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I think I get Oversteps now.


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Guest theSun

no guys u either like or u don't u know everyone subjectively critiques abstract art forms in the same way how are u not getting it wtf guys

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On the topic of oversteps, I really wish there was something other than krylon in its place. The last half hour of that album is ambience and while krylon has its moments, its mostly way too long and one of the noodliest things they've written. As a result I often get tired of oversteps right after redfall and because I'm a sequential kind of guy that means I usually miss Yuop as well.


Am I alone in this?

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You skip yuop? You cannot be serious. Yuop is awesome. Dawg, this is the same kinda mindset which didnt like cloudline at first.

Yuop comes into it's own in the last couple of minutes. Its almost the perfect outro.

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You skip yuop? You cannot be serious. Yuop is awesome. Dawg, this is the same kinda mindset which didnt like cloudline at first.

Yuop comes into it's own in the last couple of minutes. Its almost the perfect outro.




There are people that don't like cloudline?

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Guest Sprigg

don't think I've heard that redfall remix, got a link?


Unfortunately, no... it was posted here a year or two ago, I think Lumpy might have made it.






There are people that don't like cloudline?


I'm not too big on it, but I don't hate it.

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Sadly there are still some people who ain't feelin cloudline.

I wanna stick it in a reggae mix wi the end of recks on. Easy now.

Better than the SP 4001 remix challenge.

Lets grab some Exai bits and pieces and dip them n some Carrabean flava. Mix now please. Thanks.

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don't think I've heard that redfall remix, got a link?


Unfortunately, no... it was posted here a year or two ago, I think Lumpy might have made it.


Do you mean the one that (I think) Aserinsky made in the Exai thread when people were taking the piss out of the type of side chaining used by Actress ?

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You skip yuop? You cannot be serious. Yuop is awesome. Dawg, this is the same kinda mindset which didnt like cloudline at first.

Yuop comes into it's own in the last couple of minutes. Its almost the perfect outro.


It's not that I explicitly skip Yuop, I do really like it but by the time Redfall is over, and Krylon is boring so I skip it, but I just don't have the energy for that much ambience at the end of an album. Sometimes I just skip over Krylon and go to Yuop, and sometimes I just quit the album entirely after Redfall.


Can anyone here explain what they love about Krylon? Maybe I'll understand.

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Guest Chogg




Can anyone here explain what they love about Krylon? Maybe I'll understand.


I fucking love Krylon, though early on I felt the same way you described - too noodly, too much ambience all in a row, that kind of thing. But certain melodic elements in it just got stuck in my head, so really it's just a case of getting hooked on certain melodies. And that key change at 3:30 is fucking awesome.

Krylon is like pt2ph8's amorphous cousin. Almost feels like the culmination of everything oversteps has offered (because yuop is kind of a very special beast in its own right). Ultimately it's just a friggin beautiful track.

As for the sense of there being too many ambient tracks in a row, really, that opinion has completely worn away for me. St Epreo actually has some pretty rockin beats, and redfall has those aggressive synth stabs - really most of the synth palette in redfall is actually quite percussive I'd say. So krylon is like this gorgeous melty afterglow thing before yuop drags your ass off into the night.

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I'll jump in the "Krylon is good" camp. Took me a little while to get into it but not that long.


The one that really is rubbish is St Epreo (that's the one with the choir, right?). I get that it's a sort of Aphex-y pisstake, but Ae don't do pisstakes well. It's not in shockingly bad taste (a la Come to Daddy EP), it's stranded somewhere in the middle, a weirdo crappy idea that didn't benefit from further polishing. Should have been on Move of Ten. I usually skip it.


I don't think Redfall or Yuop are that good either. After Treale the album goes a bit downhill imo. On that downhill slope, I think Krylon stands out as one of the better ones.

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Haven't heard Exai yet, gave Oversteps another chance the other day, but I still hate its guts!


The funny thing is, I seriously >GET< LP5 now, all of the sudden ... and it took like what, 6 years? :wacko: I'm not even joking, I used to not like LP5 at all, even though I loved Cichlisuite and Envane from the start! :biggrin:

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Guest Sprigg




don't think I've heard that redfall remix, got a link?

Unfortunately, no... it was posted here a year or two ago, I think Lumpy might have made it.

Do you mean the one that (I think) Aserinsky made in the Exai thread when people were taking the piss out of the type of side chaining used by Actress ?

Nope, this was at least a year and a half ago, maybe longer.

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Lumpenprol I think you mean d-sho qub?


Woah, we're hating on D-sho qub? That's one of my more favourite tracks on the album. St epreo is good too. Really every track on Oversteps besides Krylon have carved a special spot in my heart. There are moments in Krylon that I really like but they seem padded with too much fluffly noodly sweetness for my taste.

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Qub sucks pretty hard, I like the choir though and some other small things in the track.

Jesus christ, you have got to be kidding, that's one of the best tracks autechre ever made :cerious:


also Krylon is awesome, it's a beautifull resting point after the hellish trip they send you off in the tracks before, even redfall is mindstabbing


Oversteps is my favorite autechre album :music: egodeath braingasm!

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Guest theSun

not big on d sho qub or krylon either, 2 weakest on the album for me. they both just sort of meander and noodle about

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