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So WATMM, tell me, what's your definition of a loser ?

Guest the anonymous forumite

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a loser is someone who thinks he can't win / succeed anyway, so he never fights or strive for something. and when he stands up for something, he is so amazed of finally being competitive that he believes that he is going to succeed just because of that. But instead he loses cos he's not really into competions. So his losing, reinforces in himslef the idea that he's never going to win.

You can frelly substitute he with she, even tho I reckon that this may be just a male attitude. I just can't seem to imagine a girl/woman behaving that way.

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Guest Franklin

…”my characterization of a loser is someone who, after making a mistake, doesn’t introspect, doesn’t exploit it, feels embarrassed and defensive rather than enriched with a new piece of information, and tries to explain why he made the mistake rather than moving on.”

- Nassim Taleb in Antifragile




I like this definition a great deal.

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Guest Adjective
a loser is someone who isn't progressing along whatever the namecaller thinks is a road to success

you just cut right through all the un-necessary over-long definitions, straight to the heart of the thing. i also like your definition because it reminds me of the 'Devil's Dictionary', which has similar wording and wit. A+!


devil's dictionary looks interesting but hadn't checked it out. looks like it's on project gutenberg, will add it to my phone's reader library thing!

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