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Astrology in Ancient Egypt

Astrology in Egypt, especially prehistoric astrology in ancient Egypt, may someday be regarded as the most effective ever devised in human history. Great Pyramid astrology is the true astrology of ancient Egypt. This astrology is composed of numerous mathematical proportions and ratios built into its architecture, including pi and phi. The astrology of the Great Pyramid is composed of a structure that is sited to to true North…with more precision than that of the Greenwich or Paris Observatories. Many architects feel that the great pyramid is one of the greatest structures ever built, and that even today, to build a duplicate pyramid would be an impossible feat. Substantial proofs and convincing arguments exist that the pyramid complex, composed of the great pyramid and two smaller ones just to the side of it, and the sphinx below it, are derivative of a prehistorical culture; the pyramid complex represents the astrology of the ancient Egyptians.

Note: If you are looking for astrology practiced in Egypt, in Alexandria, well, this astrology was essentially Greek and Roman in nature. No writings exist that would later serve as a text for civilizations to come; we have no history of great Egyptian teachers of astrology who traveled to Greece and Rome, or of Greek and Roman astrologers who studied at the feet of the Egyptians. Egyptian astrology is not found in text, but it is written in the stone of the great pyramid found on the Giza plain located outside of Cairo.

For example, the temple at Dendra. This structure has many astrological intaglios and designs. It was built during the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius. This temple is not an example of Egyptian astrology. It is an exemplar of the Hellenic astrology practiced in the Roman Empire, in the province of Egypt.

For more on the Greek and Roman astrologers visit our section on Ancient Astrology Texts.

What is the Great Pyramid?

Great-Pyramid11.jpgThe Great Pyramid is a huge structure, taking up 13 acres, 50 stories high and for the first 3800 years of recorded history the tallest building on the planet; it is located some ten miles outside of Cairo, Egypt. While there are other pyramids scattered about the planet, many in Egypt (around 80), none are taller than this one; the pyramid of the Sun in Mexico is a midget compared to it. None of the other pyramids are built as well as this one. With the exception of the white limestone facing that was removed in the 1300’s it has kept its look, its proportions, and its hundreds of unique features that no other building on the planet possesses (we must include the two smaller pyramids on its south west probably builtpyramidC-300x124.jpgwith it). For example, the ancient true entrance, the louvered one that featured a perfectly working twenty ton swivel door when discovered, the one that leads into the descending passage is sited exactly to true north of the earth, not magnetic north but true north. And the great pyramid is sited more accurately than the Greenwich Observatory in England or the Paris Observatory in France. So each edge of the pyramid faces North, South, West, and East, exactly. Thus in the movement of the stars the pyramid can measure events like the placement of the North Star, which because of precession does move through the constellations (presently, it is Polaris). Thus it can be used to understand and calculate Precession, to calculate when for example we move from Pisces into Aquarius or from the Age of Virgo into Leo. Hipparchus, the Greek astrologer, discovered precession. But it was already built into the mathematical constants of the Great Pyramid. Another measurement: in 1865 Piazzi Smythe measured the circumference of the Great Pyramid in inches. That measurement turned out to be 36524.2 inches. The average length of a year is 365.24 days; that is the time it takes the earth to orbit the sun. Whoever built the pyramid knew how to measure the orbit of the earth around the sun, knew that the earth was not flat, that the Sun did not orbit the earth, and how to site the construction of a building to true north with more accuracy than is possible today.

For thousands of years it stood as a white pyramid; it was so bright it could be seen from the mountains in Israel. Strabo, commenting in the 1st Century AD on its beautiful, smooth limestone casing, said:

It seemed like a building let down from heaven, untouched by human hands.

No one really knows who built it, or what for. And no one it seems was able to get inside of it.

The funeral tomb raiders in ancient Egypt were highly accomplished thieves. If they knew where a Pharaoh had been entombed, they would figure out a way to enter, bypassing all the traps and mis-directions, and remove all the gold and jewels and numerous other valuables. There were very cleverly hidden burial sites that they were never able to uncover. These would be found with more modern scientific techniques, and their contents can be viewed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and in museums and private collections all over Europe and America.

03_Giza_pyramid_complex-300x199.jpgThe Great Pyramid sits on the granite plateau of the Giza plain and it can be seen for miles. Aneas probably gazed on it; Abraham and his descendants including Joseph where there; Moses and Aaron gazed on it; Solomon most likely stood on the Giza plain. History says that Alexander, as Pharaoh of Egypt, which was one of his titles, spent an evening in the King’s Chamber, and stated that the evening he spent there affected him deeply. Julius Caesar was there; Augustus was there; Jesus Christ was there. Napoleon, who spent his evening in the Kings Chamber emerged the following morning very shaken and would never discuss his experience until the end of his life. Winston Churchill, Mao, and Richard Nixon were there.

