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Banker Leaves 1% Tip On $133 Lunch Bill In Defiance of 'The 99%'


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Ah man I had a whole bunch of shit typed out, but then i stupidly did a google search in this tab and not a new tab.


Anyways - I should have guessed you had an MBA - lol. If only you'd just taken a decent econ class, you could have learned in one week what it took you two years to get through. And by the way, the Athabasca program isn't even on the current FT EMBA rankings - but from 2004, yeah great.


You did your undergrad work in Canada? Heavily subsidized by the government. Online course work for your MBA? WWW provided for free. Education CMS provided by someone else. You didn't get to your position simply through your own efforts. Society as a whole contributes.


Look we as society fully acknowledge that environment is basically everything - you ask parents why they work so hard? "Oh to provide my kids with better opportunities."

The idea of biological determinism has no real merit, and is universally described as a straw man by any respectable geneticist/biologist. Mendelian inheritance is a well understood idea, and it totally gives the lie to biological determinism.

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I don't think it's a coincidence that most people arguing that everyone has an equal opportunity in life come from at least some amount of privelege.




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I don't think it's a coincidence that most people arguing that everyone has an equal opportunity in life come from at least some amount of privelege.






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And your original comment about the stock broker? Yeah, he works hard too you know, theres a lot of risk involved with playing the markets.


If it was so fucking easy, why doesn't buddy boy the waiter head over and do the same job?


Oh right, it takes 4-10 years of post secondary education that first you need to have good grades in high school for. Oh right, on top of the education, you need to be able to handle the stress and risk of essentially betting away millions of dollars a day. Oh right, you need to work extremely long hours on and off company time, assessing the market, the environment, and the people in it to understand how the market might shift.


But of course, any joe-blow serving me a fucking toasted sandwich that they may or may not have spit on since they are so bitter at the world should make the same amount as the stock broker, since there is literally no pre-requisites to getting one of those jobs.


That makes a lot of sense.


I admire your sense of reality.

just had to stop reading the thread to say: fuck off prick


btw i don't give a fuck about doing low-paid jobs because it's largely down to the choices i've made in life and not being particularly driven to make money. i mean i've had money and i just wasted it. you're saying some seriously twatty shit though.

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No one here has said that everyone has equal opportunity, so that comment is irrelevant. (danshoebridge)


And chengod, your every reply seems to be along the lines of "go read a textbook" or "you should have taken a class in economics." One time on another thread I was arguing with you and you wouldn't even bother with what I wrote until I did some google dog-work to find "links" to back up everything I said.


It's all bullshit posing. I'm not writing a dissertation, I'm having a conversation. Read what other people say, and respond. It's what we do in the real world. Add something substantial to the conversation.


You're right, no one takes genetic determinism seriously. But no one takes the blank slate idea seriously either. I'm the first to admit that evolutionary psychology is a pseudoscience, but it's preposterous to claim that "only environment matters."


I would be delighted to hear what you think Mendelian inheritance has to do with it.

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And chengod, your every reply seems to be along the lines of "go read a textbook" or "you should have taken a class in economics." One time on another thread I was arguing with you and you wouldn't even bother with what I wrote until I did some google dog-work to find "links" to back up everything I said.


It's all bullshit posing. I'm not writing a dissertation, I'm having a conversation. Read what other people say, and respond. It's what we do in the real world. Add something substantial to the conversation.



chen's a machine. don't worry about it. ;)

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Ah man I had a whole bunch of shit typed out, but then i stupidly did a google search in this tab and not a new tab.


Anyways - I should have guessed you had an MBA - lol. If only you'd just taken a decent econ class, you could have learned in one week what it took you two years to get through. And by the way, the Athabasca program isn't even on the current FT EMBA rankings - but from 2004, yeah great.


You did your undergrad work in Canada? Heavily subsidized by the government. Online course work for your MBA? WWW provided for free. Education CMS provided by someone else. You didn't get to your position simply through your own efforts. Society as a whole contributes.


Look we as society fully acknowledge that environment is basically everything - you ask parents why they work so hard? "Oh to provide my kids with better opportunities."

The idea of biological determinism has no real merit, and is universally described as a straw man by any respectable geneticist/biologist. Mendelian inheritance is a well understood idea, and it totally gives the lie to biological determinism.


Economics and finance are my majors m8. I have about 10 economics courses to complete my mba. Only completed a few though.


There is substantial evidence to support or refute either trains of thought - both mine and yours.


Suffice to say it just depends what side of the fence one stands on. People will always disagree.

