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Anyone ever teached a class before?


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make sure you announce that before the class begins. do it like this:




then write your name on the board and draw a happy face next to it


This clip in this context is perfect and hilarious.

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Cool! I always write up an agenda for the day, listing the topics that will be covered, so people know where things are going and can help me keep track of time. I dunno what you're teaching, but when I lead discussion, I use the board a lot to track what people say and try to organize the info into a chart, or to fill in a kind of framework that I've sketched out in advance. If people aren't talking, I give them a question or problem to work out in small groups or taking a few minutes to write on their own, then we come back to larger group discussion. ('Think/pair/share' as they call it lol) And I give people participation credit if, after class, they write a 'Muddiest Point' paper -- where they write (1) the most important/helpful thing they learned from class that day and (2) a question that is still open, confusing or otherwise 'muddy' for them -- it shows me where their head is at and gives them a chance to sort of wrap up and recap their thoughts by writing them out. Just a few ideas!


What are you teaching?

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I'm gonna take a wild stab at it and say European Law.



By "it" I mean your mom's vagina, by "wild stab", I mean forceful directed thrust with my penis, by "say European Law", I mean ejaculate vigorously, and by "I'm" I mean I'm.


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*reads thread subtitle*


... oh




The last thing I'd say then, is in a law class -- at least in the US -- you get to call everyone by their last name, military-style, and cold-call the shit out of them so they look stupid if they don't know the answer, putting the ultimate pressure on them to perform. Dunno why law school is taught like that! Well I do, but still, shit, glad I didn't study law! I would cry into my pee-pee'd pants every day and poopoo in them every other day.

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Glad the class went well. Probably 20% of my job is teaching at a uni, and the rest is research. I got pushed into the deep end but now really enjoy it. There's a good rush when a class is going well and it's good fun. There's lots of little tricks and stuff that you build up after doing a few classes. My main one is at the end I ask people in pairs to summarise the main stuff they've learnt. It's good practice to build in some activities or group work where possible because otherwise people do switch off.


Also, if people are talking or using mobiles, just stop and stare at them. Don't say anything. my record is about 1 minute! :emotawesomepm9:

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Yeah encey, the last names, that's a US thing then I guess. Ah yes, the agenda is a good tip thanks! Nice one jhonny, I hope the next lessons I will get better at it.


Dammit I'm sneezing every few minutes though and have to teach in a couple of hours lol

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Hell yeah, I hate those smartphone zombies, world is going downhill.

I kicked a kid out of class once because, despite my no electronics policy, he could not stop himself from fondling his iPhone three times!


Lesson went alright again I think. But I have to do 45 minutes, and I was already done after around 20 minutes...


But the classes were introductory anyway, next time we will start looking at cases, doing real work, so I hope I can make up for it that way.

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I kicked a kid out of class once because, despite my no electronics policy, he could not stop himself from fondling his iPhone three times!



i warn my students in the syllabus and first day of class...if i see them again, I don't even tell them, I put a check next to their name in the gradebook. Instant docking of 5 points off their final grade EVERY TIME.

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