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Skinny-Dipping / Secret Swim Clubs


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do u have a secret spot that u like to skin-dip? do u belong to secret swim clubs? if not then maybe u should; it is good fun and u might meet someone who is without any clothes and so of course that could be wonderfully interesting. why not give it a try?


i luv to swim in the wild spots, with the froggys and the fishys; it reminds me of when i was a young child, without care for the world..


ahhh, yes. to be young again, if only for an instant

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Guest cult fiction

I strongly resemble LimpyLoo's avatar, so whenever I suggest a secret swim club, everyone conveniently finds an excuse not to show up.

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oh' come on then, u can't keep the secrets from watmm; besides, i want to swim naked for u friend!


Of course I can keep secrets! I don't give out my Social Security number, credit card, address, or WATMM password here for several very good reasons. "Peer pressure from Redruth/troon" being very close to the top of that list...

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i want a secret swim club but maybe with just me

and like 10 sexy ladies from all around the world and of a nice variety


i would ask if anyone knows how to set that up but i think the answer is having a few million dollars

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it's not necessarily difficult; u just need to start asking around a bit and there r plenty of women who love a swim in the nude. u need a few close women friends to make the others feel comfortable, that's all. they plan the secret swim and then u just show up with one of your close friends and of course, u must keep from become erect too often which might scare the more timid ones

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I think the last time I went skinny dipping I was out camping. Went with a buddy and 4 girls.


But I was 14. Maybe younger? I don't know. Summer between grade 8 and 9 anyways.


Haven't since.


Does this count?

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Durig the last FIFA World cup 2010, while everyone in germany was at home sweating and watching soccer I took my bike out on the empty roads and went to a lake. the lake was deserted, so I jumped in naked. *feels good man*

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