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I got arrested last night


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Guest disparaissant

mmm yes because rape is obviously all about sexual attraction and not at all about an assertion of power


sorry she doesn't conform to your ideals of beauty lumpy


*is going to turn this thread into another feminist tirade*

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I ended up in a cell on New Year's eve 1999 . Somehow I managed to get in there with a pill in my pocket. When they asked if I was on any medication I told them I was taking antibiotics so they would bring some water to the cell. I ended up gurning my tits off in there all night. They let me go at noon on new years day. I remember thinking to myself how I had spent most of the new millenium in jail as I left.

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dear disparaissant ~


yes I was just trying to get a rise out of you, and yes it's actually a nicely done comic, and no I don't really give a shit if it's entirely truthful or not (though it's peppered with some nice small "truthy" details) but...what the fuck happens at the end? Some dragon busts through and it segues into psychedelia and that's it?

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Guest disparaissant

dear disparaissant ~


yes I was just trying to get a rise out of you, and yes it's actually a nicely done comic, and no I don't really give a shit if it's entirely truthful or not (though it's peppered with some nice small "truthy" details) but...what the fuck happens at the end? Some dragon busts through and it segues into psychedelia and that's it?

i figured as much and you ain't gonna be able to get a rise out of me i'm entirely too pissed off at this final project i am working on being distracted from but anyways

stalin saves the day at the end!

i dunno, its as good an ending as any because after that she was in jail and jail is a lot more boring than stalin and dragon and wizards.

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coincidentally, i was placed under arrest by an authority about two weeks ago. i was visiting a town nearby to pick up a few sundries and was accosted by a rather pig-faced constable strolling along the street.


i was lost and looking for a local general store, so I figured I could ask him where it was. Before I could even say anything, he gives me a once over and says, "Let me guess, somebody stole your sweetroll." I ignored this obvious slight against my portly frame and trudged back along the main road. I encountered a wayward chicken along my path and smashed at it hatefully with my Ebony Warhammer of Fear, narrowly missing it. Frustrated, I used my Shout magic and shouted the fucking thing off a cliff where it was consumed by a Cave Bear. I looked up from admiring the bear to see several guards running toward me, screaming, swords raised. I was busted. I had to spend a night in the cell and all of my stolen property was confiscated. Luckily I knew the Jarl so I was given a pass 'this one time' after paying a hefty bounty of 312 gold.


auspicious fourth post

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Guest analogue wings

it honestly really bothers me that the first thing a lot of people will do when someone says they were sexually assaulted is look for reasons to disbelieve that person


I realise you're getting warmed up to run a multi discipline event in the Oppression Olympics, but the bit that hinked me in the story was actually the way the parents refuse to accept her one phone call and the story makes nothing of it. That set off my fuckup detector and then the livejournal broke it. You owe me a new fuckup detector.

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I've met some parents that, when confronted with the prospect of talking to their children in a moment of need, will decide first to blow some cool clouds of Tina, or maybe just think of ways to beat the shit out of their kid instead, after the justice system learns em an initial lesson.


The children of said parents invariable hit the sizzurp and steal xboxes and wear earhats and get chummy with Uncle Joe and his dragon. INVARIABLY.

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it honestly really bothers me that the first thing a lot of people will do when someone says they were sexually assaulted is look for reasons to disbelieve that person


I realise you're getting warmed up to run a multi discipline event in the Oppression Olympics, but the bit that hinked me in the story was actually the way the parents refuse to accept her one phone call and the story makes nothing of it. That set off my fuckup detector and then the livejournal broke it. You owe me a new fuckup detector.


agree with you D. (shouldn't it be disparaissent?) thanks for posting the comic.


wings, yeah the girl's online persona is a little crazy (and your online persona is kind of a dick lately, so . . ) but my kid would have to be more than a little crazy for me to ignore a call from jail. your 19-year-olds are going to fuck up somehow, and you are going to bail them out, that's parenting. there are only a couple of personality types that would lie about being sexually abused and I don't think this is one of them.

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My pappy told me that he'd rather get a call from the cops than the hospital reception. He told me not to die. He told me to get arrested before i get dangerous.stupid. I think that's decent advice. It's decent advice for me because generally i'm not one to do something so illegal and irresponsible that a call from the police would be worse than a call from the hospital.

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My dad told me when I was 16 that if I ever got arrested he would leave me there for the night.


I didn't even get a phone call, though. And he kind of lives 3,000 miles from SF...

