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Being nice to assholes.


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I've been in a really good mood today. I'm usually super nice to people, even if I'm feeling sad, stressed, etc. I go out my way. It isn't that hard.


I dont know if today is asshole day or what, but I've had several encounters with people who have responded to my pleasantness by being complete assholes.

One guy, who I know, that ive worked with and am Facebook friend's with, I bumped into at work. I said "Hey man :)" to. He glared out of the corner of his eye as he hustled by and muttered ">:/ hey". I though that maybe he didn't recognize me, although that didn't seem possible.

The next time I saw him, I said ":D hey man. How's it goin?". Same shit back.

This shit baffles me. The dude has no reason to be a dick, but it's obvious I'm getting the "fuck off" treatment from him.

When I worked with him last time, he seemed a bit salty, but otherwise, a good guy.


Anyway, similar stuff has happened to me a few times today. Saying "hi" to people with a smile and just getting glares in return. Running work errands at retail stores and trying to be happy and helpful and just getting attitude back.


Seriously. I feel like there's something in the air today. Has this been effecting any of you guys today?

If not. Wtf?


Seriously. What's the point of being a dick to someone nice who isn't trying to bother/annoy you? FFS.

Maybe it's just LA. I feel like people here are smug, self-absorbed fucks.


*hands shaking while typing*

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I've been in a really good mood today. I'm usually super nice to people, even if I'm feeling sad, stressed, etc. I go out my way. It isn't that hard.


I dont know if today is asshole day or what, but I've had several encounters with people who have responded to my pleasantness by being complete assholes.

One guy, who I know, that ive worked with and am Facebook friend's with, I bumped into at work. I said "Hey man :)" to. He glared out of the corner of his eye as he hustled by and muttered ">:/ hey". I though that maybe he didn't recognize me, although that didn't seem possible.

The next time I saw him, I said ":D hey man. How's it goin?". Same shit back.

This shit baffles me. The dude has no reason to be a dick, but it's obvious I'm getting the "fuck off" treatment from him.

When I worked with him last time, he seemed a bit salty, but otherwise, a good guy.


Anyway, similar stuff has happened to me a few times today. Saying "hi" to people with a smile and just getting glares in return. Running work errands at retail stores and trying to be happy and helpful and just getting attitude back.


Seriously. I feel like there's something in the air today. Has this been effecting any of you guys today?

If not. Wtf?


Seriously. What's the point of being a dick to someone nice who isn't trying to bother/annoy you? FFS.

Maybe it's just LA. I feel like people here are smug, self-absorbed fucks.


*hands shaking while typing*


Yo, some people dont handle stress/depression/sadness as well as you. No biggy, dont take it to heart. Being an asshole has the prerequisite of a continues stream of bullshit regardless of the day.


If hes a bit more than an acquaintance, he's probably having a bad day/week. Obviously he wont go into it because he doesnt know you that well.

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Overlook, I moved. This fucking guy at this retail joint was the cherry on top. What a fucking dick. I just had to deal with him again and he was cussing to himself and just being angry in general. I have no idea why.

Whatever. My day is just about ruined, but I'm still not going to take my shit out on anyone else.

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I moved. This fucking guy at this retail joint was the cherry on top. What a fucking dick. I just had to deal with him again and he was cussing to himself and just being angry in general. I have no idea why.

Whatever. My day is just about ruined, but I'm still not going to take my shit out on anyone else.


I have beer. Beer makes things better.

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Yeah. You guys are right. I should probably stop trying to make throat babies with their women.


Is that like an obtuse way of saying "eat a dick"? lol

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Yeah. You guys are right. I should probably stop trying to make throat babies with their women.


Is that like an obtuse way of saying "eat a dick"? lol


Thats the 2nd time you've used obtuse in that context.


Ive only ever heard obtuse in reference to a fucking angle in a triangle.

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Yeah. You guys are right. I should probably stop trying to make throat babies with their women.


Is that like an obtuse way of saying "eat a dick"? lol


Thats the 2nd time you've used obtuse in that context.


Ive only ever heard obtuse in reference to a fucking angle in a triangle.


Tim Robbins asked the warden in Shawshank how he could be so obtuse, and he got really, really pissed.


But yeah, people everywhere are pricks. My next door neighbors, are a beefy lesbian couple in their 40's. I try to be neighborly and say hello to them, but they usually glare at me or say "Hi." with an unusual level of scorn in their voice. It's a repeat offense. I think they just hate people with penises, which is evident, when you look at their son. Yikes.

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Guest Rabid

My roommate's from Texas, and once people found out he's an atheist they all started being really nasty to him. At first he didn't realize why people were so mean to him all of a sudden. Even one of his friends refused to talk to him.

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My roommate's from Texas, and once people found out he's an atheist they all started being really nasty to him. At first he didn't realize why people were so mean to him all of a sudden. Even one of his friends refused to talk to him.

Religion sure is great..

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Seriously. What's the point of being a dick to someone nice who isn't trying to bother/annoy you? FFS.

Maybe it's just LA. I feel like people here are smug, self-absorbed fucks.


This could account for a lot of it. On the west coast (sometimes) you meet people who are extremely nice at first, and then they become dicks to you over time. I've heard it's the reverse on the east coast, but I'm not sure. Generalizing I guess...


Seriously. I feel like there's something in the air today. Has this been effecting any of you guys today?

If not. Wtf?


I find people go a little nutty in the spring, especially in April I've observed over the years. As T.S. Elliott once said, "April is the cruellest month."

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Yeah. You guys are right. I should probably stop trying to make throat babies with their women.


Is that like an obtuse way of saying "eat a dick"? lol


Thats the 2nd time you've used obtuse in that context.


Ive only ever heard obtuse in reference to a fucking angle in a triangle.

pretty sure he means oblique, very common mistake. People seem to prefer saying obtuse. Poor oblique..


In regards to op: check for spinach in your teeth?

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Guest couch

My roommate's from Texas, and once people found out he's an atheist they all started being really nasty to him. At first he didn't realize why people were so mean to him all of a sudden. Even one of his friends refused to talk to him.

Lovely innit? I had to make my facebook wall private because of this shit. Fuck living in the south. I don't even talk about anything related to it, never have either.


Well, thats lots of my older school friends. Most of my regular crowd doesn't give a fuck or are not christians either.

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