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I'm thinking of studying 2 careers at the same time


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inb4: sorry if my english grammar is shit but english isn't my native language :P


yo I was struggling with which way I should go to become a professional dude. Since I was a child, I always wanted to be a neurosurgeon, but it takes a long long time and I'm impatient as fuck (though I still read articles about neuroscience and stuff like that)... then I wanted to be a writer! at school people often talks nicely about the way I write and ideas, etc... I must admit I'm indeed quite talented writing stuff and stories, anyway. But, also, I'm obsessed with music, hearing and creating it. Lately I've been pretty uninspired but I know I can create good stuff... so yeah... Well the point of this is that just recently I thought about studying 2 careers atst. Because I've been always worried about income and economy shit and that, and I know if I study something only related with Arts (music, literature, etc.) I would be struggling with money because I'm really afraid of it (modus vivendi just with arts) and cause it's hard. And also, I really don't want to be just another employee, like working all the time in excel or phoning people from china, etc. I call those careers the Technical ones.


So yeah, like I said, recently I was illuminated with the gods of the divine duality. I thought about studying both types at the same time! Since I really love music I can study music! and since I want to be part of this technology era, I would study something related with it (software engineer or similar) And since writing really doesn't requires that much study, I can continue writing! I could, dunno, finish both careers and then proceed to find a job in dunno cycling or reason or ableton, whatever, or even animation studios (pixar, dreamworks, disney, ehmm, etc...) and also I can send some stories to publishing houses! and everything I love would be still with me until death :P... yeah, so what do you think?

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you probably won't decide what you really want to do until your first/second year of college. just take a variety of classes that interest you and go from there. dreaming about being a neurosurgeon or a computer scientist or writer can make all those jobs seem nice, but you need some more practical experience with what those fields involve before you can really say, "ok, i want to do this for the rest of my life."


maybe take a science class (chemistry or bio), programming, creative writing and music composition your first semester so you have variety and can really zero in on what will satisfy you intellectually.


edit: also, don't forget that you can always keep music & writing as hobbies. one of my friends got his degree in recording arts and now he's going back to school for clinical neuropsychology because he realized that he can't support himself with music and clinical neuropsychology is something he really loves. he's gonna keep making music but he's not going to make that his career focus.

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you probably won't decide what you really want to do until your first/second year of college. just take a variety of classes that interest you and go from there. dreaming about being a neurosurgeon or a computer scientist or writer can make all those jobs seem nice, but you need some more practical experience with what those fields involve before you can really say, "ok, i want to do this for the rest of my life."


maybe take a science class (chemistry or bio), programming, creative writing and music composition your first semester so you have variety and can really zero in on what will satisfy you intellectually.


yeah it's a nice idea, I'll do that. But damn, it's too hard just taking one.

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yeah dude, i had that same problem. i'm a junior in college and i just realized last fall what i really want to do with my life. what i finally decided on is something that i wanted since high school but i never thought i could personally do it because of money, time, etc. but then i realized that those things aren't relevant as long as you have passion, because passion will keep you going and keep you loving it.


you need to forget all your worries about the future for a couple of minutes and ask yourself, "if i could do anything, what would really make me happy as a person?" don't think what will be a good salary or look prestigious and impress your friends/family--because most jobs can be those things if you do them well.


and then go with that, because, fuck it, #YOLO

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oh yeah hoodie exactly, I would keep Arts as hobbies but with my title or license or whatever university gives I could do more, and also meeting some "contacts" would make my professional life better (I guess...)... it's just what I'm thinking, I still need to investigate more

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Guest Frankie5fingers

this is kinda the same position im in. Im currently studying engineering but in all reality, while i do love it, i would prefer to make a living in music or art. but the thing is, you don't need a degree in any art career to make money in it. so why waste time and money getting a degree in it? thats my thinking. like hoodie says, you can keep Writing and Music as hobbies while you get a degree in something else. so i would suggest getting your degree in, surgery i think you said you wanted, but keep working on your music and writing. thats the path i would suggest. think of the surgery as a fallback career if anything goes wrong. i know you say you're impatient but seriously think about the benefits of having that med degree. youll have quite a bit of money that you would be able to spend on those hobbies rather than being broke and barely getting by trying to "make it" as a writer/musician.

i can tell you though that this process isn't easy, there are times when i have to completely stop working on music and art so that i can get a good grade in a class im taking. but ive been very satisfied with it.

hopefully this helps a little

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yeah I agree with that... why waste money in something everyone can do? people doesn't need to know, like, all chords, or the metric in a poem... they just need patience and imagination... I think exactly the same (that's why I also don't want just to focus in arts as a career)... but, like I said already, the papers would make me seem more professional and I could have more job opportunities (adding my main career)... Also, I don't find that difficult to study music or literature or whatever. I think they are basically courses with a professional title at the end... I would take them like a 5 yo child would take swimming courses... do you know what I mean? but yeah

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Ever since I remember I wanted to become a pilot, but I have color blindness and doctors rejected my request. Fortunately (or not) I have many other interests. I've been drawing and painting even before I knew how to write. So becoming a designer or an architect was my second biggest wish. I went to a design college. But even that was a problem at the beginning. When I was finishing my grammar school, when we had to decide what high school to take, my teacher confronted me in front of the class and tested me for my color blindness. I don't know how she gained this information about me, but she said "you're never going to be a pilot or a designer."


