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"Live" The Warehouse Project

Guest teetime

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Guest teetime

Quick reminder for anybody who might not know. He might play with alex again. Apparently nobody in this forum went to his last concert at green man. The one there he played nirvana for encore along with plenty of new tracks with his "cut down" shobaleader one formation.


So.. Who is going, RECORDING?!



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Have you guys not listened to ol' Squarepusher's releases over the recent few years?! That recorded live track definitely sounds like the natural trajectory of where his music has been heading, I could definitely hear that track fitting somewhere in something like Just A Souvenir anyways ....

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Guest teetime

Have you guys not listened to ol' Squarepusher's releases over the recent few years?! That recorded live track definitely sounds like the natural trajectory of where his music has been heading, I could definitely hear that track fitting somewhere in something like Just A Souvenir anyways ....


Yes. This track is jas 2.0. Uptempo Shobaleader One. Less rnb more fusion. I love it so far.




Behold. Could it be a return to drill n bass Breakbeatfest? Hard to tell because of the distortion. But the visuals are pretty neat.



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Guest cult fiction

Sounds lush to me... watmm seems to be filled with more hate each day, or was it always like this? Looking forward to this, just like all his releases.

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My good italian buddy, who never misses a who when he can, was just on the phone to me and said

"Eeet was topa class man. The visu-als, the mel-odies amazing. He was wearing the coool mask man.... fuckin brilliant. The venu was a little sheet though.. too packed and aggressive, you know."

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Squarepusher has gotten this incredibly cheesy sound since 2006. I like cheesy tracks from time to time, but this sounds like JAS and Shoabaleader all over again. JAS was enjoyable, but the Shoabaleader One thing is just bad.


This sounds terribly dated compared to Squarepusher's masterpiece "Go Plastic". Also compared to Ultravisitor. Squarepusher's sound was always a derivative of jungle music, and he was amazing at it. He's trying too hard lately to re-invent himself which results in this Daft Punk stuff. It's not new, not innovative, not different. More amazing jungle tracks wouldn't be an innovative thing to do, but it would still be freaking amazing, just like it is everytime I play a track off his early 2000 records. I guess I'll never be excited about an Squarepusher album again after saying he'll never use the amen again. I honestly don't care about what he does next anymore given his last releases. Im sure he would be happy if he read this, because he would have accomplished what he wants. Such a try-hard.

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pissflaps:son:i know how you feel

but change is the one thing you can count on

i hope he has another track like "do you know squarepusher" in him

or circlewave or anything from the pre suck era


ultravisitor was for me the last thing he did that had the magic in full effect

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Sorry. But Shobaleader was fucking amazing. Plug Me In and Abstract Lover are utterly massive tunes. Sexy, filthy, like an essex roger troutman. It's Squarepusher you can listen to with your girlfriend.


Please stick with the 909 though. Can't stand the paper-thin drums on just a souvenir.

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