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Can anyone here write in Hebrew?


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lol I love how things translate

Yeah its really interesting, especially with something like google translate which you can assume will get it wrong. I designed a card for the girl at work who was in charge of foreign editions (I work as a designer at a fine art publishing company) which I used google translate for, I wrote a good bye message, something like "wonderful working with you, blah blah" then I put it through translate, english to french, then french to german and went through every single language we've ever had a foreign edition in, about 18 languages in total & quite varied. I put the last message back into english & it was utterly bizzare.

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Guest isaki

there's actually a site that does this



From English: we are the music makers
To Arabic: نحن صناع الموسيقى
Back to English: We are the music makers
To Catalan: Som els fabricants de música
Back to English: We are the music makers
To Chinese Simplified: 我们是的音乐创造者
Back to English: We are music creator
To Chinese Traditional: 我們是音樂創作者
Back to English: We are the music creators
To Ukranian: Ми є творців музики
Back to English: We are the creators of the music
To Turkish: Müzik yaratıcıları olduğumuzu
Back to English: We are the creators of the music
To Thai: เราเป็นผู้สร้างเพลง
Back to English: We are the author of the song.
To Estonian: Oleme laulu autor.
Back to English: We have a song author.
To Slovenian: Imamo avtor pesem.
Back to English: We have the author of the song.
To Russian: У нас есть автор песни.
Back to English: We have the author of the song.
To German: Wir haben den Autor des Liedes.
Back to English: We have the author of the song.
To Polish: Mamy autora utworu.
Back to English: We have the developer track.
To Haitian Creole: Nou gen tras devlope a.
Back to English: We have trials developed.
To Norwegian: Vi har studier som er utviklet.
Back to English: We have studies that are developed.
To Korean: 우리는 연구 개발 된.
Back to English: We have research and development.
To Indonesian: Kami memiliki penelitian dan pengembangan.
Back to English: We have research and development.
To Bulgarian: Ние имаме изследване и развитие.
Back to English: We have research and development.
To Japanese: 我々 は、研究・開発があります。
Back to English: We have research and development.
To Slovak: Máme výskumu a vývoja.
Back to English: We have research and development.
To Vietnamese: Chúng tôi đã nghiên cứu và phát triển.
Back to English: We have researched and developed.
To Czech: Jsme zkoumali a rozvíjet.
Back to English: We explored and developed.
To Spanish: Hemos explorado y desarrollado.
Back to English: We have explored and developed.
To Greek: Έχουν διερευνηθεί και να αναπτυχθεί.
Back to English: Have been explored and developed.
To Portuguese: Tem sido explorado e desenvolvido.
Back to English: Has been explored and developed.
To Romanian: A fost explorat şi dezvoltat.
Back to English: Has been explored and developed.
To Hebrew: חקר, פיתח.
Back to English: Researched and developed.
To Lithuanian: Atliko tyrimus ir sukūrė.
Back to English: Conducted research and developed.
To Finnish: Tutkinut ja kehittänyt.
Back to English: Researched and developed.
To Latvian: Izpētījusi un izstrādājusi.
Back to English: Researched and developed.
To French: Recherché et développé.
Back to English: Researched and developed.
To Dutch: Onderzocht en ontwikkeld.
Back to English: Researched and developed.
To Swedish: Forskat och utvecklat.
Back to English: Researched and developed.
To Hungarian: Kutatott és fejlesztett.
Back to English: Researched and developed.
To Danish: Forsket og udviklet.
Back to English: Researched and developed.


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great website, will use that for something soon, but not quite what i did, i didn't put every translation back to english but instead started of with english & ended with english, so english to french, french to german, german to spanish, spanish to russian etc



i put my dick on you (lovingly)

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there's actually a site that does this



From English: fuck the police

To Vietnamese: fuck cảnh sát

Back to English: fuck the police

To Ukranian: обман домогосподарки.

Back to English: cheating housewives.

To Turkish: ev kadınları aldatıyor.

Back to English: cheating housewives.

To Chinese Traditional: 作弊的家庭主婦。

Back to English: Cheating housewives.

To Czech: Podvádění manželky.

Back to English: A cheating spouse.

To Danish: En snyd ægtefælle.

Back to English: A cheating spouse.

To Dutch: Een bedriegende echtgenoot.

Back to English: A cheating spouse.

To Estonian: Petmine abikaasa.

