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north korea is (probably) conducting nuclear tests

Guest zaphod

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Shame NK doesn't have enough oil to need democracy.

so do you WANT to see the US/UN/whoever liberate the people living there and help them towards a democracy?


I want aliens to illuminate mankind in general.

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Guest Adjective

i think compson has a point.


Shame NK doesn't have enough oil to need democracy.

so do you WANT to see the US/UN/whoever occupy the people living there and help them towards a puppet regime?


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i think compson has a point.


Shame NK doesn't have enough oil to need democracy.

so do you WANT to see the US/UN/whoever occupy the people living there and help them towards a puppet regime?


i was specifically asking the guy making sarcastic comments critical of the US for not going, due to there not being any oil. you know, like how we got all that oil from iraq that made us so much richer and pulled us out of that depression/recession/whatever it is that we're still actually in? point is, if someone is going to criticize US foreign policy for not going to NK due to there not being anything to steal, but then the same person would criticize the US for actually going there to dethrone a dude who probably poses little actual threat to us meaning it would mainly benefit the people of NK, well that's.. i mean shit you just can't win with some people can you?

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well there are a lot of people who really think this way, so it kind of becomes impossible to tell if/when someone is joking about it. if i had a nickel for every time i heard someone assert, with absolute certainty, that our invading iraq was just about oil, i would be as rich as John Kerry.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i think the situation is a little different from hitler's germany. for one thing NK doesn't have nearly the military capability. as far as what type of actual support the NK people at large have for Kim, vs the type of support the average german had for Hitler, i would guess there would be an important difference there too. Hitler used scapegoating to get on the people's side. NK dictators seem to more heavily rely on threats of death. all i'm saying is that the idea of blowing up the whole country seems pretty fucked, and entirely unnecessary.

of course. when it comes to things like this no two situations are exactly the same. they control the people in their own way. but honestly, we all know that if a war broke out with NK Kim-dong-whatshisface will draft every single man, women, and child to fight the war. then we'll have a bunch of innocent people killed. along with the people of whoever participated. so a full scale war is not a solution, its a massacre. something we could do is try and assassinate every major political/military figure then go over and fight them. cut the head off the snake as it were. but that could take years that we dont have. its not just one man, we'd have to wipe out their whole government if we want any stability. its a solution, but takes too long. we need a quick solution. cause once these wackjobs get their hands on a working ICBM shit will go down. i mean, there arnt many options that we have. i wanna save as many of the innocents as the next guy but it doesnt look like we'll be able to save much of em.

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i think the situation is a little different from hitler's germany. for one thing NK doesn't have nearly the military capability. as far as what type of actual support the NK people at large have for Kim, vs the type of support the average german had for Hitler, i would guess there would be an important difference there too. Hitler used scapegoating to get on the people's side. NK dictators seem to more heavily rely on threats of death. all i'm saying is that the idea of blowing up the whole country seems pretty fucked, and entirely unnecessary.

of course. when it comes to things like this no two situations are exactly the same. they control the people in their own way. but honestly, we all know that if a war broke out with NK Kim-dong-whatshisface will draft every single man, women, and child to fight the war. then we'll have a bunch of innocent people killed. along with the people of whoever participated. so a full scale war is not a solution, its a massacre. something we could do is try and assassinate every major political/military figure then go over and fight them. cut the head off the snake as it were. but that could take years that we dont have. its not just one man, we'd have to wipe out their whole government if we want any stability. its a solution, but takes too long. we need a quick solution. cause once these wackjobs get their hands on a working ICBM shit will go down. i mean, there arnt many options that we have. i wanna save as many of the innocents as the next guy but it doesnt look like we'll be able to save much of em.


I'm just curious, you seem to be something of an expert on North Korea. Could you tell me where you get all this information?

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Guest Frankie5fingers



i think the situation is a little different from hitler's germany. for one thing NK doesn't have nearly the military capability. as far as what type of actual support the NK people at large have for Kim, vs the type of support the average german had for Hitler, i would guess there would be an important difference there too. Hitler used scapegoating to get on the people's side. NK dictators seem to more heavily rely on threats of death. all i'm saying is that the idea of blowing up the whole country seems pretty fucked, and entirely unnecessary.

of course. when it comes to things like this no two situations are exactly the same. they control the people in their own way. but honestly, we all know that if a war broke out with NK Kim-dong-whatshisface will draft every single man, women, and child to fight the war. then we'll have a bunch of innocent people killed. along with the people of whoever participated. so a full scale war is not a solution, its a massacre. something we could do is try and assassinate every major political/military figure then go over and fight them. cut the head off the snake as it were. but that could take years that we dont have. its not just one man, we'd have to wipe out their whole government if we want any stability. its a solution, but takes too long. we need a quick solution. cause once these wackjobs get their hands on a working ICBM shit will go down. i mean, there arnt many options that we have. i wanna save as many of the innocents as the next guy but it doesnt look like we'll be able to save much of em.


