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It would have to move faster than the speed of light for us to see into the past. If it went the speed of light we would only see what happened after it launched.

so theoretically we could see the evolution of man with a shapeship/camera that travels from some crazy distant at a rate equal to the pace of real time towards earth and have a singular google maps view until the present?

i think it had to travel faster than light

way faster!!!

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Since WATMM projects are always so efficient and militantly executed we should just start our own terraform mars reality tv mission. We can not do this and fail miserably guys! It will be good fun.

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too bad they couldn't get eno to do a live performance at the command center during the actual descent, full with a decent quality mp3 stream to the Curiosity's main speaker box, blasting into to space as it falls... and in the end the solar powered speaker box will be left where the rover landed and loop the same ambient sounds forever and ever.

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Amazing history. Those damned ruskies were at it way earlier than those us-ians.


more pics here:



I've been following this since I was a kid, and I've never seen those photos you showed. The page you linked to doesn't have them, either. Where did you find them?

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just noticed that the black and white versions of the images are in your link.


Seems the images were reverse-engineered from the original panoramic shots more recently (using Photoshop). Not sure that explains the great color too, though.

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Not sure where you are in you're line of thinking, but the yellow color is later added and an attempt to recreate the actual colors of Venus. Yes, the air of Venus is yellow. More info is in the link I posted. After a bit of reading it is explained that the ugly yellow fonts are also used as a reference to the color of Venus' atmosphere.

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yeah I read that, thanks dork. Where I'm going with it is those pics are old, from the 70's. I remember them well, as they sparked my childhood imagination. Yet, I've never seen those versions anywhere before now. Not because they're in color, but because they are undistorted panorama shots (the ones I remember all show the round, serrated edge of the craft, a bunch of rocks in a semicircle, but no flat horizon line, and not much atmosphere).


I already partially answered my own question, by noticing on that linked page that they have the black and white versions of the OP's images, that were apparently un-distorted and patched up using Photoshop more recently. Mystery solved (though again, not sure how "true color" the images are...even many recent Mars photos are shown in false color to make the images pop and show the "blueberries" better. I believe the color was encoded somehow...they also say the landers had red, blue and green filters...anyway, whatevs)

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Even if you put Fi = 1 you still get a very large number (187,500 in the galaxy alone). The universe is humongous (duh :derp: ), so even at .5 or .1, or even .001 (187 in the galaxy) the odds of other intelligent life being somewhere in the entirety of the universe are still almost a certainty.

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I said FI=0 :sleep: If intelligent life beyond earth exists the odds that its before or around our level of intelligence are extremely low. If it is beyond that then most likely by millions of years. A civilization this advanced could have von Neumann probes, self improving AI and even without them they could use entire galaxies as an energy source. The signs would be obvious.

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No, the equation is about extraterrestrial life. Doesn't matter though, it's not even made to take it very seriously, even when you do you we don't know most of the numbers and since Fi is most likely 0 the result will be most likely 0. Or the intelligent life has chosen to hide its existance from us.

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