Back to English: Cheating spouse.

To Finnish: Huijaaminen puoliso.

Back to English: A cheating spouse.

To Thai: คู่สมรส cheating

Back to English: Cheating spouse

To German: Betrügender Gatte

Back to English: Cheating spouse

To Greek: Εξαπατώντας σύζυγος

Back to English: Cheating spouse

To Haitian Creole: Kopye mari oswa madanm

Back to English: Copy spouse

To Slovenian: Kopija zakonca

Back to English: A copy of the spouse

To Slovak: Kópiu manžela

Back to English: A copy of the spouse

To Portuguese: Uma cópia do cônjuge

Back to English: A copy of the spouse

To Polish: Kopię małżonka

Back to English: A copy of the spouse

To Norwegian: En kopi av ektefelle

Back to English: A copy of the spouse

To Latvian: Laulātais kopija

Back to English: Spouse a copy

To Hungarian: Házastárs másolatát

Back to English: A copy of the spouse

To Arabic: نسخة من أحد الزوجين

Back to English: A copy of one of the spouses

To Japanese: 1 つは、配偶者のコピー

Back to English: One of my copy of the spouse

To Bulgarian: Един от моето копие на съпруга

Back to English: One of my husband's copy

To Chinese Simplified: 我丈夫的副本之一

Back to English: One of my husband's copy

To French: Une copie de mon mari

Back to English: A copy of my husband

To Spanish: Una copia de mi marido

Back to English: A copy of my husband

To Hebrew: עותק של בעלי

Back to English: A copy of the owners

To Russian: Копия владельцев

Back to English: A copy of the owners

To Swedish: En kopia av ägarna

Back to English: A copy of the owners

To Lithuanian: Savininkai kopija

Back to English: A copy of the owners

To Romanian: O copie a proprietarilor

Back to English: A copy of the owners

To Korean: 소유자의 복사본

Back to English: Make a copy of the owners

To Indonesian: Membuat salinan dari pemilik

Back to English: Make a copy of the owners

To Catalan: Fer una còpia dels propietaris

Back to English: Make a copy of the owners

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To Bulgarian: И БЛАГОДАРЯ ЗА ИВРИТ ПРЕВОДИ ЮДЖИЙН! ВИЕ СТЕ СУПЕРЗВЕЗДА! Сложих моя хуй на вас (любов)
To Chinese Simplified: 和希伯来语翻译的尤金 · 谢谢 !你是一个超级巨星 !我把我的鸡鸡放在你 (爱)
Back to English: And Hebrew translations of Eugene · Thank you! You are a superstar! I put my chicken in your (love)
To Chinese Traditional: 和尤金 · 希伯來文翻譯謝謝!你是一個超級巨星 !我把我的雞放在你的 (愛)
Back to English: And Eugene · Hebrew translation thank you! You are a superstar! I put my chicken in your (love)
To Czech: A Eugene · Hebrejský překlad Děkuji! Jsi superstar! Dal jsem moje kuře (láska)
Back to English: And Eugene · Hebrew translation thank you! You are a superstar! I put my chicken (love)
To Danish: Og Eugene · Hebraisk oversættelse tak! Du er en superstjerne! Jeg sætter min kylling (kærlighed)
Back to English: And Eugene · Hebrew translation thank you! You are a superstar! I put my chicken (love)
To Dutch: En Eugene · Hebreeuws Vertaling dank u! U bent een superster! Ik zette mijn kip (liefde)
Back to English: And Eugene · Hebrew Translation thank you! You are a super star! I put my chicken (love)
To Estonian: Ja Eugene · Heebrea tõlge Tänan teid! Sa oled super star! Panin minu kana (armastus)
Back to English: And Eugene · Hebrew translation for thank you! You are a super star! I put my chicken (love)
To Finnish: Ja Eugene · Heprean käännös Kiitos! Olet supertähti! Laitoin minun kana (rakkaus)
Back to English: And Eugene · The Hebrew translation of thanks! You are a superstar! I put my chicken (love)
To French: Et Eugene · La traduction en hébreu de remerciement ! Tu es une superstar ! J'ai mis mon poulet (amour)
