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Fukushima Radiation


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"The video was released by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) as they continue their efforts to make safe the nuclear plant wrecked byJapan's 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Highly radioactive water was detected inside the No. 3 reactor building at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant, Tepco said.

It is believed that the water may have leaked from within the reactor.

The water was found to have high levels of radioactive cesium and cobalt, but Tepco claimed none of the water has leaked out of the building itself.

A report in December suggested it would take five years to put an end to radioactive water leaks in and around the plant.




'tepco says no water has leaked out of the building' , lol yeah lets trust tepco 's word on this one, makes a lot of sense


this article was released today at The Telegraph

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John E: The Japanese were so posses off with Tepco and the political management if the situation that the president was ousted very quickly. I don't know where you get your information from.


And here is a great article regarding Fukushima myths.


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i didn't say they weren't pissed off, i just don't think they are pissed off enough personally. I get my information from a lot of places.

that article does a good job of debunking some of the myths, but does a piss poor job of also illuminating some of the reality of a continuing to leak nuclear reactor.

i guess what irritates me most about that article is it seems to knee jerk to the opposite side of alarmist type articles, why is it so hard to find middle ground in this discussion that starts off with the basic facts?

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Huh, awe looking for a middle ground in a discussion? What!? What kind of trickery is this?


* jumps on the emotionally driven hyperbole bike to look for personally picked basic facts*



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baph's link was pretty OK


most of the sciency articles i've read about this (i also live on the pacific coast) suggest there's no cause for alarm re: personal health


though it kinda irks me that people are more concerned about their personal health than about the health of the ocean, where the radiation actually significantly impacted the state of ocean life

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though it kinda irks me that people are more concerned about their personal health than about the health of the ocean


I think the image of people dying of cancer in droves is a lot worse than fish dying, which is why it's worth investigating for peace of mind anyway. But baph's article is making me crave some sushi with eel or something so fuck it brah

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If you are worried about radiation exposure you can take Spirulina/Chlorella, Krill Oil, Vitamin D, and Potassium Idoidide supplements to combat it. Personally, I'm not a fan of things like highest safe exposure and all that. It doesn't account for all the variables of exposure and cross-reactivity.

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though it kinda irks me that people are more concerned about their personal health than about the health of the ocean


I think the image of people dying of cancer in droves is a lot worse than fish dying, which is why it's worth investigating for peace of mind anyway. But baph's article is making me crave some sushi with eel or something so fuck it brah



yes, and people will eventually be affected by or die from the radiation in the ocean, since you know, we are not separate from our food and the environments of the earth. people immediately dying from cancer is sad (though this thread has essentially said that that isn't happening to the demographic that thinks it is), but people and massive amounts of other life suffering for extremely long periods of time is worse, and that's where the fukushima tragedy really is, that's all i'm saying. westerners up in arms about their sushi can suck taint imo

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Oh,and doesn't smoking weed help your body with radioactive exposure? I think it does.


i think this was on the joe rogan experience



Supposedly the plant also cleans it from the soil.

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i didn't say they weren't pissed off, i just don't think they are pissed off enough personally. I get my information from a lot of places. that article does a good job of debunking some of the myths, but does a piss poor job of also illuminating some of the reality of a continuing to leak nuclear reactor. i guess what irritates me most about that article is it seems to knee jerk to the opposite side of alarmist type articles, why is it so hard to find middle ground in this discussion that starts off with the basic facts?
Removing the president isn't pissed off enough? What would you have them do? Yes the article doesn't discuss the reactor..it was never designed to do so. I hardly consider asking some well respected scientists a knee jerk reaction. They did lay out some pretty basic facts regarding health and safety issues. I'll see what I can dig up for you regarding current issues. In the meantime, have a read of this book. http://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/?GCOI=80140100287950 It's an excellent overview of the political and public response.



Part of the problem with what you demand of course is that it's an ongoing situation, so it is very difficult to predict outcomes.

Here is an NYtimes article: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/25/world/asia/with-a-plants-tainted-water-still-flowing-no-end-to-environmental-fears.html?pagewanted=2&_r=0

Note the last two paragraphs especially.


Here is what the OECD has learned as a result of the incident.



here is a list at LexisNexis around the topic - a mostly objective approach. If you can't get articles let me know.


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Huh, awe looking for a middle ground in a discussion? What!? What kind of trickery is this?


* jumps on the emotionally driven hyperbole bike to look for personally picked basic facts*





This would be incendiary and good for discussion if it wasn't just so fucking boring.

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