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My kid is 13, never been around drugs, or presented with them....as far as i know. I feel little late perhaps on a discussion in such matters. I am not looking for input to this request, advice, or anything, give it your your own kids if you have any, or grab a random one off the street and preach. Anyways i wanted to stress meth the most, and quite awhile ago there was this vid up here with a woman freaking in her yard, she was twisting and turning, scratching the fuck out of her body. Very disturbing. Any link or upload to here would be stupendous. Thanks

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Guest sirch

My kid is 13, never been around drugs, or presented with them....as far as i know. I feel little late perhaps on a discussion in such matters. I am not looking for input to this request, advice, or anything, give it your your own kids if you have any, or grab a random one off the street and preach. Anyways i wanted to stress meth the most, and quite awhile ago there was this vid up here with a woman freaking in her yard, she was twisting and turning, scratching the fuck out of her body. Very disturbing. Any link or upload to here would be stupendous. Thanks


what are you saying?


sounds like you're on some meth rant, yourself. you're not making sense. at least this thread does not any sense to me.


don't do meth ?

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Guest Gary C

Yeah, a horrifying image will get into his head, but it won't necessarily make him think twice about the act.


I mean, back in the early 00s I watched a couple of beheading videos like everyone else and it hasn't stopped me regularly culling my goldfish with a nailclipper.

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Thanks much appreciated.

My kid is 13, never been around drugs, or presented with them....as far as i know. I feel little late perhaps on a discussion in such matters. I am not looking for input to this request, advice, or anything, give it your your own kids if you have any, or grab a random one off the street and preach. Anyways i wanted to stress meth the most, and quite awhile ago there was this vid up here with a woman freaking in her yard, she was twisting and turning, scratching the fuck out of her body. Very disturbing. Any link or upload to here would be stupendous. Thanks


what are you saying?


sounds like you're on some meth rant, yourself. you're not making sense. at least this thread does not any sense to me.


don't do meth ?


Did you even bother reading the shit I wrote. Im sorry was it not at college level. Get the fuck out of the thread

Scaring your kid into not doing something really ain't the way forward ...

You have kids? If not who cares what you think. Second, showing him the reality of such decisions are important. Sorry there are no fucking Barney on meth videos around. Also did U even read my post?

Yeah, a horrifying image will get into his head, but it won't necessarily make him think twice about the act.


I mean, back in the early 00s I watched a couple of beheading videos like everyone else and it hasn't stopped me regularly culling my goldfish with a nailclipper.

Oh, thanks because everyone is the same. Perhaps you were to fucking stupid. I'm not looking for guarantees here, just some food for thought.? Let him know what's out there and what can happen. I have never done meth or any other drug except weed. Ultimately he will make his own choice, but I had to deal with a meth user, for a couple years and he was to young to see or fully understand it. Another story. And thanks to the non- morons who just stuck to my question without their fucking 2 cents

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he wants to scare his kid off drugs/meth?


maybe if i rephrase this to "he wants to show his kid what drugs can do" there is no need for any shitstorm.


but then you have to show him videos of people having a great time on acid or pills... in the name of balance.

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Guest Gary C

requiem for a dream is too intense for a 13 year old. make him watch traffic

Jesus, is that what's being suggested?


OP: If you're not trolling then DON'T let your 13yr old watch Requiem for a Dream, idiot.


Well, 13 is probably pretty close to being able to properly understand and disseminate that film. Maybe 15+ to be sure.


At the very least they probably need to have already tried drugs (whether just weed or something else) to really get into that film.


Uh, so yeah, in a couple of years get your kid stoned and put them in front of Requiem for a Dream?

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Fuckin' 'ell if I had a parent as intense as you come across here I'd probably end up taking meth ....


Luckily I didn't and thus like your child that has never been around drugs, or been presented with them; I've lived my life not taking them.

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requiem for a dream is too intense for a 13 year old. make him watch traffic

Jesus, is that what's being suggested?


OP: If you're not trolling then DON'T let your 13yr old watch Requiem for a Dream, idiot.



Well, 13 is probably pretty close to being able to properly understand and disseminate that film. Maybe 15+ to be sure.


At the very least they probably need to have already tried drugs (whether just weed or something else) to really get into that film.


Uh, so yeah, in a couple of years get your kid stoned and put them in front of Requiem for a Dream?

me an idiot? Is this thread on drugs, because the stupity is overwhelming. Don't care to show my kids "Hollywood" crap, no matter how well it portrays it. A lot of the time Hollywood glorifies drug use. Also I'm not going to balance shit out. I have my approach, no need for the chiming in of great ideas, you guys are coming up with.

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i know advice wasn't the point of this so take it or leave it but...


i wouldn't go straight in with the crazy-bitch-on-meth video if you've never discussed the subject before and you say the kid's never been exposed to anything yet. i'd discuss alcohol and pot first and take it from there...


and maybe keep the crazy-bitch-on-meth video up your sleeve for when you find a crack pipe in his shorts.

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I have my approach, no need for the chiming in of great ideas, you guys are coming up with.


ok let's all try to think of lots more advice for you...


back in a minute.

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Perhaps show him some terrorist torture videos, some hardcore bestiality, and holocaust videos so he doesn't get any ideas about taking part in that stuff as well...

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Guest carthief

I have to be honest, I don't think Requiem for a Dream will universally be an anti-drug experience for people.


People with addictive personalities have a tendency of "forgetting" or "blocking out" the more distasteful aspects of drug use, sex addiction, gambling, or whatever it is that's plaguing them...and for someone who possibly hasn't done drugs yet, but is intrigued regardless, they can fixate on the very minor, brief instances of joy or euphoria presented in something like Requiem for a Dream.


I've had crushing experiences with drugs in the past, and have moved on; but I can tell you that the few scenes where Leto and his partner are jiving in front of the record player, laughing at nothing with one another, is alluring no matter what happens afterwards.


I'm not going to tell anyone how to raise their kids; I don't have kids and, at this point, will hopefully never have them. But if I had to give any advice at this point, and my opinions can often change, it would be to just educate as truthfully as possible about the realities of substance use; which is difficult because there are so many, each with very unique characteristics.


**Edit - I misread or forgot that the point of this wasn't to ask for advice, but figure I'll leave that last part in anyway. Good luck.

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Guest Drahken

Scaring your kids and making drugs into some sinister monster figure works until your kid meets other ordinary kids like him who do drugs and starts to question how much was facts and how much were overblown scare tactics. Your better off being honest and straight forward, fostering a relationship of trust and communication so your kid will feel comfortable asking you questions, knowing they'll get an honest answer in return, and reinforcing in them that just because their peers do something doesn't mean they have to. Raise your child to be wise and respectful, not ignorant and fearful.

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