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Your personality type


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I'm not aware if such a thread already exists, but I've been considering this for a while and figured this would be an opportunity to reveal what general types of character we are.

If you're interested, here's a test by which you can find out and share your 4-letter personality type: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp

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mmmmmmm yeah, a lot of the questions are always...well a little bit rather than YES/NO it also depends on what mood I'm in...



I dont like talking/seeing people yet people meet me and think Im a extrovert (Im quite happy to publicly act 'foolish' I blame my mother)


I've taken this test before and it always comes up INFJ..

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Guest Iain C

I've always been an IN something, in recent years I come up as INFJ - but I distrust any kind of psychological self-assessment.

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Guest Iain C

I dont like talking/seeing people yet people meet me and think Im a extrovert (Im quite happy to publicly act 'foolish' I blame my mother)



I think the best way to understand introversion and extroversion is not as whether or not you enjoy being outgoing and meeting people - a lot of introverts including myself do - but what effect it has on your energy levels. Extroverts are energised by social interaction, introverts are drained by it and need time alone to 'recharge'.

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Guest isaki

INTP. I don't trust these tests and I don't even know why I take them... you put your gender and your age and everything about you, boom... logged IP. straight to google. probably owned by them!

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I dont like talking/seeing people yet people meet me and think Im a extrovert (Im quite happy to publicly act 'foolish' I blame my mother)



I think the best way to understand introversion and extroversion is not as whether or not you enjoy being outgoing and meeting people - a lot of introverts including myself do - but what effect it has on your energy levels. Extroverts are energised by social interaction, introverts are drained by it and need time alone to 'recharge'.




ohh good point, yeah.. I get like a tired toddler and will get grouchy and irritable (very wiggly...Ive been known to stamp my foot...)


Yeah, funnily enough, I agree that I dont trust my own psychological self assessment either, oh maybe thats a sign! arrhh!

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I tend to be either an INFP or INTP. The T and F tend to switch at the times I did an official test. Only strong outcome is the P. I tend to have a deep hatred for planning and structure which is more a J kind of thing.


I talked with some consultant about the MBTI outcomes, and she acknowledged that the most interesting parts are rarely talked about when you're doing tests like this. The point is not necessarily the specific outcome, but what that outcome implies when you're in circumstances where you have to switch to other sides of the spectrum. Does it create stress, for instance. And what technique could you use to deal with that stress.


As an N for instance, I tend to look at the big picture and not worry about the details. But in some stressful situation, I can completely fall back into the S strategy and focus on details even though my strength is in N. So, some helpful technique might be to do something to get back into my N-zone. Like watching a David Lynch movie for instance. To me, watching David Lynch is all about symbolism and things which are not apparent. So, if I do get stuck in S-thinking....

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I tend to put a D in my B at the drop of a hat, even if someone else's D is already in my M. I before E in the case of DM together, though. Also, BOcbocbocbocboc



INFJ this time around


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Extravert(1%) iNtuitive(50%) Feeling(25%) Judging(22%)

  • You have marginal or no preference of Extraversion over Introversion (1%)
  • You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%)
  • You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (25%)
  • You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (22%)
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I don't claim this test to be the alpha-and-omega of personality analysis, but I figured it's at least worth trying for curiosity's sake.



Damn. Second time in a row I've made a dupe thread. I honestly did a search query first, but probably wasn't specific enough.

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ENTP - which puts me up there with Walt Disney and, according to this website, means I'm pro weed legalisation: http://similarminds.com/jung/entp.html

According to that site, all people with a tendency for introversion are loners. If that doesnt flag bullshit, i don't know what else does.

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