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Songs with choruses (or other parts) that totally don't fit in the song.


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Doesn't it bother you when you listen to a shitty song with an awesome chorus and it's so obvious that whoever wrote the song wrote that awesome part and then figured they'd have to write some bullshit around it to fill out 3 minutes?


I can think of several, but this one always comes to mind...





Post the ones that bother you the most.

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Metric. They're not bad, that's the thing, it's just they have very underdeveloped songs. Like, I feel like they should be better. I'll hum a counter melody when I hear the songs or hope for a crescendo or bridge that never occurs. They're really popular though. Saw them live - they're talented but remarkably average.



^1:31 - such a fucking letdown...that's seriously it?



Funny enough, I read this today. Totally dug this song when I was 8 now I'm like "it's one cool riff and some noodling on guitar in between"



Here's classic pop song writing. These just sound epic and amazing because of their structure and nothing else:




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I like this song a lot, but it doesn't quite feel right, and the band themselves have mentioned that it didn't come together full.



This song climaxes at :40, no idea how it could top that yet it goes on for 5+ minutes



I've mentioned this Billy Idol song before in my thread about songs with bits I hate and otherwise would be perfect.


This song, this guy, this genre in a nutshell:



This is somehow 100x worse:



Every Wesley Willis song ever? There's a documentary where one of his close friends (and the guy who recorded much of his music) said that Wesley insisted that every song was under 3 minutes, probably based off one random piece of "advice" he was told once in his past. (here - http://youtu.be/QrjNTd8w_zU?t=21m55s)




Definitive example? I mean it's so forced it's amazing. 2:43 is just something else.


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Definitive example? I mean it's so forced it's amazing. 2:43 is just something else.




some dude here posted a soundcloud version of this that was out of this world hilarious.

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