Back to English: And Eugene · The Hebrew translation of thanks! You are a superstar! I put my chicken (love)
To German: Und Eugene · Die hebräische Übersetzung des Dankes! Du bist ein Superstar! Ich habe mein Huhn (Liebe)
Back to English: And Eugene · The Hebrew translation of thanks! You're a superstar! I have my chicken (love)
To Greek: Και Eugene · Η εβραϊκή μετάφραση ευχαριστίες! Είστε ένα σούπερ σταρ! Έχω μου κοτόπουλο (αγάπη)
Back to English: And Eugene; The Hebrew translation thanks! You're a superstar! I have my chicken (love)
To Haitian Creole: Et Eugene, Tradiksyon ebre mèsi! Ou gen yon mizik rege! Mwen gen m' poul (renmen)
Back to English: And Eugene, Translation Hebrew thank you! You have a reggae music! I have I to (like to)
To Hebrew: ותודה יוג'ין, תרגום עברית! יש לך מוזיקה רגאיי! יש לי אני (כמו)
Back to English: And Eugene, Hebrew translation! You have a reggae music! I have a I (like)
To Hungarian: És Eugene, héber fordítás! Van a reggae zene! Nekem van egy szeretem)
Back to English: And Eugene, Hebrew translation! The reggae music! I have a love )
To Indonesian: Dan Eugene, Ibrani terjemahan! Musik reggae! Aku punya cinta)
Back to English: And Eugene, Hebrew translation! Reggae music! I have a love)
To Italian: Ed Eugene, traduzione ebraica! Musica reggae! Ho un amore)
Back to English: And Eugene, Hebrew translation! Reggae music! I have a love)
To Japanese: ユージーンには、ヘブライ語の翻訳 !レゲエ ・ ミュージック !私は愛がある)
Back to English: Eugene's Hebrew translation! Reggae music! I have love)
To Korean: 유진의 히브리어 번역! 레게 음악! 나는 사랑)
Back to English: Eugene's Hebrew translation! Reggae music! I love)
To Latvian: Eugene ir ivritā tulkojums! Regeja mūzikas! I love)
Back to English: Eugene is a Hebrew translation. Reggae music! I love)
To Lithuanian: Eugenijus yra Hebrajų Vertimas. Reggae muzikos! Man patinka)
Back to English: Eugene is a Hebrew translation. Reggae music! I love)
To Norwegian: Eugene er et hebraisk oversettelse. Reggae musikk! Jeg elsker)
Back to English: Eugene is a Hebrew translation. Reggae music! I love)
To Polish: Eugene jest tłumaczenie hebrajskiego. Muzyki reggae! Kocham)
Back to English: Eugene is a Hebrew translation. Reggae music! I Love)
To Portuguese: Eugene é uma tradução do hebraica. Música de reggae! Eu amo)
Back to English: Eugene is a Hebrew translation. Reggae music! I love)
To Romanian: Eugene este o traducere ebraică. Muzica reggae! Îmi place)
Back to English: Eugene is a Hebrew translation. Reggae music! I love)
To Russian: Юджин является перевод иврит. Регги музыки! Я люблю)
Back to English: Eugene is a Hebrew translation. Reggae music! I love)
To Slovak: Eugene je hebrejský preklad. Reggae hudby! Milujem)
Back to English: Eugene is a Hebrew translation. Reggae music! I Love)
To Slovenian: Eugene, ki je hebrejski prevod. Reggae glasbo! Ljubim)
Back to English: Eugene, which is the Hebrew version. Reggae music! I Love)
To Spanish: Eugene, que es la versión hebrea. Música de reggae! Me encanta)
Back to English: Eugene, which is the Hebrew version. Reggae music! I love)
To Swedish: Eugene, som är den hebreiska versionen. Reggaemusik! Jag älskar)
Back to English: Eugene, who is the Hebrew version. Reggae Music! I love)
To Thai: Eugene ที่เป็นรุ่นฮิบรู เก้ ฉันรัก)
Back to English: A Hebrew version of Eugene wants I love).
To Turkish: Eugene İbranice sürümü seviyorum istiyor).
Back to English: Eugene wants the Hebrew version of love).
To Ukranian: Eugene хоче Іврит Версія любов).
Back to English: Eugene wants a Hebrew version of the love).
To Vietnamese: Eugene muốn một phiên bản tiếng Do Thái của tình yêu).
Back to English: Eugene wants a Hebrew version of the love).

