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jordan peterson


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Not really comparable entities imo.


Did you even read the article? It's fun!

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I sure chuckled a few times reading the NYT article earlier. Not sure I'd call it fun, but it made me laugh at how pathetic Peterson is. I almost feel bad for his followers tbh. Almost.

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I sure chuckled a few times reading the Shapiro article earlier. Not sure I'd call it fun, but it made me laugh at how pathetic the media is. I almost feel bad for those who buy into it tbh. Almost.

look! i aslo can make helpful and constructive arguments!
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I'm not trying to be helpful. Fuck this thread and fuck Peterson. :) He's a piece of shit.

I'll still post here of course, but seriously, fuck Peterson. Just trying to get the thread shut down at this point.

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Osteen Acid (vessel of gold remix)

I know nothing of the politics of The Daily Wire, but is the name of the site ironycore....... leading people along


see actually the article, that's kind of the point, man and woman shouldn't be "yin and yang", it's human perception making them all oppositecore. I think some of the people wanting men to be Yang af just actually want...... wang?

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Eh, MIXL2. JP really showed himself to be dumber than I thought in the New York Times article. And I thought he was pretty dumb. Just read Hunter S. Thompson or something. 

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So yeah , I saw Richard Dawkins speak this week.


He said Muslims were the biggest victims of Islam and people gasped.


What do you all think of him ? Another dumb professor ?


maybe his books are better I dunno. He definitely crosses the line into downright sadistic at times, like just an excuse for latent psychopathy, what the shit?



very mature person obv


maybe this youtube isn't so bad but naming your book THE GOD DELUSION is like almost clickbait-y

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I don't know if sometimes atheists make assumptions about the "this is meant to be taken literally" quotient across world religions. First of all I think like Buddhist stuff has like way different interpretations based on what part of the world, almost like Buddhist version of Lutheran but tl;dr and we don't talk about that? Not really sure though. I know Confucius stuff it's like that, there is the element who is just like 'good teacher' but some drawings of him are like literal halo around his head and stuff, man/God stuff that Christians are guilty of

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I like this part




hate when religion gets like "all other media is evul, Christian movie industry is gud, Zootopia is satanic, tl;dr other people's interpretations of life suck". Almost like they fear the Bible was shit made up on the spot if someone can make up a clever movie on the spot

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I sure chuckled a few times reading the NYT article earlier. Not sure I'd call it fun, but it made me laugh at how pathetic Peterson is. I almost feel bad for his followers tbh. Almost.

they are holding on so tightly though

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The NYT article made him sound like a 4chan guy who hoards tons of tacky memorabilia. Hoardin’ Peterson.

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Eh, MIXL2. JP really showed himself to be dumber than I thought in the New York Times article. And I thought he was pretty dumb. Just read Hunter S. Thompson or something.

indeed, that's what you see.. yet what I see is yet another piece attempting to attack him and not his ideas.. I give the article credit for not smearing an adjective to him tho (altough as pointed out in the shapiro article, it does imply several things indirectly).. such as "hitler" or "jewish shill" or "piece of shit"



but just seems so pointless to piss on something in the comfort of your own little circle with no intention to have your statements and arguments fact checked or even held to the usual standards you would see in a two sided debate ...

yes, this is the core of the issue I think.
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All they had to do was ask him a couple of questions and quote him and all of his ideas vanished. He strongly suggests things but always phrases it in a way to have plausible deniability in case he gets called out. Then he’ll cry about being attacked for his ideas. It’s a stupid game and dude did you see those quotes


He is a walking talking shit dildo

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All they had to do was ask him a couple of questions and quote him and all of his ideas vanished. He strongly suggests things but always phrases it in a way to have plausible deniability in case he gets called out. Then he’ll cry about being attacked for his ideas. It’s a stupid game and dude did you see those quotes


He is a walking talking shit dildo


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All they had to do was ask him a couple of questions and quote him and all of his ideas vanished. He strongly suggests things but always phrases it in a way to have plausible deniability in case he gets called out. Then he’ll cry about being attacked for his ideas. It’s a stupid game and dude did you see those quotes


He is a walking talking shit dildo

I will accuse you also of being a walking talking shit dildo


indeed, a very stupid game

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Personal attacks aren’t nice. Clean your room.


Now pay me $200 for a 45 minute Skype session where you complain and I tell you it’s not your fault...deal?

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and we used to be such friends, my sweet owlchild


PM me if you want to keep personally attacking me tho, k? thnx

This thread is for shitting on the manchild making $40K a month off of sadbois

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