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Rich Kids of Instagram


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The trickle down thing is bullshit not because rich people don't spend enough money or whatever, but because they aren't taxed enough. It's a tax issue because the tax cuts are so large the country can't sustain itself without going trillions in debt. The problem with our economic situation is that it involves money that can be kept from circulation and those who have a mass quantity of that much money are no longer bound to a nation's laws. So you got these companies/banks that are now "too big too fail" and 21 trillion stored in off shore accounts... a completely zero risk game. With that kind of power you don't give up very easily. /walterwhite


Yes, that's true.


These kids are just feeding us into a culture war with otherwise victims of the same game. I will admit some exaggeration in the classification/comparison of a wal mart shopper and these rich kids, but that's mainly due to the fact that eating healthier food, whether possible or not for the poor given circumstance, is a more positive thing to encourage, then sitting around and pointing out why these rich kids should be ashamed.



Sitting around and pointing out these kids foibles ITT. No one is giving up possible organic-evangelical time to do this as far as i can tell. Seems like you're just kinda changing the subject...


That's a 1% chance you will communicate to someone in that group... while the focus should be on the 49%.


No, lol. Are you trying to say we can't express a dislike for the super-rich until the grand majority of the planet stops eating fast food?


"These kids revel in your hate."


Maybe so, but that definitely doesn't make me want to defend them / feel sorry for them


at any rate, the kids are dicks, end of story. rich people suck, i'm a sans-culotte, etc etc

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Guest fiznuthian





That's true... but it is still better to support a local market if you have the option. My intention is to not be on a moral high ground but to simply promote the wise decision and discourage spreading hate. These kids are douchebags and they revel in your hate.


Yeah I gotcha. I agree, if the choice is available it probably is better to buy local.


I have a question for anyone here.. I know it's been mentioned that perhaps frivolous spending by these rich kids on rich people shit may "trickle money down" or however that works.. seems to me they spend most of their money on rich people things created by wealthy people. Does their money "trickle down" or does it mostly just "trickle around" among people who are also wealthy?

I don't think the creators of a 20,000 dollar wine are hurtin' much in the bank..

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Depends on the range of products/wine they sell.. if they solely make money off of 20,000 wine then yeah, but Its also possible the owner uses the money for good things, buying locally, donating, etc. Main point is that watmm isn't viewed or seen by many/if any of these instagram rich kids, so changing the subject to income inequality and how we the majority can improve it is relevant to the overlying issue and more significant.

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Guest Franklin

that's funny lump cause right now instead of a desk chair I'm sitting on a large stack of abstract expressionist paintings in father's private collection. When he goes to bed I like to take them off the walls, lay them on top of each other in front of my computer and wack off to facebookam


I'll try the Dom thing tonight bro!

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Guest Iain C
PS, this is infuriating and all but I'm way more bothered by poor people starving and social security being destroyed than I am by watching rich dicks live it up.


you speak as if the two aren't related


Well yes, clearly they're related. They're both the inevitable result of capitalism. But concentrating on this particular aspect of it is just an irritating waste of time, a distraction. This is to capitalism what pictures of Prince Harry's cock are to the monarchy.

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PS, this is infuriating and all but I'm way more bothered by poor people starving and social security being destroyed than I am by watching rich dicks live it up.


you speak as if the two aren't related


Well yes, clearly they're related. They're both the inevitable result of capitalism. But concentrating on this particular aspect of it is just an irritating waste of time, a distraction. This is to capitalism what pictures of Prince Harry's cock are to the monarchy.


Well said, pretty much what I was getting at albit a bit poorly

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the poor will eventually sell themselves to the rich to be eaten so their families can have the money.


cannibalism in the upper class will be the next big thing within 50-100 years, mark my words.

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the poor will eventually sell themselves to the rich to be eaten so their families can have the money.


cannibalism in the upper class will be the next big thing within 50-100 years, mark my words.


that sounds not so unlike the plotline to Society



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the poor will eventually sell themselves to the rich to be eaten so their families can have the money.


cannibalism in the upper class will be the next big thing within 50-100 years, mark my words.


i was just telling my gf a similar thing this morning, lol






ten billions humans on the planet in the next 50-100 years




people's love of animal protein





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Do you think black, white, and yellow humans taste differently from each other?


I bet eskimos are delicious, all free range with lovely marbling...


essines and i can help with clubbing duties.

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Guest fiznuthian

"It was like good, fully developed veal, not young, but not yet beef. It was very definitely like that, and it was not like any other meat I had ever tasted. It was so nearly like good, fully developed veal that I think no person with a palate of ordinary, normal sensitiveness could distinguish it from veal. It was mild, good meat with no other sharply defined or highly characteristic taste such as for instance, goat, high game, and pork have."

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