This fucked me up for a while until I met a friend who just started teaching at the art school. She encouraged me to become a designer despite my color blindness. My motivation returned and I've been making a good career. Sometimes my 'disability' standed out and sometimes people mocked me for it. But things really started to work against me as I later realised I don't want to be a part of this crazy capitalist society and encourage people to buy stuff they don't need. So it was either to make my own business which would be according to my values and regain my motivation, or continue dragging myself on. I choose neither yet.


Recently I've been reading about the laws and license requirements to become a glider/piston aircraft pilot and found that I can take some additional tests if my color blindness is only between certain small color range.


Now I'm doing menial jobs to earn a living and something extra to save for a pilot's license. I have to try it or I have a feeling I will regret not doing it until the rest of my life.


So if that fails it leaves me with history (archaeology), writing, music and programming (which I'm getting quite into lately). Having too many interests can be the same shit as having none.

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Having too many interests can be the same shit as having none


word. I find EXTREMELY weird people who say "I want to be an engineer" or "I want to be a surgeon", or whatever, and when I ask if they like to write, make some hot beatz or to draw, the simply say "no". damn. Or maybe i'm the one weird, still childish living in a fantasy world, who knows?

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lol careers. give it 20 years and come back and tell us what you're doing. in all likelihood thoughts of careers and being happy in your job etc will have fallen by the wayside to be replaced by thoughts about being thankful you can pay the rent/mortgage, being annoyed by unexpected bills and just generally trying to stay afloat. all that shit you hear at school about having a career and shit becomes irrelevant to 90% of people once they leave home.


sorry, it's monday morning and it's raining.

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I'll third what you two are saying, and I'll add this - if you enjoy writing, be very wary of seeking a professional writing job. It could just kill all your enthusiasm and creativity. It's hard to work on your stories/poems/essays/whatever at the end of the day when you've spent 8 hours behind a desk writing nonsense about things you don't give a shit about.


Still, it's nice to be able to pay the rent!

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yeah just go for jobs that have the highest pay to lowest amount of actual work ratio, ideally for a secure company with good benefits. apart from that, just fucking do anything. I've just recently got a new job actually, as an "acquisition sales manager", but I'd shovel shit if the money was any good. don't give a fuck what I do really, it's all about how much you take home at the end of the month, which hopefully will give you some kind of freedom to do cool stuff in your spare time. or just get totally spannered at the weekend anyway...

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yeah just go for jobs that have the highest pay to lowest amount of actual work ratio, ideally for a secure company with good benefits. apart from that, just fucking do anything. I've just recently got a new job actually, as an "acquisition sales manager", but I'd shovel shit if the money was any good. don't give a fuck what I do really, it's all about how much you take home at the end of the month, which hopefully will give you some kind of freedom to do cool stuff in your spare time. or just get totally spannered at the weekend anyway...


Glad you found something new BCM, weren't you unemployed for quite a while? That's the worst.

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yeah man, been unemployed for most of the year :( done the odd couple of weeks temping here and there but nothing solid. had loads of interviews which got to the final stage before they said "sorry, we've actually decided we're not taking on anybody now as we can't justify the cost in this climate" etc etc. seemed a lot of businesses had ideas and wanted to take people on and start new projects, but were very very cautious about it, didn't invest anything in terms of having any infrastructure set-up for any of these new projects and generally just seemed to be dipping their toe in the water - only to quickly withdraw it with the latest batch of bad financial news... luckily now got a job with BT. good money, awesome benefits (27.5 days holiday from day one, free broadband, loads of stuff), and hopefully job-security.

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yeah man, been unemployed for most of the year :( done the odd couple of weeks temping here and there but nothing solid. had loads of interviews which got to the final stage before they said "sorry, we've actually decided we're not taking on anybody now as we can't justify the cost in this climate" etc etc. seemed a lot of businesses had ideas and wanted to take people on and start new projects, but were very very cautious about it, didn't invest anything in terms of having any infrastructure set-up for any of these new projects and generally just seemed to be dipping their toe in the water - only to quickly withdraw it with the latest batch of bad financial news... luckily now got a job with BT. good money, awesome benefits (27.5 days holiday from day one, free broadband, loads of stuff), and hopefully job-security.


Nice, is that in the big tower in central London? Quite a nice pub near there which I went to once and it seemed to be full of BT workers. Good memory of that pub. Big armchairs. Well-maintained toilets.

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nah, they only use the BT Tower for events and conferences and stuff. there's apparently a restaurant on the top floor as well in which clients are wined and dined. nobody actually works in there though (I guess apart from catering staff etc). BT head office is actually in St. Paul's but I'm based just off Edgware Road.

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