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israel vs syria,iran,russia

Guest chunky

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hello. looks like a major war is about to start in the middle east. israel wants all the land from the nile to the euphrates.syria is already in a false civil war that was actually started by israel. now syria is being attacked by the idf directly. israel ruling likud party believes syria belongs to israel. why should we care? well wars tend to shoot off in unpredictable directions. other nations will join in at short notice. and there may be both real and false flag terrorist attacks in western countries. it is quite likely that usa uk snd france will join the war. in that case we will be forced to fight whether we want to or not. what to do if called up? refuse, we have no business stealing mulim lands

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Israel commits air strikes for very simple, short-termed reasons. They destroyed a weapons cache they claim was intended for delivery to Hezbollah. I wouldn't be shocked if they don't do anything else for the remainder of the Syrian civil war. Not condoning the strike at all but I really don't think it's anything to be stunned by. As someone perpetually frustrated and angered at the influence of delusional religious beliefs on foreign policy in the middle east, I highly doubt WWIII (i.e. US and NATO versus Russia and China and nukes going off all over) will ever start and I really don't want the zealots of the Abrahamic religions having their bullshit prophecies "revealed." Worst case scenario will be mass refugees and casualties within Syria if (or when) the government falls. It will be like Lebanon in the early 80s on a bigger scale in terms of deaths.

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soon as in the next couple of days or soon as sometime in the next couple of years? did something (out of the ordinary) happen that i haven't heard about?

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^no not really. the middle east is just as fucked as usual.


Israel claims it was a convoy of weapons and Syria says it was a specific military research site.


Hell, the U.S. Navy fighters attacked Syrian anti-aircraft sites and artillery batteries in December 1983 during the U.S. and French-lead peacekeeping operations in Lebanon. Two pilots were even shot down, one died of injuries and the other was captured for a month. It was extremely short-notice in planning and tactically oriented, Syrian military forces near the border were interfering with operations in Lebanon. Israel attacked this site because they felt it was part of Hezbollah operations. That's it. Just a small episode in a much larger conflict within an even broader history of war in the region. This Israeli airstrike will be forgotten about in a week.

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hello. looks like a major war is about to start in the middle east. israel wants all the land from the nile to the euphrates.syria is already in a false civil war that was actually started by israel. now syria is being attacked by the idf directly. israel ruling likud party believes syria belongs to israel. why should we care? well wars tend to shoot off in unpredictable directions. other nations will join in at short notice. and there may be both real and false flag terrorist attacks in western countries. it is quite likely that usa uk snd france will join the war. in that case we will be forced to fight whether we want to or not. what to do if called up? refuse, we have no business stealing mulim lands

you're as bad as the daily mail.

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There's a very easy way to resolve the Israeli Palestian conflict. Keep everything the same just change Israels name to Palestine. It's only a name innit, everybody will be happy.


Thank me later guys.

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Guest dese manz hatin

IMO that's the only possible long-term solution. The two state solution is fine because it seems like it's the only even vaguely possible one at the moment, but it would be an illusion to think that there wouldn't still be tons of conflicts emerging regularly.


Switzerland is one of the best examples for this (i.e. Conscociationalism). A country with basically 3 pretty different groups (French, German, Italian) with a special form of government that is focused on consensus between the parties and guarantees basic participatory rights.


Only problem is that it will first take a fuck ton of time to even get the two groups to cut down on the fundamentalism and radicalism (on both sides), so that at least a little bit of rational communication can be made possible. Well that's not happening as long as Hamas are firing rockets at Israeli villages and Israel is keeping Palestenians locked in ghettos.


PS.: lol'd at this one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Stars_for_Peace_solution

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I'd like to amend that to include Puerto Rico and Guam k thx bai.


Yeah I'm a big two-state solution supporter as a pragmatic "first step" - plus simply saying you think Palestine should be recognized formally is itself considered "radical" by many in the States.

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I recently watched this, I gonna grab the link

it is just basic knowledge

but he breaks it down to 10 minutes, pretty nice!

i dunno, to me it seems that the surrounding nations are pretty cool with the idea of independent palestinian state, see saudi peace initiative that the league accepted for example.

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