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55 minutes ago, Crazing said:

Why did Mutable make their code open source? Very down to earth people. 

I find it very human of her making it open sourced. It is legendary brand and modules by now!
The only module that never got open source is Beads 

Imagine running a business all by yourself in the Covid-19 time doing everything to serve the customers needs and building and chasing chips and parts.. 
Cannot been a walk in the park! I don't say this is the reason she ended all but worth thinking about. 

Very kind to the community! A friend of mine is building Mutable clones much smaller and half the price of the original but works 100% as the original modules. 

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On 8/14/2024 at 6:36 AM, exitonly said:

you can send control voltages from max/msp using something like the expert sleepers modules or even a midi/cv converter.


Yoo ES-9 from Expert Sleepers is fucking dope and I will get it as my new DC-coupled Sound Interface. 

I have talked with many people who is using it together with AUM from the Ipad and they saying it is the best solution ever connecting software with modular. 
There is also an app u can send control voltages and even calibrate your VCO's and stuff from your Ipad via the ES-9! 

I will probably try to hook it up with Max as well but I don't have much info on that part. Would love to make a sequencer for it controlling stuff from max. 

If u find something about it let me know here! 🤖

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