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You're supposed to tip a server 20%.


I keep coming back to this thread hoping someone will have found the 1% tipper's identity and hacked his life to smithereens ...


the banker's a tight cunt. just like all the rest of them. that's how the rich get richer. by being tight, selfish, money-grubbing cunts. ;)

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And your original comment about the stock broker? Yeah, he works hard too you know, theres a lot of risk involved with playing the markets.


If it was so fucking easy, why doesn't buddy boy the waiter head over and do the same job?


Oh right, it takes 4-10 years of post secondary education that first you need to have good grades in high school for. Oh right, on top of the education, you need to be able to handle the stress and risk of essentially betting away millions of dollars a day. Oh right, you need to work extremely long hours on and off company time, assessing the market, the environment, and the people in it to understand how the market might shift.


But of course, any joe-blow serving me a fucking toasted sandwich that they may or may not have spit on since they are so bitter at the world should make the same amount as the stock broker, since there is literally no pre-requisites to getting one of those jobs.


That makes a lot of sense.


I admire your sense of reality.

just had to stop reading the thread to say: fuck off prick


btw i don't give a fuck about doing low-paid jobs because it's largely down to the choices i've made in life and not being particularly driven to make money. i mean i've had money and i just wasted it. you're saying some seriously twatty shit though.


Right. I'm the prick.


The only one in here making personal attacks at the moment is you.


Good job. You have read maybe 10 of my posts and can determine I'm a prick even though you don't know me.


Yep, all that local work and fundraisers I host to help the needy in my city, all the work of a complete prick. All of the free work I do for my community, the work of a prick.


Save your righteous judgemental bs for someone else.


Does noone at all find it ironic the guy likely took the picture off his i-phone.....?


Oh, he's so hard done by.


And your original comment about the stock broker? Yeah, he works hard too you know, theres a lot of risk involved with playing the markets.


If it was so fucking easy, why doesn't buddy boy the waiter head over and do the same job?


Oh right, it takes 4-10 years of post secondary education that first you need to have good grades in high school for. Oh right, on top of the education, you need to be able to handle the stress and risk of essentially betting away millions of dollars a day. Oh right, you need to work extremely long hours on and off company time, assessing the market, the environment, and the people in it to understand how the market might shift.


But of course, any joe-blow serving me a fucking toasted sandwich that they may or may not have spit on since they are so bitter at the world should make the same amount as the stock broker, since there is literally no pre-requisites to getting one of those jobs.


That makes a lot of sense.


I admire your sense of reality.

just had to stop reading the thread to say: fuck off prick


btw i don't give a fuck about doing low-paid jobs because it's largely down to the choices i've made in life and not being particularly driven to make money. i mean i've had money and i just wasted it. you're saying some seriously twatty shit though.


glad you can admit you are taking low paying jobs because of the choices you made. There is no shame in walking your path of life. My parents chose the same way and they are quite happy.

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also, i've worked in loads of catering businesses and most staff genuinely want customers to have a good experience. if someone is a complete twat it'll be discussed like, 'god, that guys a twat'.. 'lol yeah'.. no spitting or shitting.


but maybe it's another thing that's different in the US.


edit: mate, that shit about spitting in food is seriously a prickish thing to say


edit 2: like would you host a charity gig with some catering, get on the mic and be like 'enjoy the nibbles ladies and gentlemen, hopefully they didn't spit on it because they wish they were as well paid as stock brokers!!'

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also, i've worked in loads of catering businesses and most staff genuinely want customers to have a good experience. if someone is a complete twat it'll be discussed like, 'god, that guys a twat'.. 'lol yeah'.. no spitting or shitting.


but maybe it's another thing that's different in the US.


edit: mate, that shit about spitting in food is seriously a prickish thing to say


You're right. And a lot of people enjoy working in the service industry. They enjoy the customer interaction.

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Anyone agreeing "Randian social Darwinist" is an awkward combination of terms? Randian and social, that kinda like "Gay Republican".




I don't think it's a coincidence that most people arguing that everyone has an equal opportunity in life come from at least some amount of privelege.


I agree to some extent. But overall I think it's way too simple. There are actually quite a lot of people that have took the opportunity. Granted, luck can be one of the factors playing. The invention of the lightbulb took some luck, but most of all, someone tried their luck (after hundreds of failures). And there's a difference between being angry about not having equal opportunities, and not actually putting in the effort (out of fear of failing). In Western society, there are a lot of opportunities. More than people usually like to acknowledge. You can ask anyone in the third world.


