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Dave Mustaine Accuses Obama of Staging Recent Mass Killings


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

wow. one of my favorite musicians circling the drain. i sure hope that he was drunk when he was saying that shit (given his history he most likely was). though in the vid it did kinda look like he was joking. but with that and the recent shit that hes been doing i don't think he was. Well, i sure hope that the music remains awesome.

Dave Mustaine is one of your favorite musicians??....... I still like metal and I gotta stay that's pretty emberassing. Everything Dave Mustaine is fucking lame.


& yeh, I know not spelling embarrassing correctly is pretty embarrassing.

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Alex Jones has been getting quite popular these days, almost every day Drudgereport.com links to one of their stories. Now infowars writes stories so that they will get picked up by drudge, brietbart and foxnews. Pretty sad development, even though infowars is pretty fucked up and reckless anyways, its gotten much worse and stupider since Obama has gotten into the whitehouse.


for those who don't understand the context, Dave Mustaine became an infowars/alex jones parrot/bot circa 2008

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Guest Frankie5fingers

wow. one of my favorite musicians circling the drain. i sure hope that he was drunk when he was saying that shit (given his history he most likely was). though in the vid it did kinda look like he was joking. but with that and the recent shit that hes been doing i don't think he was. Well, i sure hope that the music remains awesome.

Dave Mustaine is one of your favorite musicians??....... I still like metal and I gotta stay that's pretty emberassing. Everything Dave Mustaine is fucking lame.

sorry to disappoint you (im not really, cause i don't give a fuck what you think of me. lol), but yes. and Megadeth is my #1 favorite band. say what you want. but thats my opinion.
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Guest RandySicko

Fuck Mustaine and fuck Randy.


Actually, we're all fucked, Bert. Too many people like you watching too much television.


wow. one of my favorite musicians circling the drain. i sure hope that he was drunk when he was saying that shit (given his history he most likely was). though in the vid it did kinda look like he was joking. but with that and the recent shit that hes been doing i don't think he was. Well, i sure hope that the music remains awesome.

Dave Mustaine is one of your favorite musicians??....... I still like metal and I gotta stay that's pretty emberassing. Everything Dave Mustaine is fucking lame.

sorry to disappoint you (im not really, cause i don't give a fuck what you think of me. lol), but yes. and Megadeth is my #1 favorite band. say what you want. but thats my opinion.


And I get called the troll here lol. Frankie, since they are your #1 band, don't you care enough about what your idol is talking about to atleast research some of it before dismissing him as drunk? I believe he mentioned operation fast and furious in his rant as well ..that wasn't by accident. I mean, has the lyrical content of almost EVERY Megadeth album resonated with you in the least?


I don't see how a false flag against the 2nd ammendment is a completely rediculous idea for a government like ours. The only thing 13 people dying on our own soil means to our government is "opportunity". Thats why they let 3000 die on 9/11. Think those in power have any moral values or care about human life? Who dropped the A bomb?


Too much television telling everyone what to think.



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but there's just no evidence whatsoever to believe that it was a 'false flag' . Where's the proof or even a convincing assertion that it was? I get a lot of shit for believing that 9/11 was an inside job, but i don't understand the determination to believe that everything is a false flag... shit happens.



this whole false flag mass shooting theory just plays into the masculine fantasy pipe dream that somehow that armed american are a threat to the US military or police. Armed citizens aren't going to save this country if it all goes to shit, we're already a boiled frog. So to leap to the conclusion that a mass shooting must be some sort of false flag to take away our gun rights for a potential martial law scenario is just really baseless, unless you buy into this fantasy


what i see happening here is that infowars has become practically mainstream, and if you lean to the right enough and distrust mainstream media, there is a vortex that sucks you into what Jack Blood correctly describes as 'fear porn' aka Alex Jones, the Oprah Winfrey of the alternative news world.

