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Guest abracadabra

I've had Balut (fertilized duck egg) that was previously mentioned in this page. I actually used to love it a lot when I was a kid. The best part is the juice. I don't really fucks wit dat anymore though. But on another Filipino brown pride note...





It's basically a stew but blood is the main "broth". Hence, the color being black as it fully cooks. Usually tripe, liver, and various cuts of meat are thrown into it. It's usually called "chocolate meat", but that's just to get kids to eat and enjoy it. I used to try it here and there when I was younger, but again, I don't fucks wit dat anymore.

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I've had Balut (fertilized duck egg) that was previously mentioned in this page. I actually used to love it a lot when I was a kid. The best part is the juice. I don't really fucks wit dat anymore though. But on another Filipino brown pride note...





It's basically a stew but blood is the main "broth". Hence, the color being black as it fully cooks. Usually tripe, liver, and various cuts of meat are thrown into it. It's usually called "chocolate meat", but that's just to get kids to eat and enjoy it. I used to try it here and there when I was younger, but again, I don't fucks wit dat anymore.


Ahah that is very close to cabidela. What I just posted the page before.

Edited by Kanakori
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Guest abracadabra

Ahah that is very close to cabidela. What I just posted the page before.


Yeah, I noticed. Sue me.


No but really, I posted it just to confirm that I too partake in the "strange" food eats. Consider this validation.


I am now Andrew Zimmern rank



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Guest boo

there's a serbian dish called pihtija. it's like jelly with meat, eggs and other vile shit inside of it. i'm pretty sure it made me puke once when i was a kid.



that's like a pork pie without the pastry... and more jelly.


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there's a serbian dish called pihtija. it's like jelly with meat, eggs and other vile shit inside of it. i'm pretty sure it made me puke once when i was a kid.





that. looks. vile.


thats kholodets and it's amazing, especially with horseradish.

wouldn't put an egg in it though.


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there's a serbian dish called pihtija. it's like jelly with meat, eggs and other vile shit inside of it. i'm pretty sure it made me puke once when i was a kid.



that's like a pork pie without the pastry... and more jelly.




Omg ARRRGH *pukes*

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savoury and gelatinous are two adjectives that should NEVER work their way into a dish. that trend should have died with the jell-o recipes of the 1950s.



i would probably like this, actually.




and what's wrong with this? is it the blood base for the sauce? there's a sort of blood sausage-type dish in korea called sundae which is actually pretty good.


stuffed with cellophane noodles(?) and whatnot.


also, korean style grilled cow intestine isn't too bad either—very much a drinking food though.


edit: and i would absolutely fuck with a pork pie.

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It's not just the blood, everything is in there, those parts you usually put on the side of the plate? The brains, they liver, the tongue, etc they're in there.

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welp, i retract my expression of interest in that dish. (i think)

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Yeah, I think I'd be with you on that. I haven't had liver or tongue or brain, but after having had intestines I might actually venture a try. Honestly does look pretty good on first glance.

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tongue's actually pretty tasty


I'm not eating any part of any animal's central nervous system any time soon, though. PRIONS: DO NOT WANT

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tongue's actually pretty tasty

Yeah I had beef tongue at an expensive japanese restaurant a few months ago, the texture was amazing.

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my flatmate got me over the strangeness of eating tongue, cheeks, liver, and kidneys.


cheeks in particular were amazing.


how did the rest of him taste?? :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest Drahken

Some of the best food I've ever eaten was consumed during my time in the Phillipines, though Balut was one I didn't get the chance to try sadly (or perhaps not!).


I've had Ikura (salmon roe) with quail yoke on top many times. At first I ordered one just to gross my family out but they really grew on me and I'll order them anytime I find myself in a reputable Sushi place. I think I blew my hosts mind in Japan when I mentioned that I'd eat literally any kind of sushi they put in front of me.



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Guest boo

seems good!



ps. i mentioned lickin chickin in chatmm. it turns out it's actually called lick'n chick'n... :cool:

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