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To Chinese Simplified: 和希伯来语翻译的尤金 · 谢谢 !你是一个超级巨星 !我把我的鸡鸡放在你 (爱)
Back to English: And Hebrew translations of Eugene · Thank you! You are a superstar! I put my chicken in your (love)



holy shit

To Italian: Ed Eugene, traduzione ebraica! Musica reggae! Ho un amore)
Back to English: And Eugene, Hebrew translation! Reggae music! I have a love)

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See the Canadian Council. (Boards of Canada)

Location. (Squarepusher)

Ceephax SID T (Ceephax Acid Crew)

Ramada Hotel. (Venetian Snares)

Pirate in the world. (Global Goon)

Mars (Mouse On Mars)

-Automatic document feeder (Machinedrum)

Edward Legowel (Legowelt)

In addition to the (Kettel)

EQ (Frog Pocket)



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Guest isaki


EQ (Frog Pocket)



lol wow



Original text:

"dub step"

...35 translations later, Bing gives us:

"It's not a dove."

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BUA Loi (Flying Lotus)

Group. (Team Doyobi)

The brutal clash. (Sunken Foal)

Grisch is good or not. (Grischa Lichtenberger)

The city of (Kraftwerk)

Hitler called the integrity of (The Gasman) :mellow:

Music (Bibio)

Sad pictures (Photodementia)

Two members of the Bonobo (Bonobo)

The main requirement. (Atom™)

On the other hand, this is PowerPoint tuobin (Amon Tobin) :cerious:

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From English: or when my penis flips inside my body like a sock.


[35 random ordered translations]


Back to English: If you're like me, you like Dick.



From English: or when my penis flips inside my body like a sock.


[around 20 random ordered translations]


Back to English: You, you can whip your vagina if you don't like my body.

^Finally, a decent line to put on my OKCupid profile



From English: or when my penis flips inside my body like a sock.


[35 random ordered translations]


Back to English: Children have to take care of my body and of my RAM.

^I dare watmm to make an album with that as a title
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Guest isaki

Original text:

"marbles in my arsehole"

...35 translations later, Bing gives us:

"That's a problem."


midway it translates to "for fuck's sake, marble" lol

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From English: I care because you do
To Haitian Creole: Soins paske ou fè
Back to English: Medical for you have made
To Hebrew: רפואי עבור שביצעת
Back to English: For your medical
To Catalan: Pel seu metge
Back to English: By your doctor
To Arabic: قبل الطبيب
Back to English: By the doctor
To Bulgarian: От лекар
Back to English: By the doctor
To Czech: Doktor
Back to English: Doctor
To Danish: Læge
Back to English: Doctor
To Dutch: Arts
Back to English: Doctor
To Estonian: Arst
Back to English: Doctor
To French: Médecin
Back to English: Doctor
To Hungarian: Orvos
Back to English: Doctor
To Indonesian: Dokter
Back to English: Doctor
To Finnish: Lääkäri
Back to English: The Doctor
To Italian: Il medico
Back to English: Your doctor
To German: Ihr Arzt
Back to English: Your doctor
To Chinese Traditional: 你的醫生
Back to English: Your doctor
To Chinese Simplified: 你的医生
Back to English: Your doctor
To Latvian: Jūsu ārsts
Back to English: Your doctor
To Japanese: あなたの医者
Back to English: Your doctor
To Korean: 귀하의 의사
Back to English: Your doctor
To Polish: Twój lekarz
Back to English: Your doctor
To Lithuanian: Jūsų gydytojas
Back to English: Your doctor
To Norwegian: Legen
Back to English: Doctor
To Romanian: Doctor
Back to English: Doctor
To Portuguese: Médico
Back to English: Doctor
To Russian: Доктор
Back to English: Dr
To Slovenian: Dr
Back to English: Dr
To Slovak: Dr
Back to English: Dr
To Spanish: Dr
Back to English: Dr
To Thai: Dr
Back to English: Dr
To Swedish: Dr
Back to English: Dr
To Turkish: Dr
Back to English: Dr
To Ukranian: Д-р
Back to English: Dr
To Vietnamese: Tiến sĩ
Back to English: Dr