It never deteriorated very much over the thousands of years it has been sitting there; it certainly outlived the other six of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World; and it was probably there long before any of them were constructed. In many ways it is the wonder of history.

Finally, in 820 AD the local Caliph, MaMun, organized a team of miners who dug a tunnel into the base of the pyramid and in their efforts finally intersected one of the interior tunnels. They were in.

Since Egypt had thousands of burial vaults almost always filled with vast wealth, it was hoped that drilling into the largest “burial vault” in the world would yield untold wealth.

What did they find? Nothing. Inside, as they explored its passages and rooms, they found no walls depicting Pharaohs receiving tribute from vassal nations; or of a Pharaoh commanding an army from a golden chariot; no gods and goddesses going about their daily business, or beautiful half naked large-eyed women holding baskets of golden grain, or quiet wise looking Abyssinian temple cats gazing at something a little just behind you. There were no huge bronze caskets, filled with specially minted gold coins, another filled with precious jewels. No mummies were found wrapped in specially treated linens.

What they did find were passages, some very strangely made like that which led into the King’s Chamber: It came to be called the Ascending Gallery. The two rooms they found, the highest above the other, but not directly above each other, they named the King’s chamber and the Queen’s Chamber. These rooms looked a tiny bit like what the Caliph and his queen would live in. They still have those names today. That is not necessarily the names that would have been used by the builders.

So what they were finding was nothing—no gold, no wealth, not even bathrooms, or guard rooms, or storerooms, or waiting rooms, just these two “chambers”. The air however, was fresh and the temperature remained a constant 68⁰ Fahrenheit, essentially what it is today when you visit, 1200 years later. The “king’s chamber” features a long rectangular stone box made of red granite. It was called the “sarcophagus”. This red granite stone is filled with high quartz, and it is very, very hard. It has no engraving on it, no friezes. It is just a big stone box. The interior is highly polished and is over 6 feet long, enough for most bodies to lie in it. If however, you were to hit the side of it with a rubber hammer, or such, you would get a beautiful tone, and over the centuries many people have commented on the beautiful tone that comes out of this stone. Recently, this tone has been measured to be exactly 440 cps (Hertz Scale). Another interesting fact is that the granite box is larger than the entrance. Therefore, it had to be in the room when it was built, or there is another entrance no one knows about, which enabled the builders to bring it in later.

Who built this? No one knows. There lots of theories. One, presently accepted by academic Egyptologists, is that it is the burial vault of Pharaoh Khufu, who ruled around 2550 b.c. This evidence comes from a cartouche found by the 19th century explorer, Colonel Vyce, from a painted cartouche found in a small crawlspace above the king’s chamber. The cartouche is supposedly Khufu’s, but it is written in a hieroglyphics not extant in 2550 b.c. but dated many centuries later, and it has a misspelling extant in the mid-19th century hieroglyphic textbooks of Colonel Vyce’s time. So the conclusion is that it is a likely forgery. Also note that in antiquity Khufu was the designated builder chosen by many historians, but all that demonstrates is that historical error can perpetuate itself for millennia.

The other problem with the Khufu theory is: Where is Khufu? Where are the pictures, the chiseled stone hieroglyphics that depict his greatest decrees, his triumphs in war, and where is his mummy; where are the grain and food and gold to see him through his journey into the afterlife? Other than that one likely forged cartouche, there is nothing of Khufu or any other Pharaoh in this fifty story thirteen acre structure.

Mathematical Constants and Scientific Values in Great Pyramid Astrology

Where to start in this astrology in ancient Egypt?

The Solar Year. The mean year is 365.24 days. Proportions show the year all through the pyramid. Its perimeter measured in inches (36524.2), divided by a hundred, equals 365.24. Pyramid inches, measured by something called the Golden Cubit exactly match the British inch out to four decimal places. When the length of the antechamber, measured in inches, is employed as the diameter for a perfect circle, that circle measures out at exactly 364.24 inches. In another place, the length of the base side of the entire pyramid is 9131 inches, and when it is divided by the sacred cubit number of 25 inches, again you get 365.24 or the exact number of days in a year. Try it on your calculator right now: you will get that figure.

Distance to the Sun. Go to the base of the pyramid, take half the diagonal of that base measured in inches, multiply it by 10⁶, and you get the average mean distance between the Earth and the Sun. The height of the pyramid, from apex to bottom, measured in inches and multiplied by 10⁹ equals about 92,000,000 miles, the mean distance of Earth from the Sun. These are just two ways to calculate this; there are others.

