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Masked gunman kills 14 at Batman premiere in Denver


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Anything can be used as a weapon, where do we draw the line?



we'll figure it out as soon as someone will go spree killer with a toothpick or a spoon.


RE: court vids - he looks likes he's tripping on some serious psychiatric drugs. i doubt we'll see him sober ever, though. guy's a cuckoo.

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several times throughout he says that anyone who gets a gun must intend to use it... that's utterly wrong as well. For many people, it's a safety measure. Something to keep someone feeling safe and comfortable in their own home. I see nothing wrong with that.



in that case, get a replica to scare whatever there is that haunts you. if you're not going to use it, what do you need real guns for? guns only make people feel safe because they know that when time comes they can shoot their way out of trouble, which means they do intend to use it.


Anything can be used as a weapon, where do we draw the line?



Submachine guns of course should not be allowed to be owned by civilians but it's America and they're stubborn.

Knife crime in England is very high, scum will find ways to mess you up, it's only the honest people that are left without protection, specially in Europe were the laws favor the criminals too much...


Costanza's main point was on automatic machine guns or rather guns that are very effective at killing many people in a short time period. You can own a glock or shotgun to protect yourself but anyone spending $30,000 on gun equipment that includes these automatic guns and what not does have a suspicious quality to it. Why do you need something so deadly? At the very least these kinds of guns should be restricted to shooting ranges for sport, but should not be as accessible as sending a forum and adding them to your online shopping cart.


Knife crime in England is bad but it's not close to the amount of gun violence in America. I think Vamos is missing the point also... he's specifically talking about highly lethal guns, not all guns. So he isn't saying someone who buys a glock wants to kill but someone who buys and treasures these highly lethal guns do. I imagine, often they are used by ex-military people and honestly its hard for me to relate to someone who wants to go kill people, especially when there hasn't been a just war since WW2.

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Anything can be used as a weapon, where do we draw the line?



we'll figure it out as soon as someone will go spree killer with a toothpick or a spoon.


RE: court vids - he looks likes he's tripping on some serious psychiatric drugs. i doubt we'll see him sober ever, though. guy's a cuckoo.


A car out of control can kill as much people, I ask again where's the line?


In the US anyone can buy a gun and that's their problem if they don't want to change gun control. In most EU countries you have to take a test and be evaluated first and you can only get a weak caliber gun, even then it would not change a lunatic from going on a random killing spree.


I think it's too late for them either way, there's too many guns out there already plus tons illegal. It would take many decades to change that situation and a lot of effort.


I don't see anyone reacting to what the cartels do in Mexico... but that's ok since they're brown people.

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Anything can be used as a weapon, where do we draw the line?



we'll figure it out as soon as someone will go spree killer with a toothpick or a spoon.


RE: court vids - he looks likes he's tripping on some serious psychiatric drugs. i doubt we'll see him sober ever, though. guy's a cuckoo.


A car out of control can kill as much people, I ask again where's the line?


In the US anyone can buy a gun and that's their problem if they don't want to change gun control. In most EU countries you have to take a test and be evaluated first and you can only get a weak caliber gun, even then it would not change a lunatic from going on a random killing spree.


I think it's too late for them either way, there's too many guns out there already plus tons illegal. It would take many decades to change that situation and a lot of effort.


I don't see anyone reacting to what the cartels do in Mexico... but that's ok since they're brown people.


Then I get messages from seemingly decent and intelligent people who offer things like: @BrooklynAvi: Guns should only be banned if violent crimes committed with tomatoes means we should ban tomatoes. OR @nysportsguys1: Drunk drivers kill, should we ban fast cars?


I’m hoping that right after they hit send, they take a deep breath and realize that those arguments are completely specious. I believe tomatoes and cars have purposes other than killing. What purpose does an AR-15 serve to a sportsman that a more standard hunting rifle does not serve?


I'm not sure what you are arguing at this point. You seem to be arguing both sides. "Cars can kill people" ... "there are too many guns out there."

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Guest Frankie5fingers

several times throughout he says that anyone who gets a gun must intend to use it... that's utterly wrong as well. For many people, it's a safety measure. Something to keep someone feeling safe and comfortable in their own home. I see nothing wrong with that.



in that case, get a replica to scare whatever there is that haunts you. if you're not going to use it, what do you need real guns for? guns only make people feel safe because they know that when time comes they can shoot their way out of trouble, which means they do intend to use it.


Anything can be used as a weapon, where do we draw the line?



Submachine guns of course should not be allowed to be owned by civilians but it's America and they're stubborn.

Knife crime in England is very high, scum will find ways to mess you up, it's only the honest people that are left without protection, specially in Europe were the laws favor the criminals too much...


