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So my ex-girlfriend just put a spreadsheet on facebook, detailing all the pros and cons of her past boyfriends


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ok, this is turning into a pseudo-Zeffolia thread.

@SR4, no, that's only incidental. The red flag is her composing this sort of table in the first place.



wouldnt the table say it all, and not that specific request?

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Asian women are a special breed of crazy.


it's true. and I include all of Asia in that statement, south and east. unfortunately many of them have this kind of quiet, oblique craziness that makes them seem normal/shy at first until they get close enough to unleash their madness on you, which explains why Root didn't see this coming (right?).


yeah, people who haven't "gone there" (dated Asians) can't really understand. People who might dismiss what your or I are saying as racist, do so at their peril, lol.

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ok, this is turning into a pseudo-Zeffolia thread.

@SR4, no, that's only incidental. The red flag is her composing this sort of table in the first place.



wouldnt the table say it all, and not that specific request?

you're misreading, I wasn't saying it was that request in particular, I was just lazy to type out "based on this request I gather she is Chinese", so I quoted instead. It was that that request indicated she was Chinese, not for any other reason.


In fact, on the face of it, many of these categories make sense. It's taken in the aggregate, that she would make this sort of table, that is a red flag.


Incidentally my dad also makes these sorts of tables about various things. He and I don't get along so well.

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fair enough. im def in agreement that the table thing is a little disturbing.



Asian women are a special breed of crazy.


it's true. and I include all of Asia in that statement, south and east. unfortunately many of them have this kind of quiet, oblique craziness that makes them seem normal/shy at first until they get close enough to unleash their madness on you, which explains why Root didn't see this coming (right?).


yeah, people who haven't "gone there" (dated Asians) can't really understand. People who might dismiss what your or I are saying as racist, do so at their peril, lol.



sorry. i disagree. the majority of asian ladies that ive dated were far more tolerable than most white women ive dated in my life. maybe it's one of those "pick your poison" type issues.

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this thread has some sexist shit in it, but I can definitely agree that this girl's spreadsheet is fucking crazy.

glad you got out of that. anyone that thinks that PhD's and high salaries are relevant to a person's intelligence and important in a relationship is no good. the masculinity thing is really stupid too, and of course, some of the stuff on there is just plain weird.


funny that she is okay with publicly talking about boys' foreskins

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but I've found that those ones who believe they are super-modern and Westernised, while still actually clinging to many traditional thought patterns and beliefs, end up having crazy emotional tendencies. they don't know how to temper their expectations because they indulge in fantasies about relationships.

the best Asian girls I've met have been those who accept what they are, be it traditional or westernised or a mix between the two. it's the conflict of pretending really hard to be what they're not which makes them mental.


bolded for great truth.


I asked a Filipina friend of mine (who, incidentally, admits that lots of Asian girls are crazy, including herself) about this tendency, and she said "it all has to do with our crazy mothers." So there you have it.


I have actually gone all the way down the rabbit hole with Asian crazy, which has one benefit: you'll never be surprised by anything ever again in your life, dating wise.

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I wonder why she broke up with boyfriend no.3, he's like Mr. perfect


Also only two boyfriends willing to learn Chinese for her, piss poor at least make an effort or pretend 'till she breaks up with you.


I'm sure he broke up with her, hence the high score, and in her eyes he is Mr. Perfect.

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If you removed "Asian" from any of those statements, they would be just as true. At least in my experience. It's weird to me that you think you can generalize about stuff like that based on ethnicity when there are so many other factors.


Anyway, I would say that the issues in my relationships have been not ethnic in origin, but circumstantial. And the truth is, most everybody has a crazy mom, in one way our another. Everybody's a little fucked up. Is WATMM not a tribute to this?

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Also, just a counterpoint, but how many people don't have a version of this checklist in their heads? I would say that "chemistry" - i.e., love - is the most important factor for me, but I'd probably have some shit on there like "is not addicted to reality TV". I find this appropriately provocative; not too incriminating (tho I'm glad it's not me on there); but it opens the discussion of "what are your secret desires for a partner?" Kind of cool, in a way. I think the venue for it was wrong; it should be in some third-party publication, maybe anonymously, so it's not a social statement but an anthropological one.

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That spreadsheet deserves its own microsoft paint subforum.


"Sings like a naked angel" LOL


What surprises me though, is that she apparently is a nice girl IRL but at the same time maintains a list like this. Apparently she's a good actress. But the question is, is she joking with this list, or is she acting nice IRL ( and you, Root, hadnt pick up on that).


Also, what about the irony of calling this thread sexist, when it started out because of this spreadsheet. At this point, we may as well call every living creature on the planet sexist! :D


Still though, thanks for posting the spreadsheet! It's really entertaining in a completely dickish way.


Next thread will be about:

Watmm's own spreadsheet of how to measure up girls


Followed by:

What features did roots ex miss in her spreadsheet? ( she totally missed " is able to perform a wailing backflip at full moon with an airguitar" btw. Totally first tier material, if you ask me!)

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WATMM, I am a bit dissapoint. Y'all (well some of y'all) are making too much out of the fact that she's a woman, and speculation about her ethnic and cultural origin.


Also, I want to make clear that I think she's perfectly within her rights to be demanding when it comes to relationships. And she's within her rights to to talk to her friends about it. But the format and venue of this was wrong. She has many facebook friends, many of whom know I was her first boyfriend, and so she basically just published a list of what I was like in the relationship for all to see.


In other news, she didn't reply to my private message, but has made it so that I cannot see her posts anymore on facebook. This is probably a good thing overall; however, I am left to assume that she's asserting her right to talk about me on facebook all she likes. Hopefully she'll send a message sometime soon indicating the contrary, but I'm not holding up any hope. I should have kept quiet.

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lets be honest, this was all just an extremely elaborate way of telling as all you are shit hot in the sack, wasnt it. im on to you.


Shit hot, or amazeballz?

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WATMM, I am a bit dissapoint. Y'all (well some of y'all) are making too much out of the fact that she's a woman, and speculation about her ethnic and cultural origin.


Also, I want to make clear that I think she's perfectly within her rights to be demanding when it comes to relationships. And she's within her rights to to talk to her friends about it.


Agreed with all the above, but putting you in that 'no history of' entry, lumping all that in together into a group, it's like she's blaming -you- for being in an abusive relationship. That's fucked up. That's also a violation of your right to privacy. She's right to be picky but it's clear she has not a drop of empathy for others. In fact she sounds like kind of an asshole (is that a sexism-free term lol), no offense.

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Good riddance to that one. She probably watches Sex and the City while eating an entire tub of ice cream, vibrator in hand.

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I have a half-breed of my own now, so we'll see if she's half crazy.


actually my wife is one of the cooler Asian women I've met (obv), although she too has The Dark Side, it doesn't come out very often.

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lol, couldn't resist could you. yeah she looks a bit like a boy at this point, but she has an awesome personality


will be interesting when she hits her teens for sure, especially if she starts asking about how mommy and daddy met, haha

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