Radius of the Sun

Measure the full perimeter of the coffer in the upper chamber: it is 270.43378 pyramid inches. Multiply that number by 10⁸. Convert those inches into miles, and you will get 427,316 miles, the radius of the Sun.

Polar Radius,

or the distance from true north pole to the center of the Earth. Take the Sacred Cubit, 25 pyramid inches, and multiply it by 10⁷. Turn the inches into miles and you get 3950 miles, a very accurate polar radius for the Earth.

Light Speed from Sun to Earth

Time it takes light to travel from Sun to Earth. Take the height of the pyramid (5,813,2355653) and subtract from it the height of the capstone (103.0369176 inches), then divide that figure by 10⁶. It turns out that it is 8 minutes 13.36 seconds.

The Speed of Light

Since the distance between the Sun and Earth is known, and the time it takes light to get to the earth from the Sun is known, it is now very simple to calculate the speed of light, which comes out to 186,282 miles per second. I will make a prediction here, not really a prediction, just common sense: Einstein’s equation, energy equals mass times the speed of light squared will be discovered in the proportions and ratios and constants of the great pyramid.

And more

One could go on and on with this. In these proportions and constants you can calculate the circumference of Earth at the Equator, the Earth’s volume, the Earth’s mass, the average Earth land height above sea level on the planet, which happens to be the height of the great pyramid.

designofconcaveA.jpgThe Sides or Faces of the Pyramid

The four sides or faces of the Great Pyramid are aligned exactly to: true north, true south, true east, true west. Their alignment to these points is more accurate than that of the Paris or Greenwich observatories.

The Faces

Each facing is slightly concave. At the center of each face is an indentation, precise and exact, probably added as a focusing agent. Before the polished white limestone casing was pried off by the primitives, if viewed from above, each concave facing would have been instantly recognizable. These facings resembled antenna dishes for receiving and collecting energy of some sort. Apparently, this is the only pyramid we know of on the planet that has concave facing. For example, none of the other 79 pyramids located in Egypt have this concave facing.

As a Sun Dial

Yes, the Great Pyramid is a sun dial also. On the Vernal Equinox, at noon, due to the angle of the sides or facings (51⁰51′14.3″), versus its latitude, no shadow is cast. The pyramid measures out the exact time of solstices and equinoxes.

Astrology of the Great Pyramid


There is no hieroglyphic writing or image in the Great Pyramid, just the language of math. To access the astrology of the pyramid we must examine what this math is talking about. One important theme found in the mathematical constants of the great pyramid is axial precession, or the precession of the equinoxes, when stars are moving in a retrograde motion across the sky in a 26,000 year cycle. The precession found in the language of the Great Pyramid moves back deeply into prehistory. To define and work with a period this long implies a concern about the entire human race—its growth, its evolution, its safety.

The Bright Star Sirius

Sirius225.jpgThis is the first star I ever looked at through a telescope. The Southern shaft of the lower chamber (at 39⁰ 30′ 00″) pointed directly at Sirius in 2450 BC and possibly received its energy directly. Sirius is a double or possibly triple star system. It is the brightest star in the sky, located 8.7 light years from our solar system. It is orbited by its companion, Sirius B; when that orbit is far away from Sirius A there are probably less magnetic field disturbances. When they are close together, within five astronomical units, the magnetic fluctuations are probably far more intense. These are somewhat measurable again with astronomical tools. However, when a serious magnetic disturbance is recorded on Sirius, you must realize it happened 8.7 years previously. If it were proved that stars send out faster than light energy, to judge its influence you would have to show its influence is instant. If there were no faster than light energy, to judge Sirius’ influence you would have to factor in the 8.7 light years it took to reach our solar system. Maybe you would have to compare both times to judge the influence. What is true is the builders watched Sirius very closely and considered it a major player in astrology. Another interesting point: They never used constellations: They went directly to suns and worked with the energy therein. Sirius has traditionally been called the “dog star”, because it is in a dog constellation, and is the alpha star of Canis Major (Big Dog). I have noticed that people with a strong placement of Sirius conjunct one of their planets, like Mars or the Sun tend to have a special affinity with dogs and cats. Precession and proper motion of the stars tends to scramble constellations, and thousands of years earlier Sirius might have been seen in a different collection of stars. Sirius itself still may exert the effect that it does and for the next 60,000 years will move closer to our solar system. What I probably should say is that people with a very strong Sirius in their charts have a gift of being able to calm and tame and soothe animals in general, not just dogs and cats. And it could be even a higher quality than that Sirius influence imparts, say the gift of making things prosper and become fruitful. Whatever it is the Builders were very careful to incorporate this influence into their astrology, and bring it into the Great Pyramid.

