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Does Amon Tobin make dnb?


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Another reason for the soul thing might be the organic and acoustic (if you know what I mean) sounds he makes and uses. I used to really like Foley Room (apt title btw) for that. But now it's more or less gathering dust.

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my opinion on Tobin is that he was excellent when he was still plundering old records and other people's sounds, his new 'foley room' approach feels extremely taxidermic to me, it has almost zero appeal. But i fucking love cujo and pretty much everything before foley, all great music. While i understand an artist who wants to totally 180 or change their approach, to me its just as big of a let down as someone like Luke Vibert who's refined his art over such a long period of time abandon his approach and using all his own sounds recorded in an overly high quality fashion. I just dont think i would like it as much as old luke vibert

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i fucking love amon tobin. supermodified is his best imo, it's funky as hell with a nice dark atmosphere. it has maybe less of a d'n'b sound than permutation, but the influence is definitely there. one of my all-time favorites for sure.




as for his new stuff i like foley room a lot, and i don't really like ISAM.

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