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Higgs Boson discovered

Guest Adam

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The aggregate amount appropriated to the NIP for Fiscal Year 2011 was $54.6 billion. (1)

The price of the LHC was $5.2 billion. (2)





(1) http://www.fas.org/i...0/dni102811.pdf

(2) http://www.physorg.c...s201951365.html


Spying on people is more important than understanding how the universe works, guys.

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there were a lot more inventors last century. no body invents shit anymore. no one cures anything.


That statement only applies if you exclude the ever-escalating world of impractical consumer electronics.

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as soon as i made that statement i thought about touch screens. it is a silly thing to say. so much has been invented, buts its all electronic. less men in garages making changes for the world. They must work for companies now

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uh google and


pretty much all silicon valley were made in garages.


important inventions aren't necessarily cute gadgets anymore; methods, algorithms, things you can't see are more important now.

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there were a lot more inventors last century. no body invents shit anymore. no one cures anything.


That statement only applies if you exclude the ever-escalating world of impractical consumer electronics.


i'm getting images of you pawing at a smartphone with your mouth open and then trying to hang it on a clothesline to see if that's how it works

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Híggs Båsín

there were a lot more inventors last century. no body invents shit anymore. no one cures anything.


That's a rather silly things to say. We have 90 years of inventing left.

there were a lot more inventors last century. no body invents shit anymore. no one cures anything.


That statement only applies if you exclude the ever-escalating world of impractical consumer electronics.


i'm getting images of you pawing at a smartphone with your mouth open and then trying to hang it on a clothesline to see if that's how it works


lols all around

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