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this is idm.

My tutor at uni designed propellors in his spare time and was on various EU standards committees and groups. His office was like a shrine to subs and engines like these. He got us running cfd models of prototype designs to help him optimise ahead of meetings, actually good times!

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Seeing these oilrigs, I wonder why no eccentric billionaire hasn't built one in the middle of the ocean, like a Bond villains base. I know that if I had a couple of extra billions lying around that's one of the first things I would do.

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Seeing these oilrigs, I wonder why no eccentric billionaire hasn't built one in the middle of the ocean, like a Bond villains base. I know that if I had a couple of extra billions lying around that's one of the first things I would do.


maybe they already have, and they stealth radar blocking techniques to remain invisible. They probably get there via submarine or stealth speed boats like



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Seeing these oilrigs, I wonder why no eccentric billionaire hasn't built one in the middle of the ocean, like a Bond villains base. I know that if I had a couple of extra billions lying around that's one of the first things I would do.


You need approval from the country its nearest to. You'd have to find a pretty poor country to take advantage of for that though. One most likely with pirates roaming its waters.

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Am maybe showing my anorak openly, But I think these are paxman valenta engines the same ones used on the british hst class 25s trains only diffrance is the turbos on the train are smaller but yeald higher boost pressures.

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A close friend of mine works for RR. He works in the nuclear sub division and shares top secret information with me. I've seen pictures of those nuclear reactors.. he has also shown me pictures from the inside of Astute whilst it was being built. Unreal when you think of the potential power and danger of those beasts. The most scary thing about it is, nuclear power is still an unknown science.. when it goes wrong that is.


Submarines are the ultimate in IDM travel.



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He works in the nuclear sub division and shares top secret information with me.


Can you share any of this information with us, or have you already? (And is that photo part of it?)

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