Costanza's main point was on automatic machine guns or rather guns that are very effective at killing many people in a short time period. You can own a glock or shotgun to protect yourself but anyone spending $30,000 on gun equipment that includes these automatic guns and what not does have a suspicious quality to it. Why do you need something so deadly? At the very least these kinds of guns should be restricted to shooting ranges for sport, but should not be as accessible as sending a forum and adding them to your online shopping cart.

i haven't been reading much about this but i do wanna chime in. I agree with you compson. i mean, if you went to any store in the country and bought at least 3 or 4 chemicals that are required to make meth you instantly get tagged and the cops come at your door in full force. but some guy who has like 5 or 6 registered weapons doesn't even get questioned. (i know this to be true cause i know a guy with 3-4 pistols and 2 rifles)


but in the end it doesn't really matter, even if all guns were illegal in the states the amount of gun crimes would not go down. seriously, if someone wants a gun they'll get a gun. kinda like pot, it may be illegal but if you want it you know how to get it.

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don't think it's true, often it's the easiness of getting things that matters. i don't really smoke pot but if it would be sold legally in some pharmacy 5 mins from my home i probably would.


basically with stricter gun laws you're placing another obstacle in the whole "committing a crime" sequencde.i think gun regulations are especially effective in preventing crimes of passion and such.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

don't think it's true, often it's the easiness of getting things that matters. i don't really smoke pot but if it would be sold legally in some pharmacy 5 mins from my home i probably would.


basically with stricter gun laws you're placing another obstacle in the whole "committing a crime" sequencde.i think gun regulations are especially effective in preventing crimes of passion and such.

i don't smoke pot but i know a couple people that i could get it from. maybe thats just me so maybe not the best example. but my point was that if youre willing to do a crime whats to stop you from getting a gun?
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several times throughout he says that anyone who gets a gun must intend to use it... that's utterly wrong as well. For many people, it's a safety measure. Something to keep someone feeling safe and comfortable in their own home. I see nothing wrong with that.



in that case, get a replica to scare whatever there is that haunts you. if you're not going to use it, what do you need real guns for? guns only make people feel safe because they know that when time comes they can shoot their way out of trouble, which means they do intend to use it.


Anything can be used as a weapon, where do we draw the line?



Submachine guns of course should not be allowed to be owned by civilians but it's America and they're stubborn.

Knife crime in England is very high, scum will find ways to mess you up, it's only the honest people that are left without protection, specially in Europe were the laws favor the criminals too much...


Costanza's main point was on automatic machine guns or rather guns that are very effective at killing many people in a short time period. You can own a glock or shotgun to protect yourself but anyone spending $30,000 on gun equipment that includes these automatic guns and what not does have a suspicious quality to it. Why do you need something so deadly? At the very least these kinds of guns should be restricted to shooting ranges for sport, but should not be as accessible as sending a forum and adding them to your online shopping cart.

i haven't been reading much about this but i do wanna chime in. I agree with you compson. i mean, if you went to any store in the country and bought at least 3 or 4 chemicals that are required to make meth you instantly get tagged and the cops come at your door in full force. but some guy who has like 5 or 6 registered weapons doesn't even get questioned. (i know this to be true cause i know a guy with 3-4 pistols and 2 rifles)


but in the end it doesn't really matter, even if all guns were illegal in the states the amount of gun crimes would not go down. seriously, if someone wants a gun they'll get a gun. kinda like pot, it may be illegal but if you want it you know how to get it.


Agreed, however culture can adjust away from the fear that drives the need for guns. Generally these mass shootings deal with one or two individuals. There's no reason someone with a concealed carrying license would be at a major disadvantage.

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don't think it's true, often it's the easiness of getting things that matters. i don't really smoke pot but if it would be sold legally in some pharmacy 5 mins from my home i probably would.


basically with stricter gun laws you're placing another obstacle in the whole "committing a crime" sequencde.i think gun regulations are especially effective in preventing crimes of passion and such.

i don't smoke pot but i know a couple people that i could get it from. maybe thats just me so maybe not the best example. but my point was that if youre willing to do a crime whats to stop you from getting a gun?

you could think of a lot of reasons..getting caught by the cops for starters ? general suspicion from people ..etc

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I hate to be "that guy", and I realize that there are reasons that the Batman killer story is almost more about security than the deaths themselves in some ways, but http://en.wikipedia....12_Iraq_attacks


116 dead

299 injured

Happened yesterday


people living in first world countries do not give a shit about what happens in places like iraq and i'd say most folks don't put an equal value on their lives.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

don't think it's true, often it's the easiness of getting things that matters. i don't really smoke pot but if it would be sold legally in some pharmacy 5 mins from my home i probably would.


basically with stricter gun laws you're placing another obstacle in the whole "committing a crime" sequencde.i think gun regulations are especially effective in preventing crimes of passion and such.

i don't smoke pot but i know a couple people that i could get it from. maybe thats just me so maybe not the best example. but my point was that if youre willing to do a crime whats to stop you from getting a gun?

you could think of a lot of reasons..getting caught by the cops for starters ? general suspicion from people ..etc

that may stop a common thug. but if you really wanted to kill someone you think getting caught for buying an illegal gun is going to phase you? i mean, at that point the person has already lost any common sense.