I'm just curious, you seem to be something of an expert on North Korea. Could you tell me where you get all this information?

im not an expert (though i did take a class where we learned about their culture. and our professor went there and would talk about his experiance in NK). but im curious too, when/if they create a Nuclear device what do you think theyll do with it?

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Guest Frankie5fingers

@Obel: no, Japan. and not immediately (if at all). North Korea has always had a long standing confrontation with Japan. most likely they would use the device to make demands and issue threats. but the thing is, we'd have to listen to them then. we wont be able to ignore their crazy ramblings anymore.


most likely another Cold War situation will occur.

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i think the situation is a little different from hitler's germany. for one thing NK doesn't have nearly the military capability. as far as what type of actual support the NK people at large have for Kim, vs the type of support the average german had for Hitler, i would guess there would be an important difference there too. Hitler used scapegoating to get on the people's side. NK dictators seem to more heavily rely on threats of death. all i'm saying is that the idea of blowing up the whole country seems pretty fucked, and entirely unnecessary.

of course. when it comes to things like this no two situations are exactly the same. they control the people in their own way. but honestly, we all know that if a war broke out with NK Kim-dong-whatshisface will draft every single man, women, and child to fight the war. then we'll have a bunch of innocent people killed. along with the people of whoever participated. so a full scale war is not a solution, its a massacre. something we could do is try and assassinate every major political/military figure then go over and fight them. cut the head off the snake as it were. but that could take years that we dont have. its not just one man, we'd have to wipe out their whole government if we want any stability. its a solution, but takes too long. we need a quick solution. cause once these wackjobs get their hands on a working ICBM shit will go down. i mean, there arnt many options that we have. i wanna save as many of the innocents as the next guy but it doesnt look like we'll be able to save much of em.


I'm just curious, you seem to be something of an expert on North Korea. Could you tell me where you get all this information?

im not an expert (though i did take a class where we learned about their culture. and our professor went there and would talk about his experiance in NK). but im curious too, when/if they create a Nuclear device what do you think theyll do with it?


Who was your professor? Just out of curiosity.


It's clear that they already have a nuclear device, and they could attach it to a conventional missile and launch it at South Korea.

The political leaders are not crazy, and they understand that if they launch any sort of attack against the US/South Korea/Japan, it's game over for them.

What they will use them for is leverage in negotiating.

If the US was serious about wanting to improve the lives of North Korea, they would lift the sanctions they put in place over a decade ago, or at the very least stop imposing punitive damages on other nations who trade with North Korea (China is the exception, since "y'all" (including us Canucks) can't live without cheap Chinese crap).

Fortunately there are people who see that the value of interaction on economic and educational levels is the way to go.


BTW, the GM of Koryo Tours (one of the tour groups who operate out of China taking people - yes, even Americans - into North Korea) did an AMA earlier today:



Ignore the typical trollery, and look at the answers he gives. I can verify this is the actual GM, cause I am good friends with a couple of people who work at Koryo Tours that pointed me to the link.

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I think I have a solution... North Korean's leader is not Kim Jong-il or Kim Jong Un, they are/were just in charge of military and speaking for the true leader, the one who actually still to this day is believed to be a immortal god, Kim Il-sung. What we do is we find someone who looks like Kim Il-sung




We then engineer reverse propaganda that we drop onto their county via portable mobile devices or ipads or something. And we create the illusion that Kim Il-Sung has returned from the next life back to Earth and is being prevented (because of nuclear threat) to return to the great land of North Korea by the current government controlled by his greedy and jealous sons. With the use of James Cameron special effects we will be able to create video of faux Kim Il Sung performing real god like powers.

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Hah. Yeah, a Kim Il-Sung double might work. He could tell Kim Jong Un, "surpise, Jong Un-gun. Your granddad was just taking a little nap. And he's here to tell you to shut down the work camps and get the fuck out. The Joseon peninsula is one Korea again."

And the rest of the populace would follow his lead. Maybe.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i dont see why you need to know who my professor was. lol


but he went through a S. Korean tour group. and he was American, so i know they can go. and i know all about the tours too. how they only take you to certain areas that look upscale trying to decive you into thinking they have money. and how they will tell you not to look at specific things. and the other crazy rules they have.


i don't know why you think they arnt crazy. Il claimed to be able to talk to his dead father (though i dont know if Un has claimed that yet) and people believed him! thats pretty crazy if you ask me.


and the only reason the US still puts sanctions on them is cause they continue to ignore the UN. we told them to stop researching into nuclear technology (the US even offered to build reactors in their country as compensation) and yet they continue. theyve been told to stop since the 80's, if im not mistaken, from numerous countries. and they say "ok." but then they return a couples years later with reports of successful nuclear testing. they clearly dont care what we have to say.


as for them making demands, i posted exactly that right before ya.


i agree that the most likely scenario will be for negotiations. and maybe Un will surprise us all and actually be smart about it. but i still dont like the idea of an unstable government having their hand on the button.

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