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From English: can you please turn down that incessant racket you chubby tit.
To Bulgarian: може да ви моля намалили тази непрестанни ракета ви пълничък синигер.
Back to English: can you please turn this incessant rocket you chubby tit.
To Catalan: pot vostè si us plau, convertir aquesta incessant de coets grassonet teta.
Back to English: can you please convert this incessant rocket chubby tit.
To Chinese Simplified: 你可以请将转换这无休止的火箭小胖报还一报。
Back to English: Can you please convert this to endless rocket chubby tit.
To Chinese Traditional: 你可以請轉換這為無休止的火箭小胖報還一報。
Back to English: Can you please convert this to endless rocket chubby tit.
To Czech: Můžete prosím převést to nekonečná raketa baculaté tit.
Back to English: Can you please convert this infinite rocket chubby tit.
To Danish: Du kan venligst konvertere denne uendelige raket buttede tit.
Back to English: You can please convert this infinite rocket chubby tit.
To Dutch: U kunt deze oneindige raket mollig mezen gelieve te converteren.
Back to English: You can convert this infinite rocket chubby tits please.
To Estonian: Te saate teisendada selle lõpmatu raketi lihav tissid palun.
Back to English: You can convert this infinite rocket plump tits please.
To Finnish: Voit muuntaa ääretön raketti pullea tissit haluta.
Back to English: You can convert the infinite rocket plump tits please.
To French: Vous pouvez convertir les seins dodus roquette infini s'il vous plaît.
Back to English: You can convert the tits plump rocket infinite please.
To German: Sie können die Titten prall Rakete unendlich bitte konvertieren.
Back to English: You can convert plump tits rocket infinite please.
To Greek: Παρακαλώ, μπορείτε να μετατρέψετε βυζιά παχουλό πυραύλων άπειρο.
Back to English: Please, you can convert tits plump infinite missiles.

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From English: Yikes! Chimera slot mom, enter a new display name: impotent white capitalist.




Back to English: This is the illusion of a market economy, the name was Anna. The newspaper, which is also known as the white idea.






Pretty sure someone on the David Icke forums has already written those lines

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From English: I care because you do


Back to English: Dr


Oh good idea tracktitles and albums!


There are a lot of cows. Everything You Do is a Balloon

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The full progression of "hit it or quit it" is truly a work of literature, from the beautifully literal "beat it or stop it" to the poignant social commentary on the Slovenian state of affairs of "jail or prison" to the painfully sincere disintegration into complete silence. This is a masterpiece, and I can promise you I clutch my degree in English lit proudly as I say this is the best poem I've ever read.



From English: Hit it or quit it
To Vietnamese: Nhấn nó hoặc bỏ nó
Back to English: Hit it or quit it
To Japanese: それをヒットまたはそれを終了
Back to English: Hit it or quit it
To Ukranian: Вдарив його або припинити його
Back to English: Hit it or stop it
To Swedish: Slå det eller stoppa den
Back to English: Beat it or stop it
To Turkish: Beat it veya durdurmak
Back to English: Beat it or stop
To Romanian: Bate-l sau de a opri
Back to English: Knock him out or to stop
To Thai: เคาะเขาออก หรือเพื่อหยุด
Back to English: Knock him out or to stop.
To Arabic: ضرب له بها، أو للتوقف.
Back to English: Knock him out or to stop.
To Portuguese: Batê-lo fora, ou para parar.
Back to English: Knock it off, or to stop.
To Russian: Брось, или остановить.
Back to English: Knock it off, or stop.
To Slovak: Prestaň, alebo zastaviť.
Back to English: Stop, or stop.
To Slovenian: Zapora ali zapora.
Back to English: Jail or prison.
To Korean: 감옥 이나 감옥입니다.
Back to English: Jail or prison.
To Bulgarian: Затвора или затвор.
Back to English: Jail or prison.
To Spanish: Cárcel o prisión.
Back to English: Jail or prison.
To Catalan: La presó o la presó.
Back to English: Jail or prison.
To Czech: Vězení nebo vězení.
Back to English: Jail or prison.
To Greek: Φυλακή ή τη φυλακή.
Back to English: Jail or prison.
To Hebrew: כלא או בית סוהר.
Back to English: Jail or prison.
To Lithuanian: Kalėjimo arba kalėjime.
Back to English: A jail or prison.
To Italian:
Back to English:
To Chinese Simplified:
Back to English:
To Indonesian:
Back to English:
To Chinese Traditional:
Back to English:
To Norwegian:
Back to English:
To Dutch:
Back to English:
To Danish:
Back to English:
To Hungarian:
Back to English:
To Finnish:
Back to English:
To Estonian:
Back to English:
To French:
Back to English:
To Latvian:
Back to English:
To German:
Back to English:
To Polish:
Back to English

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1977 SNOW computing amateur footage beards synthesizer

For the hair, in 1977, the snowy scene amateur squad

In 1977, in the same area, the flowers in the winter. The game of football.

