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People born before 1970 who listen to Autechre, manifest yourselves!

Guest Rulohead32

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First-post noobie here.



I is nearly 50 (five-oh) and I listens to and loves me Autechre - sort of a natural thing to do for anyone who was brought up on Peel show Post-Punk. (Peel was older than 40 when ae did the seshes for him).



Autechre are the bastard sons of Cabaret Voltaire.



As ya get older, the music ya like has to get harsher and more discordant otherwise you end up eating slop, wearing nylon sportswear and spending the evening throwing your underwear at Tom Jones. :sad:



My daughter despairs of my taste in 'music' - and that is the way that things should be. :closedeyes: .




ON EDIT : Oh Great ! Top of Page.

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My father said Windowlicker sounded fancy. he's an ex professional singer in a rock band. My mom likes some aphex. mostly ignores it. I think the rhythms are too choppy for her. she loves driving rhythms. There There by radiohead is her favorite song. Sister likes the pretty aphex tracks. She respects Aphex.


Ive always accepted that my love of electronic music is my little secret. Ive considered myself an island anyway, so my music is my personal world. i dont expect people to like Aphex or Autechre or any of my weird tastes. I dont even share it with people if i dont have to

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When in the late eighties and early nineties my dad regularly came into my room when I was listening to more of the techno that was released back then. He loved stuff like Plastikman and what not. As long as it brought him closer to his manly drum-roots, I guess. Years later, after I left the house to live on my own, I decided to give him Ae's Amber for his birthday as an attempt to reconnect. It didn't work out. After a while they dropped some of my older stuff at my place that was still at their place and Amber was part of the crap they gave me. How sad is that!

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Guest Ron Manager

Ive always accepted that my love of electronic music is my little secret. Ive considered myself an island anyway, so my music is my personal world. i dont expect people to like Aphex or Autechre or any of my weird tastes. I dont even share it with people if i dont have to


i totally feel this. even though music is one of the things i love most in the world, i avoid talking about it with the overwhelming majority of people. i can't lump into a couple of genres what i like to give them any indication of what it is i like, and i find it hard not to feel like i'm coming across a prick. so i end up just waiting until it's obvious i'm in the company of someone i'm going to be able to have a relatable conversation about music.

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