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Cute Pictures Thread

Guest bitroast

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parrots really are amazing to me, i am conflicted about them being kept as pets though, as whilst it provides me with much entertainment through seeing their antics and carry on on these vids, they are birds and have the power of flight, but are instead kept indoors most of the time and certainly not allowed full use of their ability to freely soar through the air in a way we can only at the moment dream of. Then, there's the fact that they live for so long, it is a long long term commitment, that really, frankly, i don't expect many humans to properly live up to their end of the bargain.


Still though, they makes great youtlub.

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^that's one big ass rat.













African HeroRats detect landmines.

Using positive reinforcement behavior that is respectful of the animals, African pouched rats are taught to identify the explosives, receiving treats for their efforts. After months of training, the rats are set a test and accredited as HeroRats if they pass.

The pouched rats are perfect for the job; intelligent with a keen sense of smell, they are small enough not to trigger mines and large enough to be easily identifiable in the field. No rat has been killed in a minefield.

The rats can clear two hundred square meters in just 20 minutes. It would take humans with metal detectors five days to cover the same area.

The rats live for up to eight years, but retire after six and live out their twilight years eating avocados, apples and bananas, and being regularly patted by their handlers.



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