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Chen, if US gov't funded 'America Today', do you think GG would say similar things to his defenses of RT? (Tell me with a straight-face that you think the answer is 'yes')


Also: "Russia just invaded Crimea...this is a perfect jumping-off point to criticize US foreign policy and point out how much worse it is than Russia's"


No bias there?

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Chen, if US gov't funded 'America Today', do you think GG would say similar things to his defenses of RT? (Tell me with a straight-face that you think the answer is 'yes')


Also: "Russia just invaded Crimea...this is a perfect jumping-off point to criticize US foreign policy and point out how much worse it is than Russia's"


No bias there?

I have no idea how Greenwald would respond to your hypothetical situation.


What do you see as bias there? Do you remember the second part of the quote from the economist (who coined your term of the day "whataboutism") in how the way to defeat that is to shine a fiercer light on your own country's media and your own government's policies?


Again: just because Greenwald expends his efforts criticizing American foreign policy does not mean he is pro-Putin as you originally claimed, nor does he mean he has a bias in favor of Russian policy. It simply means he chooses to expend his efforts where he feels he can maybe effect change.

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ok folks seems like someone posted an infowars link unironically. We have reach peak retard. Please evacuate the thread in an orderly manner




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I don't think Chen quite understands what bias means.

Yeah I mean this is pretty simple, obvious stuff really

If there was an "America Today", GG would not treat it the way he treats RT...he would (rightly) tear it to shreds every chance he got

That is just the most obvious thing in the world

I would expect Alco and Godel to deny it

But Chen knows better

ClarkTrent...what are your thoughts on crisis actors?

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I don't think Chen quite understands what bias means.

Yeah I mean this is pretty simple, obvious stuff really

If there was an "America Today", GG would not treat it the way he treats RT...he would (rightly) tear it to shreds every chance he got

That is just the most obvious thing in the world

I would expect Alco and Godel to deny it

But Chen knows better

ClarkTrent...what are your thoughts on crisis actors?



jesus christ man, it's not that hard. you initially claimed gg and JE/hot legs were "pro putin." now you've completely changed your position and are being all like "if there was an AT he totally wouldn't act that way heart of hearts lol." prove a "pro putin" position. not this vague shit about how gg is more focused on american issues. no one is denying that he is. but that's not "pro putin,"


and don't say some shit about how i just come into your threads to disagree with you. you basically spam this place and very occasionally i call you out.

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You keep repeating your points limpy, it doesn't make them any more valid the 100th time round.


Caze-bring an argument, don't just passively aggressively troll.

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Alco, what don't you get about "pro-Putin bias"...

For instance, he makes excuses for RT whereas he wouldn't for AT



Here is a certain journalist speculating that the Panama Papers was actually a U.S. Neo-Cold War Psy-Ops thingie: https://mobile.twitter.com/FluorescentGrey/status/716755782067290112


RM and AM both have a history of defending Putin against all the 'multi-billion dollar personal fortune' accusations

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first of all, none of your links demonstrates any evidence of "pro-putin" bias. maybe you didn't really mean "pro-putin" and meant more like "not as critical of russia as of US" but then you have to own that.


but second i think posting random tweets from a former watmm member is weird and you should stop.

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I can't find one mention from any of them about Putin's history of assassinating journalists (and other political opponents)

They are extremely concerned with how the U.S. Gov't treats journalists...but I've never seen them mention how Putin treats them

And RT never seemed to mention it

(I'll keep looking though)

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first of all, none of your links demonstrates any evidence of "pro-putin" bias. maybe you didn't really mean "pro-putin" and meant more like "not as critical of russia as of US" but then you have to own that.


but second i think posting random tweets from a former watmm member is weird and you should stop.

I probably should have said "Tacitly pro-Putin"

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Here is how RT talks about Putin's assassination of journalists



Lol that is a story about an American presidential candidate talking about Putin. This presidential candidate said that shit on ABC, so clearly ABC has a pro-Putin bias boner.


Sarcasm aside, what Trump said on ABC? That's pretty strong evidence of pro-Putinism.

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