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it's not surprising, the entire 'infowars' movement is dominated by a narrow minded christian ideology, made even worse by alex joins joining forces with the mainstream republican media feedback machine.


and don't get me wrong.. I'm very much in favor of distrusting mainstream media and practically every politician in the world. I just think it's dangerous and short sighted to knee jerk immediately into parroting all of these 'alternate' theories without being a critical thinker and actually coming to the conclusion yourself

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Guest RandySicko

I like the that the "enlightened" Randy is at the same time against gay marriage because the Bible says it's icky. So tell me, what would your ideal society be like Randy?


Looks like that struck a nerve with you, Bert. I will never be ashamed of believing in the sacrament of marriage and not tolerating any homosexual attempting to diminish its value.


but there's just no evidence whatsoever to believe that it was a 'false flag' . Where's the proof or even a convincing assertion that it was? I get a lot of shit for believing that 9/11 was an inside job, but i don't understand the determination to believe that everything is a false flag... shit happens.



this whole false flag mass shooting theory just plays into the masculine fantasy pipe dream that somehow that armed american are a threat to the US military or police. Armed citizens aren't going to save this country if it all goes to shit, we're already a boiled frog. So to leap to the conclusion that a mass shooting must be some sort of false flag to take away our gun rights for a potential martial law scenario is just really baseless, unless you buy into this fantasy


what i see happening here is that infowars has become practically mainstream, and if you lean to the right enough and distrust mainstream media, there is a vortex that sucks you into what Jack Blood correctly describes as 'fear porn' aka Alex Jones, the Oprah Winfrey of the alternative news world.


Your fault for assuming that every person who does not trust the government wears an infowars t-shirt. I can't really blame you for thinking that, with feminist bullshit and the like clouding your mind.

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I will never be ashamed of believing in the sacrament of marriage and not tolerating any homosexual attempting to diminish its value....feminist bullshit and the like clouding your mind.

oh good i thought maybe i was being too quick to judge just because you're into conspiracies but now i don't feel that way

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Randy is, as far as I am concerned, a troll until he can lay down some arguments and elaborations for his stances instead of posting lame no-substance posts. Let your "wisdom" shine upon the sheeple and show us the righteous path.

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Guest RandySicko

It is funny that you mention my "wisdom" because I was thinking about how many of my posts regarding these sensitive subjects are very condescending and "know it all" in nature, but it is mostly out of frustration. Hey I love life, I love being awake and I love trying to wake up others. Is this me prostrating myself to you? Hell no. If you still want to call me a troll cause I don't suck OP's dick or agree with you on all counts...go nuts, Bert.

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I believe randy is genuine (just lemme play devil's advocate for a moment) cause I know a lot of people who say similar things.



Thing is, they are all seriously crazy and mentally ill and what have you. You're not in good company Randy. There are no Moon Nazis.

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I like how Randy addressed almost nothing i said but then ended it with something about me being a feminist.. are you confusing me with another poster Randy? In which part of your ass did you pull that out of?


oh wait he thinks im a girl, lol

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randy who do you think made the pyramids?

i mean u seen the size of some of those blocks im not even sure that with our current technology we could move them,

i heard some stuff about vibrational energy levitation. possible from a 7ft tall atlantian race (possibly ET in origin) and they found these stone artifacts and one was a stone helmet thing that u put on and there was this stone flute that vibrated at the frequency of brain waves!!!! so i think they wore the stone had and played the stone flute and that let them levitate the blocks


speaking of trolls

http://www.youtube.com/user/DroiidLife is wicked he keeps making videos about how great skrillex and david guetta are and comments talking shit at people

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I've only known one conspiracy theorist in real life & he


A. thought the Toronto Public Library was monitoring him with spy satellites for some reason

B. claimed he wrote the script to the matrix in the 70s & the Wachowskis stole it from his house

C. lives in his car most of the time

D. lives with his mom the rest of the time (he's 60 years old)

E. got arrested for taking a dump behind an elementary school during Recess. Says this was a plot against him

F. lies naked on picnic tables & yells at those passing by

G. claims he is more black than people who actually are black

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I like how Randy addressed almost nothing i said but then ended it with something about me being a feminist.. are you confusing me with another poster Randy? In which part of your ass did you pull that out of?


oh wait he thinks im a girl, lol


Damn femi-nazi, you keep your whore mouth shut!

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