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the great pyramid

Guest skibby

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all this bullshit about how i cant judge 'people' because it was a different civilization or culture and a different time is just that, bullshit. again, this was despotism. i'm not judging their culture. because the vast overwhelming chunk of it wasn't THEIR culture. it was the pharaohs. i can judge despots and despotism all want. the people back then had no say in it. they did not agree to be ruled by a ruler who ruled by military might over them. it's not me judging the people. it's me judging how they were exploited by a despot. but it's not even really that. it's me questioning how people can say that they think despotism and products of it are pretty swell. regardless of when or where it happens, i think it's kinda fucked. but that's because my system of beliefs doesn't change depending on the context of the conversation.

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Guest Tamochanter

The reality is E we don't actually know who built em and why so any argument over slavery is really a different subjet. Why do churches and cathedrals and the pyramids etc survive wars over centuarys? Because that same devotion and faith awes us with the size and possible threat of the wrath from a god. These ideas still reverberate thru the ages the fact they still stand is proof enough.

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what are you trying to suggest now godel? that it wasn't made by the blood sweat and tears of thousands of SUBJECTS of a DESPOT?


was it aliens godel?

ya know what guys? i think it's pretty safe to say that, barring outer space influences... those things were made by the subjects of despotism.

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I don't deny at all that we (as in people ake inin industrialised and democratic society) are better off than the egyptians back then. But you have to take into consideration the fact that more than half of the living human being in our present world are not at all living like you and me, so 't try to generalize like we live in pretty world were there is no slavery or explotation of human labor.
Remember that in order to sustain our living standards as americans/europeans/canadians etc... we have twice as many people living in near slavery

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all this bullshit about how i cant judge 'people' because it was a different civilization or culture and a different time is just that, bullshit. again, this was despotism. i'm not judging their culture. because the vast overwhelming chunk of it wasn't THEIR culture. it was the pharaohs. i can judge despots and despotism all want. the people back then had no say in it. they did not agree to be ruled by a ruler who ruled by military might over them. it's not me judging the people. it's me judging how they were exploited by a despot. but it's not even really that. it's me questioning how people can say that they think despotism and products of it are pretty swell. regardless of when or where it happens, i think it's kinda fucked. but that's because my system of beliefs doesn't change depending on the context of the conversation.

I'm actually not sure who you are judging at this point. The despots in ancient egypt? (Why?) Or the people in this thread who happen to be interested in pyramids but are not out to critique this egyptian despotism with you?

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all this bullshit about how i cant judge 'people' because it was a different civilization or culture and a different time is just that, bullshit. again, this was despotism. i'm not judging their culture. because the vast overwhelming chunk of it wasn't THEIR culture. it was the pharaohs. i can judge despots and despotism all want. the people back then had no say in it. they did not agree to be ruled by a ruler who ruled by military might over them. it's not me judging the people. it's me judging how they were exploited by a despot. but it's not even really that. it's me questioning how people can say that they think despotism and products of it are pretty swell. regardless of when or where it happens, i think it's kinda fucked. but that's because my system of beliefs doesn't change depending on the context of the conversation.

This says it all. You can't separate the culture from the people.

Would you say that American Idol and Lady Gaga is YOUR culture? I guess not, but it is still the major cultural influence on young people today

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all this bullshit about how i cant judge 'people' because it was a different civilization or culture and a different time is just that, bullshit. again, this was despotism. i'm not judging their culture. because the vast overwhelming chunk of it wasn't THEIR culture. it was the pharaohs. i can judge despots and despotism all want. the people back then had no say in it. they did not agree to be ruled by a ruler who ruled by military might over them. it's not me judging the people. it's me judging how they were exploited by a despot. but it's not even really that. it's me questioning how people can say that they think despotism and products of it are pretty swell. regardless of when or where it happens, i think it's kinda fucked. but that's because my system of beliefs doesn't change depending on the context of the conversation.

This says it all. You can't separate the culture from the people.

Would you say that American Idol and Lady Gaga is YOUR culture? I guess not, but it is still the major cultural influence on young people today



Is it though? It is only what is being fed through the tube. Everywhere else people choose their culture these days.

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Guest Tamochanter

The first pyramids were really badly built and many are in ruins if not gone so that indicates that the pyraminds power took on a life of it's own and whomever could include the pyramids into their doctrine became the most powerful, keeping up with the jones's has always been a driving force in human civilisations despot or deiety is really a moot point in relation to the cultral relevance or moral position. What amazes me is the way we have tried to interpret what we found and the zany if not dangerous ideas we have imagined, even 20 years ago the myths outweighed the mathematical proof.


I think the reason the pyraminds and egypt captured the imagination is that we didn't know the real reasons they were built and we wanted some magical truth that would make our exsitence more palatable. The only reason we started digging there was to find some historical proof that the bible was true but when the facts did not fit it turned into a circus for the landed gentry of England. The sheer pomposity of the people then prevented them even considering a previous civilisation could be more culturally, linguistically or socially advanced than that of their own. The conduct of the English on the early days of archeology has now been reversed to the point of revultion and many artifacts returned to thier former homes.


