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Doctor Who Series 7 Trailer


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This is how I remember Doctor Who.


I remember actually being scared by this series! Mr. McCoy and Ace were awesome.




Lol. I was 7 when that was aired in 1989!


The McCoy era was known for having some of the worst episodes ever, as well as some of the greatest. Andrew Cartmel and John Nathan-Turner were driving the show into the ground (mostly JNT), which led to it's cancellation in 1989.


That particular clip brings back nice memories, watching it on PBS here in the States.


I don't know if I can deal with Matt Smith without full-time Karen Gillan. Aesthetically.

But I will watch.


Matt's a great Doctor - I prefer him over Tennant, but for different reasons. I'm hoping the introduction of the new companion, Clara, in the Christmas Special this year sets a good tone and is better than the last Christmas Special, which even made me cringe at times (and I can be very forgiving of Doctor Who).

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If you're questioning whether she's dead, and you are by virtue of your question mark, I'd say that the trailer is not showing everything and is instead providing you with a teaser image, as effective trailers are wont to do.


Also the Daleks are never destroyed.

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A fair assumption, but she's not dead in those shots (which are from the first episode, Asylum of the Daleks) - So far, Amy and Rory's departure from the show is speculation (e.g.: how they depart - leave, die, something else entirely), but is confirmed not to happen until Episode 5, which airs before the Christmas Special.


They're not going to show something as dramatic as the death of a companion (and I personally don't think Moffat will kill off any major character on a kid's show) in a trailer, at least not blatantly.


If the past trailers for previous series are anything to go by, this trailer shows only a fraction of what's to come.

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(I just wish trailers were simpler)


This series already looks better than last series (judging by the trailer of course), daleks, dinos, HOLY SHIT!.


I'm gonna miss Karen Gillan, i hope i'm wrong and they don't kill her, i don't want to cry in front of my family.

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Aside from the ample aesthetic considerations, I just really like the Amy Pond role and Karen's acting. And Rory, too. I feel more attached to those characters and their stories and their ability to act as foils to this Doctor than I do re: Smith's Doctor. I don't dislike Smith or his acting, but I sort of dislike this Doctor as a character. He needs at least a mild nut kicking. Maybe this will be his nut kicking.

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This is all looking shit-hot. It's usually pretty hard to predict what Moffatt's going to come up with, so I can't imagine how episode with apparently every Dalek ever seen is going to pan out. Good to see Special Weapons Dalek in the promo artwork. I only hope that the Genesis Daleks and earlier are treated with due respect. I'll be looking closely for the silver variants from Death To The Daleks.


And apparently plenty of returning classic monsters this series, I suppose at a stretch we could include dinosaurs there as well. I only wish the rumours of the Ice Warriors returning were true. Only downer for me is that Mark Gatiss is not only returning but writing two episodes, I've yet to like anything he's come up with for Who.

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Aside from the ample aesthetic considerations, I just really like the Amy Pond role and Karen's acting. And Rory, too. I feel more attached to those characters and their stories and their ability to act as foils to this Doctor than I do re: Smith's Doctor. I don't dislike Smith or his acting, but I sort of dislike this Doctor as a character. He needs at least a mild nut kicking. Maybe this will be his nut kicking.


Do we really want another emo doctor? (you know like Tennant's last series when he was suicidal, crying all the time and blaming himself for everything.)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Fantastic episode, just one cringe worthy moment (when Amy and Rory were fighting about who had more love for each other).


This season is already looking better than last season, the only thing that worries me is that future companion acts just like the doctor, are we gonna have to deal with two of them ?? ugh.

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Loved the episode - Clara (Ozwin) made me instantly forget about Amy and Rory, glad to see them finally go. Bit disappointed by the fact they didn't really use the classic Daleks for nothing more than window dressing, and instead resorted to the pre-Moffat Daleks for any action scenes...


Also, why is Moffat using the same trope for Ozwin that he used for River? (Doctor knows when companion is going to die and meets her in reverse)


Other than that, excellent start to this series!

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Also, why is Moffat using the same trope for Ozwin that he used for River? (Doctor knows when companion is going to die and meets her in reverse)


That might not be the trope. This is Who, afterall. Ozwin might have saved herself somehow.

I guess around episode 6 or so the Daleks will surface again along with a surviving Ozwin (somehow)

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Also, why is Moffat using the same trope for Ozwin that he used for River? (Doctor knows when companion is going to die and meets her in reverse)


That might not be the trope. This is Who, afterall. Ozwin might have saved herself somehow.

I guess around episode 6 or so the Daleks will surface again along with a surviving Ozwin (somehow)


No, he meets her in the Christmas Special (episode 6 if you count the specials), and in Victorian England - so it's most likely her past, his future, where he knows how she dies (her future, his past), just like River. Dunno, we'll see.

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