In 1977, flowers, football, game, winter.

in 1977, flowers, music, new game.

In the year 1977, colors, music, and games

1977 then is color music and toys

in 1977, after the brilliant songs and games.

Games, music, 2523 (1980)

Music games 2523 (1980)

Music year 2519 teachers games (1980)

Music year 2519 teaches games in 1980.

The year of music 2519 I instructed play in 1980.

The year of music 2519 that the game in 1980 taught.

Music 2519 kernels, 1980

Songs 2519 that nut a nucleus, 1980

The songs 2519, the mother an almond, 1980

2519 bamboo made kernels and the I 1980

2519 harpoons and rumples cores of the bramble kneads

Weromblis (official site)-secular spinal massage

Werombl (official site)-spine massage on the planet.

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This thread is awesome.


Funny actually where I used to work, our translator is German and she would sometimes say German phrases but the English translation. For instance if she was embarrassed in English you may say "I wished the ground swallowed me up!" in German they have something like that but it's about being sucked into a 'mouse hole' like in cartoons. Always used to make me chuckle.

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From English: Boards Of Canada - Radio Silence
To Arabic: لوحات كندا-راديو الصمت
Back to English: Paintings Canada-radio silence
To Ukranian: Картини Канади радіо мовчання
Back to English: Pictures of Canada radio silence
To Chinese Simplified: 加拿大无线电沉默的图片
Back to English: Canada radio silence pictures
To Chinese Traditional: 加拿大無線電沉默圖片
Back to English: Canada radio silence pictures
To Thai: แคนาดาวิทยุความเงียบในรูปภาพ
Back to English: Canada radio silence in the picture.
To Slovenian: Kanada radio molk na sliki.
Back to English: Canada radio silence in the picture.
To Lithuanian: Kanados radijo tylėjimą paveikslėlyje.
Back to English: Canadian radio silence in the picture.
To Estonian: Kanada raadio vaikus pildil.
Back to English: Canada radio silence in the picture.
To Finnish: Kanada radiohiljaisuus kuvassa.
Back to English: Canada radio silence in the picture.
To French: Silence de radio Canada dans l'image.
Back to English: Silence of radio Canada in the picture.
To Latvian: Attēlu Kanādas radio klusumā.
Back to English: Picture Canada-radio silence.
To Bulgarian: Картина Канада-радио мълчание.
Back to English: Picture Canada-radio silence.
To Haitian Creole: Foto Kanada-radyo silans.
Back to English: Pictures Canada-radio silence.
To Hebrew: תמונות קנדה-רדיו שתיקה.
Back to English: Pictures Canada-radio silence.
To Romanian: Fotografii Canada-radio tăcere.
Back to English: Pictures Canada-radio silence.
To Vietnamese: Hình ảnh đài phát thanh Canada-im lặng.
Back to English: Pictures Canada-radio silence.
To Greek: Εικόνες Καναδάς-Ραδιόφωνο σιωπή.
Back to English: Pictures Canada-Radio silence.
To Japanese: 写真のカナダのラジオの沈黙。
Back to English: Canada photograph radio silence.
To Catalan: Silenci de ràdio de fotografia de Canadà.
Back to English: Radio silence photography from Canada.
To Turkish: Radyo sessizlik fotoğraf Kanada.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To Dutch: Radio silence fotografie Canada.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To Norwegian: Radio stillhet fotografering Canada.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To Polish: Radio cisza fotografii Kanada.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To Czech: Rozhlasové mlčení fotografie Kanada.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To Indonesian: Radio keheningan fotografi Kanada.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To Spanish: Radio silencio fotografía Canadá.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To Danish: Radio tavshed fotografering Canada.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To Slovak: Rádiové ticho fotografie Kanady.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To Russian: Радио молчание фотографии Канады.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To Swedish: Radio tystnad fotografering Kanada.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To German: Radio Stille Fotografie Kanada.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To Portuguese: Rádio silêncio fotografia Canadá.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To Korean: 라디오 침묵 사진 캐나다.
Back to English: Radio silence photography Canada.
To Hungarian: Rádió hallgatás fotózás Kanada.
Back to English: Radio silence photography in Canada.


The one time pad is in Canada. I'll meet you guys there.

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