you are faith based, you are going to want to collect as many sunlight reprisals as possible. Infact you can always set your own summon stone down before boss fights to learn them a few times in a row before taking a shot itself.


Btw I'm a Dark Souls addict, enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am currently thinking of trying to summon help for Capra demon.


I know to go up the stairs as much as possible and do the plunging attack, but the dogs keep fucking things up for me. I am either going to summon help or give up for the time being, and go to Darkroot. So frustrating.

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Capra demon is all about timing your sideway roll when he does overhead attack and getting a couple of hits in and just staying out of reach of his swinging attacks. Oh and wiping out his dogs first ideally. Patience and movement is key.


Good luck! He becomes a regular enemy later in game!

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