I hate to be "that guy", and I realize that there are reasons that the Batman killer story is almost more about security than the deaths themselves in some ways, but http://en.wikipedia....12_Iraq_attacks


116 dead

299 injured

Happened yesterday


people living in first world countries do not give a shit about what happens in places like iraq and i'd say most folks don't put an equal value on their lives.

you can say that agian. like when that quake hit China after the one that hit Haiti (don't remember but i think it was actually bigger than the one in Haiti). bunch of people died but no one gave a shit cause the media thought the Haiti one was more important. it was the one they already set their evil eyes on. makes me sick.
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don't think it's true, often it's the easiness of getting things that matters. i don't really smoke pot but if it would be sold legally in some pharmacy 5 mins from my home i probably would.


basically with stricter gun laws you're placing another obstacle in the whole "committing a crime" sequencde.i think gun regulations are especially effective in preventing crimes of passion and such.

i don't smoke pot but i know a couple people that i could get it from. maybe thats just me so maybe not the best example. but my point was that if youre willing to do a crime whats to stop you from getting a gun?

you could think of a lot of reasons..getting caught by the cops for starters ? general suspicion from people ..etc

that may stop a common thug. but if you really wanted to kill someone you think getting caught for buying an illegal gun is going to phase you? i mean, at that point the person has already lost any common sense.

well that what i was trying to say when mentioning crime of passion, many people are not professional killers but given some mental breakdown/cheating girlfriend/victim of bullying they are potentially deadly with a gun.

i think there are some statistics about this i could find but i don't have the time right now.

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don't think it's true, often it's the easiness of getting things that matters. i don't really smoke pot but if it would be sold legally in some pharmacy 5 mins from my home i probably would.


basically with stricter gun laws you're placing another obstacle in the whole "committing a crime" sequencde.i think gun regulations are especially effective in preventing crimes of passion and such.

i don't smoke pot but i know a couple people that i could get it from. maybe thats just me so maybe not the best example. but my point was that if youre willing to do a crime whats to stop you from getting a gun?

you could think of a lot of reasons..getting caught by the cops for starters ? general suspicion from people ..etc

that may stop a common thug. but if you really wanted to kill someone you think getting caught for buying an illegal gun is going to phase you? i mean, at that point the person has already lost any common sense.


I hate to be "that guy", and I realize that there are reasons that the Batman killer story is almost more about security than the deaths themselves in some ways, but http://en.wikipedia....12_Iraq_attacks


116 dead

299 injured

Happened yesterday


people living in first world countries do not give a shit about what happens in places like iraq and i'd say most folks don't put an equal value on their lives.

you can say that agian. like when that quake hit China after the one that hit Haiti (don't remember but i think it was actually bigger than the one in Haiti). bunch of people died but no one gave a shit cause the media thought the Haiti one was more important. it was the one they already set their evil eyes on. makes me sick.


if people had to equally share time with every single human being that dies in a disaster daily, we would be in an even more catatonic state of depressed willing stupidity than we are now.

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If it was harder to get these lethal automatic guns, there would be less circulation and easier tracking on those that do acquire them. Less circulation is better... there is no perfect solution but this would be progress.


edit: Why can't guns have GPS devices that have to be active in order for the gun to function and further more businesses and states set up hot spots where there is a lot of public activity and any highly lethal guns would not be functional in these hot spots. Furthermore gun owners should have their own radial devices that link specifically with their guns only... so stealing those guns would be pointless unless you can hack it or locate their radial device.

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ooooh sorry, I don't speak either language.


And yes, I bet Aurora almost shot Christian Bale for sneaking into their town.


what a cool dude......hanging out with all of the victims.



fuck the red sox though


another picture of sweetness


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He looks like a guy that doesn't enjoy life.


he's visiting victims of a mass shooting


also, hey, is that posh spice?

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Guest sirch

He looks like a guy that doesn't enjoy life.


he's visiting victims of a mass shooting


also, hey, is that posh spice?




and he looks an awful lot like John Conner...

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