That gives me hope that evolution does not just exsit in the natural world but that just like mathematics there are rules that govern everything from egineering to plants and particles.The egyptions could measure almost anything they could see with astonishing accuracy and used simple levels and similar tequnies we use today to survey the land. Pythagoras is acclaimed and rightly so but he just rehashed an old idea that had been suppressed by religion and the failure of the egyptian culture. These ideals and buildings were the scapegoat for the desertion of the gods from thier people. The old ways almost always designated a god to a particular event so if it flooded they must have upset that particular god. Interestingly by the end of the pharohs reign the number of gods had dwindled to 1 the sun god. Each one seems to have been struck from the record by different pharohs who would have looked bad during famines and floods.

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sorry but this a load of bullshit...
There was something called La Renaissance which brought back the 'forgotten' knowledge from antiquity, a period of great introspection in the thinkers of that time where they recognized the value of old civilisation and culture, so you can't say: "I think the reason the pyraminds and egypt captured the imagination is that we didn't know the real reasons they were built and we wanted some magical truth that would make our exsitence more palatable".
We've known why they were built since a lot of time, there's not really any doubt about it.
It is just a big ass toumb for what was then the highest ranking human being, both socially and spiritually.

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egypt and around and around and around the world we go.. south america or angkor wat and on and on, in small ways and big ways. it seems to be the human condition to want to self-interprit god and make use of that influence and magnetism to achieve earthly power and glory. there were very few in history who lacked perversion and did not fall to lust when taking on intermediary responsibilities as humble adherent servants to god. this same perverted lust for earthly power was then regurgitated with the synagogs of satan and then the temples and churchy's after christ. glorifying the egyptian god-kings is the same as glorifying any rancid, corrupt intermediaries who assumed themselves to power and commissioned large structures in the name of god. higherarchy is not true community and is not freedom, it is slavery in itself, and we r therefore experiencing the same thing currently. fact.


i don't care how big your cock (temple, church, pyramid ) is, it does not please god. only the truth pleases god. only love and true community.

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hey isnt it really the point of the pyramids to just love each other and be as happy as you can personally be because if that many people died just to make a triangle then u can do so much more + without dying (until youre 80 or 90)

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the water erosion of the sphinx indicates it's at least 10,000 years old, so when the great pyramid was made they may well have had at least 5 thousand years of accumulated engineering and general knowledge to work with (that's now lost, maybe due to the burned library of alexandria). humans have been basically genetically the same for like a hundred thousand years, so obviously there were plenty of geniuses like einstein and newton in the prehistoric past. as for actually executing the construction of the thing, i think i know the secret: state whores. the good slaves were given hot ass bitches, that's how they maximized the efficiency of their slave force.

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That's right, I thought everybody knew by now that the current consensus is that the builders weren't slaves and not even foreigners.


Reducing the meaning of the pyramids to "shitloads of manpower, just vast incredible amounts of it, was used to build a huge pile of rocks that does absolutely nothing besides show off how badass the pharaohs were" (MisterE) implies that no great construction or technological advancement was ever worth it besides the ones that were completed in the same generation/culture that started them. The argument is that there is no place for wonders in human history, because the cost is too great for any technological or architectural feat to inspire further generations to greatness.


I think the opposite is true. I think these are the truly great achievements, the ones that point a big middle finger to our individual tribalistic conceptions of time and culture, and allow us to touch a society far, far away. What kind of potential that has in life and society, even today, is impossible to quantify.


Even in western society, there are plenty of churches around that the builders who started wouldn't live to see finished. Was it all for nothing? Have you ever stood in front of a bigass church? Do you just feel disgusted by a relic of religious oppression, or is there something else?


I'm not in any way saying those individual workers were worthless, just like it's ridiculous to call madmen like Genghis Khan a source of cultural advancement. But the end result is what it is, and its undoubtedly lead to a lot of cornerstones of our society.

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That's right, I thought everybody knew by now that the current consensus is that the builders weren't slaves and not even foreigners.


Reducing the meaning of the pyramids to "shitloads of manpower, just vast incredible amounts of it, was used to build a huge pile of rocks that does absolutely nothing besides show off how badass the pharaohs were" (MisterE) implies that no great construction or technological advancement was ever worth it besides the ones that were completed in the same generation/culture that started them. The argument is that there is no place for wonders in human history, because the cost is too great for any technological or architectural feat to inspire further generations to greatness.


I think the opposite is true. I think these are the truly great achievements, the ones that point a big middle finger to our individual tribalistic conceptions of time and culture, and allow us to touch a society far, far away. What kind of potential that has in life and society, even today, is impossible to quantify.


Even in western society, there are plenty of churches around that the builders who started wouldn't live to see finished. Was it all for nothing? Have you ever stood in front of a bigass church? Do you just feel disgusted by a relic of religious oppression, or is there something else?


I'm not in any way saying those individual workers were worthless, just like it's ridiculous to call madmen like Genghis Khan a source of cultural advancement. But the end result is what it is, and its undoubtedly lead to a lot of cornerstones of our society.

word, was going to say something similar. It's basically just really impressive. Go humans!

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Guest skibby

i don't care how big your cock (temple, church, pyramid ) is, it does not please god. only the truth pleases god. only love and true community.


watch the video, its not interesting cause its big. has nothing to do with god or religion, unless you think science is a religion.


and on a side note, there's your ammo MisterE -- commence with trollchan, fire the lazers.

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Guest skibby


So we're in a thread about people being impressed by pyramids...

people can be impressed by them all they want. i am. but i acknowledge realities behind them.



what realities? the ones in your mind? why do you believe your thoughts about something you haven't researched?


and here's a song to cheer u up dawg:


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