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Acid Mothers Temple


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Someone posted some Acid Mothers Temple on here a while ago, and I remember being quite into it. The dilemma is that they have a metric fuckton of releases and it is hard to know where to start. Any aficionados of this band care to recommend some good entry points?

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Are you chronographily neurotic like I can be at times? Because then it's easy where to start.


Otherwise just pick an album that looks good to you and acquire it.

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Agree with Phoenix that you can start pretty much everywhere you want, their output is pretty consistant afaik (I only have heard about 7 or 8 albums though).

I started with "Troubadours from another heavenly world" because it holds their most beautiful song (track 2). Also "IAO Chant from the Cosmic Inferno" and "Dark Side Of The Black Moon What Planet Are We On" are the ones I keep coming back to, and I just picked those randomly from their discography.

But, having Pink Lady Lemonade is essential imo. The best version of that (60 minute) track is the first track on an AMT compilation ( http://www.discogs.com/Various-Do-Whatever-You-Want-Dont-Do-Whatever-You-Dont-Want/release/628638 ), so maybe that's a good start as well.

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Otherwise just pick an album that looks good to you and acquire it.




i honestly don't get these questions like "where to start". either start at the beginning or start anywhere. besides, you said you "got quite into it" so didn't you already start there?


btw: they have a new album and cotton casino is back :)

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IAO Chant etc is probably my favorite


The last track on Crystal Rainbow Pyramid Under the Stars is great, too


I can't say that I've heard every AMT release, but has anyone?


I mean, there are two different albums called Pink Lady Lemonade and even more versions of PLL floating around so I don't even

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Otherwise just pick an album that looks good to you and acquire it.



i honestly don't get these questions like "where to start". either start at the beginning or start anywhere. besides, you said you "got quite into it" so didn't you already start there?


btw: they have a new album and cotton casino is back :)

Well, the whole point is to start a music discussion, hence the name of the sub forum. Derp.

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I'm really into the Seadrum/House of Sun album by Boredoms and while this is it's own thing it really scratches that long exploratory head trip itch that desperately needs some scratchin' in these chill vapor post dub cloud step times.

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