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I was in the army for 7 months, sitting in a cell for a night sounds like a picnic to me.


a real man on teh wattmers

i did a week in a jamaican prison= caught in a roadblock near port antonio with weight

it was fucked,hot,violent,overcrowded ,filthy,no beds,no running water ,no toilet-a bucket in the corner for 8 guys in a 15 x 15 cell locked down for 23 hours a day,but i was with my best friend who is like my brother and he had been in Jamaican prison before so he knew how we had to play it

we had weed,food,money and became well respected after nearly killing a psychotic acid throwing child rapist in our cell and sending him to ICU

we broke this guys neck but that's a whole other story

one day imma write a book about that episode

and as insane as it was i don't regret going thru the experience

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I was in the army for 7 months, sitting in a cell for a night sounds like a picnic to me.


a real man on teh wattmers

i did a week in a jamaican prison= caught in a roadblock near port antonio with weight

it was fucked,hot,violent,overcrowded ,filthy,no beds,no running water ,no toilet-a bucket in the corner for 8 guys in a 15 x 15 cell locked down for 23 hours a day,but i was with my best friend who is like my brother and he had been in Jamaican prison before so he knew how we had to play it

we had weed,food,money and became well respected after nearly killing a psychotic acid throwing child rapist in our cell and sending him to ICU

we broke this guys neck but that's a whole other story

one day imma write a book about that episode

and as insane as it was i don't regret going thru the experience


Sorry you got thrown in a Jamaican prison for doing something idiotic.


I still don't understand what I did that was illegal.

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I was in the army for 7 months, sitting in a cell for a night sounds like a picnic to me.


a real man on teh wattmers

i did a week in a jamaican prison= caught in a roadblock near port antonio with weight

it was fucked,hot,violent,overcrowded ,filthy,no beds,no running water ,no toilet-a bucket in the corner for 8 guys in a 15 x 15 cell locked down for 23 hours a day,but i was with my best friend who is like my brother and he had been in Jamaican prison before so he knew how we had to play it

we had weed,food,money and became well respected after nearly killing a psychotic acid throwing child rapist in our cell and sending him to ICU

we broke this guys neck but that's a whole other story

one day imma write a book about that episode

and as insane as it was i don't regret going thru the experience


Sorry you got thrown in a Jamaican prison for doing something idiotic.


I still don't understand what I did that was illegal.

thanks for passing judgement

i was just a passenger in the vehicle

not my herb so please piss off you sod

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I was in the army for 7 months, sitting in a cell for a night sounds like a picnic to me.


a real man on teh wattmers

i did a week in a jamaican prison= caught in a roadblock near port antonio with weight

it was fucked,hot,violent,overcrowded ,filthy,no beds,no running water ,no toilet-a bucket in the corner for 8 guys in a 15 x 15 cell locked down for 23 hours a day,but i was with my best friend who is like my brother and he had been in Jamaican prison before so he knew how we had to play it

we had weed,food,money and became well respected after nearly killing a psychotic acid throwing child rapist in our cell and sending him to ICU

we broke this guys neck but that's a whole other story

one day imma write a book about that episode

and as insane as it was i don't regret going thru the experience


Sorry you got thrown in a Jamaican prison for doing something idiotic.


I still don't understand what I did that was illegal.

thanks for passing judgement

i was just a passenger in the vehicle

not my herb so please piss off you sod

You do realise his point still stands. You done messed up.

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i only got arrested once when in was 14 or 15, and it was in fact the only time i went to a prostitute. I hadn't a glimmer of a boner all the way down to the "get your pants off" phase (the 'chick' was too ugly, more like a small sized tauren female warrior), and paradoxically i was saved by the coppers from at least 2.5 years of teasing and mocking from the behalf of my romanian pea-sized friends i had back then, obv. because i couldn't get it up

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My dad got arrested a week and a half ago for drunk driving.

What he actually did was drink a flask full of whiskey after taking a relaxant, because for some reason he's 57 and doesn't know still that taking a pill with booze makes it worse (he's done this before, but didn't get caught, except I was in the car with him and I was 11).

Anyway, he went to a concert at a bar in our sleepy-as-fuck town, the drive was probably about 3/4 of a mile (or around 1 and 1/4 kilometers because I don't expect those of you that don't use miles to know them since they're dumb as shit). He managed to break his tail light backing out of his space in the parking garage, which is what got the cops' attention. They could smell the shit on him.

Now I have to get my license in the next week or two so he can still do business and he's more than likely going to lose his license for a year. He said if he does (I don't know how he won't) that he's leaving for Colorado or Arizona, thus leaving me stranded here, so I guess I have to get a fucking job, car, license, and remain a full-time student in the next coming weeks.

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