Suns in the Orion Constellation

Alnitak-300x257.jpgTwo shafts in the Great Pyramid point to stars in the Orion constellation. The south shaft of the upper chamber points to the bright star Al Nitak. This very powerful energetic star sits to the east of Orion’s Belt. It is 736 light years away from our solar system (this was determined recently by stellar parallax measured from the Hipparchus satellite; the old figure was 1500 light years). Al Nitak is not actually one star. It is composed of three and possibly four suns orbiting each other. The mass of Al Nitak is 28 times that of our Sun. It puts out enormous energy, and all through history people have looked up at it, because it is easily visible in the sky. Many qualities have been ascribed to this star. The Arabs called it one of the “three golden grains”, the Chinese called it “the weighing beam”, the Seri Indians in Northern Mexico called it “the hunter”. The builders devoted an entire shaft to this triple star. Somehow its energy was vital and necessary to whatever tasks they were performing. So now there are two major stars that the builders considered supremely important.

Mirroring Orion’s Belt

Do the bright stars in Orion’s belt, Al Nitak, Al Nilam and Mentaka, exactly mirror the configuration and layout of the three pyramids found on the Giza plain. This is a correspondence a lot of us wanted to be true. When you look at the Belt of Orion and the three pyramids, it looks like an exact fit. However, when software is used to reproduce what the constellations looked like at various past eras, this beautiful theory does not hold up, not when tested against reality. For more on that, go here

Constellations Versus Suns in Great Pyramid Astrology

Theorizing the correspondence of the three pyramids placement to the belt of Orion points to another problem with the builders’ astrology. I believe that most of their astrology/astronomy was based on the influence of individual suns, not on their grouping in constellations.

The mathematical constants embedded in the pyramid talk quite a bit about our solar system’s sun: They give its mean radius, its mean circumference, its mean distance from the Earth. They probably embody constants we only dimly grasp today, like what happens in the center of the Sun as it affects our Earth, and like when the Earth and the Sun and other planets and certain bright stars line up in configurations and create certain kinds of energies. Astronomers scoff at such ideas today. The builders took these configurations and their implications very seriously.

It is possible that the math in the Great Pyramid embodies faster than light equations; possibly it embodies measurements as to how other suns affect our sun and our Earth; possibly its constants can show how the Sun affect the ebb and flow of energies we are only dimly aware of at present; possibly a new definition of “life force” will be found in the mathematical constants found in the pyramid. Let’s not forget that it was Isaac Newton who was one of the first astrologer/astronomers who was interested in pyramid constants.

In the astrology of the pyramid builders, constellations are never mentioned, while suns are everywhere. Oddly, we see this emphasis on suns in Sumerian astrology.

If there is faster than light speed in the universe, the influence of a major change in the triple star Al Nitak, like its turbulent magnetic storms, something quite possible when three or four suns orbit each other, it is possible that this would be instantly recognizable on Earth. Did the builders know of and work with faster than light speeds. If the faster than light phenomenon exists, they knew about it.

Quite possibly they used different types and quantities of solar energy and star energy to achieve their aims. When this knowledge is recovered, the new astrology will be almost unrecognizable compared to what it is today!


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All of the typical horoscope charactoristics are always so positive and flatter our egos. It would make it more interesting if it said something like Pisces are usually dickheads in the workplace and Sagitarius people tend to be rubbish using their hands for example.

But then the moon affects us so in theory why not stars and other planets?


I find it hard to believe in really

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  • 6 years later...

Seriously, can anyone explain to me how this is a thing still (or again)?

Probably my own fault for following the wrong people on social media but I see so much of this silly horoscope talk.

I remain optimistic that it's a meme but it does look awfully unironic at times.

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3 hours ago, manmower said:

Seriously, can anyone explain to me how this is a thing still (or again)?

Ever since the death of God there's been a vacancy open. Deep instinctual need for a sense of spiritual structure in the world, plus the innate modern satisfaction of filling out questionaires about yourself. presents these things in readily accessible form, without the deeper commitment of actual spiritual practice or rigorous self-analysis. Like the psychological equivalent of a tv dinner, or the spiritual analogue to a one night stand


and it's like 60% of what random girls at parties want to talk about


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5 hours ago, manmower said:

Seriously, can anyone explain to me how this is a thing still (or again)?

Probably my own fault for following the wrong people on social media but I see so much of this silly horoscope talk.

I remain optimistic that it's a meme but it does look awfully unironic at times.

Omg, that is like such a gemini thing to say!

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