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EVOL - Proper Headshrinker


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"The content of 'Proper Headshrinker' was first presented in public as part of the group exhibition 'Recurrence, repetition, hypnosis and ritual', curated by Paul Purgas at Färgfabriken, Stockholm, 6/12/12 – 13/01/13. In the show, right next to the speakers playing these tracks, the sentence "Like a balloon producing balloons, producing balloons" was printed on the wall in Pantone 805 fluorescent red, the same colour used on the cover of the album. As it turns out, the title of the exhibition almost feels like the perfect tagline for "Proper Headshrinker". The ten tracks in the album are unlikely techno anthems, stripped down hoovers, and deformed supersaws driven by extremely simple cyclic patterns. Ten pieces of identical length that focus on continuity, neighbourhood, and iteration, but also on sameness, insideness and outsideness."


editions mego http://editionsmego.com/release/eMEGO+164

evol http://vivapunani.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Discography

fact http://www.factmag.com/2013/02/07/editions-mego-announce-new-album-from-rave-deconstructionists-evol/

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