Note: I'm not in the everyone has equal opportunities camp. They don't. But within Western society, a lot is possible.


And yes, I'm a dick for saying so. And yes, it's easy to say this from my privileged point of view. But was Blankfein really that much more privileged from the outset than the average college student? I don't think so.

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also, i've worked in loads of catering businesses and most staff genuinely want customers to have a good experience. if someone is a complete twat it'll be discussed like, 'god, that guys a twat'.. 'lol yeah'.. no spitting or shitting.


but maybe it's another thing that's different in the US.


edit: mate, that shit about spitting in food is seriously a prickish thing to say


edit 2: like would you host a charity gig with some catering, get on the mic and be like 'enjoy the nibbles ladies and gentlemen, hopefully they didn't spit on it!!'


Re edit 2.


No, I'm not sure how thats relevant either. But if a colleague treated a server like shit in my presence I'd give my colleague shit. On the flip side if the server is acting like a POS I would remove him from employment for the day.

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I don't think it's a coincidence that most people arguing that everyone has an equal opportunity in life come from at least some amount of privelege.







if only you fuckers had swooped in when i was posting last night and i wouldn't have had to be up till 2AM arguing with people over the internet :biggrin:


ok really i think people are arguing from two different sides here. there's the theoretical side and the realistic side.

the theoretical side is essentially "everything works out great if you put the work in and you deserve to get where you are by pushing yourself to study something you're probably not all that interested in to end up in an office making bucks and driving your family around in your well deserved BMW suv" (too generalised? i think you see my point though. social darwinism as hoodie said)


however others are coming more from a sociological point of view who have taken into account the workings and interactions within our society on a more realistic level (imo). this includes factors that affect this theory such as class, disadvantage and yes, genetics. if you don't believe that last part, look at whoever is starring in the latest hollywood flick or, on the flipside, look at susan boyle. both would not be where they are without the genetic factor at hand.


i think this essentially boils down to a left vs right political argument which is literally never going to end as both are based on different ideals and teachings stemming from those ideals.


goDel - "gay republican" isn't an oxymoron. believe it or not, not all republicans are homophobes. just a vast majority of them.


yessir, that's what I was trying to say when I said "2 sides of the same fence".


Both sides have substantial facts and evidence. Just depends how you look at it I guess. =/

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I think that pic was a setup and your all moaning over nothing, Its not on any other mainstream news sites as being genuine


Could it not be the simple case he pretended to be a banker in the resturant, For all we know hes probably in insurance telemarketing and has fuck all to do with banking

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goDel - "gay republican" isn't an oxymoron. believe it or not, not all republicans are homophobes. just a vast majority of them.

Haha. Ok, I retract that statement and try again by putting forward "Out of the closet gay republican". Again, no oxymoron, but even more awkward!

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I think that pic was a setup and your all moaning over nothing, Its not on any other mainstream news sites as being genuine


Could it not be the simple case he pretended to be a banker in the resturant, For all we know hes probably in insurance telemarketing and has fuck all to do with banking


true. i feel it's staged, as well.

if it's real, the guy was either drunk, an asshole, or just a drunk asshole.

or, maybe the server gave them bad service and was impolite. who knows.


because you'd expect that most if not all decent (well educated?) high earning people wouldn't do something as shitty as that, without good reason.


because they're supposed to be clever and respectable, right? lol

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because you'd expect that most if not all decent (well educated?) high earning people wouldn't do something as shitty as that, without good reason.


because they're supposed to be clever and respectable, right? lol


That's the European point of view. I have it on good authority that rich people from the US are in a league of their own when it comes to acting like jerks. Not kidding either.

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because you'd expect that most if not all decent (well educated?) high earning people wouldn't do something as shitty as that, without good reason.


because they're supposed to be clever and respectable, right? lol


That's the European point of view. I have it on good authority that rich people from the US are in a league of their own when it comes to acting like jerks. Not kidding either.


there's a good documentary on this phenomenon. christian bale narrates...

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because you'd expect that most if not all decent (well educated?) high earning people wouldn't do something as shitty as that, without good reason.


because they're supposed to be clever and respectable, right? lol


That's the European point of view. I have it on good authority that rich people from the US are in a league of their own when it comes to acting like jerks. Not kidding either.


there's a good documentary on this phenomenon. christian bale narrates...


lol. i bet he'd leave a proper tip at least!




seriously tho, this thread is pointless.


we all know that rich Americans are America is the main cancer of this world.


telling the waiter to get a proper job....... is ludicrous... hypocritical, ridiculous, and pathetic.

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