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Battleship - Has anyone seen this?

Guest El_Chemso

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I downloaded it a month ago and never watched it. Any good lines or moments? (u kno what i mean by "good")


I was leaving a friend's place and they were watching it. The part I caught was some dude yelling something like


"Let's get these Mother Fu-"


And the gun sound cut through the "fucker" like they do on trailers.

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So they build a cgi turd around an iconic board game, yet I heard that at no point in the movie does anyone say "you sunk my battleship"






wtf how could they mess that up?

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Guest RadarJammer

I liked watching it but once the sun hit my eyes when I stepped outside the theater it was almost totally erased from my brain.

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Well, one should see the trailer. And based on the trailer you see that Battleship, along wit many other movies is crap. Then you either don't see it or see it but don't rant too much, because you DID go see it.

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This along with Cowboys vs. Aliens, Alien vs. Predator and Lincoln The Vampire Hunter has to take for the prize for stupidest movie concepts.


And yes, I'm am judging them without having seen them. But why are movies like this even made? And worst part is that a lot of people actually like them.

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Does this film really need it's own thread? Should I go and make one about how Silent Hill 2 3D isn't any good?

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Hey, anyone seen Transformers the movie? It like totally sucks

was going to go see it until this review, thanks gaarg!


edit - is it leaked yet?

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I pity people who don't know this is military propaganda


edit: that said I very seriously would have rather seen Battleship in theaters than Avengers or The Dark Knight Rises


someday I'll get punched in the face for these sorts of things


Hey, anyone seen Transformers the movie? It like totally sucks


except it's actually a masterpiece of hyper-realistic nihilist pop art

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